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/lit/ - Literature

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2461170 No.2461170 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good foreveralone books? What I've read and loved:

Notes from Underground
Steppenwolf (though he's not that foreveralone his mindset seems the same)

>> No.2461176
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>> No.2461174

The Sorrows of Young Werther? It has a foreveralone premise but I wouldn't know if it truly fits into this category since I haven't read it yet.

>> No.2461173

against nature

>> No.2461241
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>> No.2461266

>The Stranger
>Journey to the End of the Night

Those two at least aren't foreveralone. Hell, Ferdinand lays a woman every other page and travels the world interacting with everyone.

>> No.2461276

Right, that's not an exclusively foreveralone list. It's just an /r9k/ general list (which include misanthropy, depression, isolation, etc without the foreveralone part too). Thought it'd still go with the thread though.

>> No.2461291

Why would you claim Notes From Underground is a forever alone book? You feel encouraged to be him or something?

>> No.2461294

My thoughts are pretty similar to his, though I don't act anything like him around people.

>> No.2461303

The man had sex, doesn't seem very forever alone to me

>> No.2461309

>El Túnel

One of the very few spanish language books I can swallow. Shit is unnerving on all fronts. It also contains within it what I consider to be one of the better mystery novels (Hunter's tale to Mimi).

I would recommend Arlt's work, but I don't know if it's translated.


A short search later, maybe so? Mad Toy (El Juguete Rabioso) fits very nicely here, I think.

>> No.2461310

He pays for it. I would too if I knew where to go.

>> No.2461318

Hunger - Knut Hamsun

>> No.2461501

le bump

>> No.2461508

No good book is about a foreveralone because being foreveralone is not interesting to read about.

>> No.2461515
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El Tunel is probably the antihesis of foreveralone.

Shit list, shit thread.

>> No.2461522


other foreveralones would find it interesting/relatable

>> No.2461525
File: 29 KB, 310x475, McCullers - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recommended /r9k/ reading
Shit response from a shit posting tripfag

Do you know of any books to add? No? Fuck off.

>> No.2461538
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>> No.2461546

He pays for it as an added insult.

You forever alones would be too afraid to give a person any form of insult to their face, besides simply existing.

>> No.2461569

God damn that book is good

>> No.2461571

People actually use the term "foreveralone" in real life? No wonder you're friendless.

>> No.2461574
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who the fuck are you even talking to? nevermind. i don't care.

>> No.2461595
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i lol'd

>> No.2461604
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Sult, by Hamsun

>> No.2461618

Just read a bit from wikipedia so as not to spoil anything and it sounds good, thanks gentlemen.

It's hard for me trust anything Oprah recommends. Anyone else seconding the rec?

>> No.2461628

basically any existentialist writing considering loneliness is both the isolating and congregational or empathetic human condition in that strain of thought.

i was trying to find a quote on loneliness. it was at the bottom of some writers wikipedia page but ive lost . oh well.

>> No.2461631

Confederacy of Dunces, shit is hilarious