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/lit/ - Literature

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2460604 No.2460604 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we pretend to be writers if they lived in current times and went to /lit/.

So /lit/ my idea for a novel is about this pedophile who falls in love with a 12 year old girl and marries her mom to stay close to her, but I don't want it to be an obvious send up nor to feel like it's patronizing.

>> No.2460613
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>> No.2460618

My idea for a book is about a mopey loner who suddenly starts boning a nice piece of ass but then one day he shoots a guy and then he goes to jail and is sentenced to death. He's all mopey about it first, it's like it doesn't even phase him, and then at the end he's like "Well, fuck, man, life could've been great, but nevermind, I guess."

>> No.2460619

I wanna write a book about a green naked lady, beams of light that talk and a crazy intergalactic smeagol.

>> No.2460623
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I've heard those are very good to wipe your arse with. I think I might write a book about that.

>> No.2460626
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>> No.2460649

What's all this then?

>> No.2460657

I feel like writing a book on how one use would his rationality and brain to figure stuff out in life because I received a narrow minded education and I'm basically surrounded by morons.
The premise would be to doubt everything and see if some unavoidable truth comes up. From that I figured thinking would be the first step am I right? but from that I have a hard time coming with the direct absolute consequence.. I think, therefore..
can you help a brother out /lit ?

>> No.2460662


Perelandra by C.S. Lewis

>> No.2460673
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i have a bunch of plays that no theatre wants so ill just publish the scripts

>> No.2460682

I want to write about a group of tribesmen who write a contract with a deity who promises to protect them and make them powerful, and then proceed to shit on him for 2000 years, and then complain when their temple gets torched.

>> No.2460772

Oh man easy!
L'étranger by Camus

Now that's literature!

>> No.2460988

I feel downtrodden by my overpowering patriarch of a father so I feel writing something that will be a half desperate plea at some cruel death pity half anarchist social commentary. And when I die the Jews will just have their way with me!

>> No.2461186

The Golden Fleece.

>> No.2461192

Hey /lit/, I just got kicked out of boarding school, but it's okay, they were just a bunch of goddamn phonies.

>> No.2461199

So it's like this fuckin war man, World War fuckin 2, and the fucking V-2 rockets, man. All over fuckin' london, and there's this fucking guy, right? He's called Slothrop, and get this, get this - whenever this guy fucks a chick, a couple days later, one of these fuckin rockets lands in the exact same fuckin place, man. What the fuck is that? So, like, the CIA or some shit works with the British governent and sends him to mainland fuckin Europe, and he fights this fuckin octopus thing, and like, back in England they discover that the map was fake and shit, and then like the Slothrop guy totally bangs this Dutch girl who used to be like, a fuckin Nazi sex slave? So then like this fuckin German guy, who's working on the rockets, right, he goes and he fucks his own daughter, man. His own fuckin daughter! And anyway moving on, there's some shit with like some people go to a museum that's actually hell, and there's a fuckin talking, immortal light bulb, man. Oh shit, I completely forgot about the fuckin spook. So there's like this Russian guy, who has this metal leg? and anyways this russian guy's dad was serving in like the german army or some shit down in South Africa, where he banged this native chick. And anyway so now this Russian guy has a black half-brother, and he is fucking pissed. He wants to kill him, cuz, like, it's a disgrace or something in Russia to have a black half-brother. So anyways this fuckin Ruskie bangs this little girl who is actually a witch and like she totally makes him forget about his brother, and the pass each other in the night man. Fuckin haunting, man. And meanwhile this Slothrop guy, he's going across Europe looking for some V-2 parts and shit man, and like he gets all paranoid and shit and I can't really go into detail and like,

>> No.2461228

Gravity's Rainbow, Pynchon. Also don't include names like Slothrop, anyone could just look that up. It ruins the sport of it.

>> No.2461233

I wasn't doing it for the guessing, it was just for fun. Notice how nobody every actuall said guess, they just assumed it.

>> No.2461252

So I'm thinking of writing a book like Katawa Shoujo, but instead of being about cute highschool girls, it will be about bitchy sociopaths who do nothing but complain about how the world hates them and commit crimes.
It will be an instant hit.

>> No.2461282

The fact of the matter is that the greats, if they lived in our current times, wouldn't be greats, because no-one now remembers how to write. Great men once walked among us; we do not live up to their stature, we are weak and diminished. Everything is tawdry and cheap. We cannot accomplish anything of the magnitude they did. Things are gone, knowledge is gone, skills are lost. All things pass away. Sic transit gloria mundi.

>> No.2461314
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I've been planning this short story for ages, but I never got around to writing it. I want it to be about this bipolar guy in Russia that has a nervous breakdown and moves in with this horticulturist - a horticulturist so I can throw in a fuckton of metaphors. So he starts hallucinating this dude that tells him he's a prophet, and he goes all up in this wild creative shit until his wife's all like 'fuck man you're crazy' and locks him up, but then he gets TB and dies.

Do you think it's a good idea?

>> No.2461326

I'm gonna write about this time I sat a hottie on my knees, but she tasted bitter so I went home and tripped the fuck out.

>> No.2461330

and your presentation of this sentiment is the best evidence for its truth

>> No.2461328

I'm writing a story about this guy who was a child star, who's wife is an astronaut stranded in a fucked up space station. He meets this pop culture aficionado total freak with a lazy eye and together they hang out and smoke weed and shit all night.

I'm also thinking about putting a tiger in it, either accidentally in the space station or just randomly roaming round Manhattan terrorizing everyone.

What do you think /lit/?

>> No.2461333


The Black Monk. Love that story.

>> No.2461344

I don't know what this is from. More hints please.

>> No.2461346
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Sup /lit/. I need your help: I'm in med school right now but I really want to be a writer. Right now I have this idea for a book which is kind of set in a dystopian future. The main character is based on me, kind of. So the plot is that I get off on crashing cars because this other guy also fantasizes on getting off on crashing cars. I have this really great scene planned out where I kind of fuck my wife's open leg wound but I dunno where to go from there except maybe more car crashes and sex scenes. Thoughts?

>> No.2461350

This novella I'm writing has a sweet innocent girl who gets hooked on heroin. Her drug dealer is this fat ass with a fierce dog and he likes to get the dog to fuck any cashless druggie girl. I'm thinking of getting the dog to fuck her, but I'm not sure, should it happen?

>> No.2461355

To easy bro; Ryan gosling's best, Drive

>> No.2461360

Which book? Need to fap to that.

>> No.2461359
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please respond

>> No.2461362

Respond to what?

>> No.2461366
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halp plz my novel

>> No.2461368
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Uh, no.

No, I don't much care for this at all. Take me back.

>> No.2461369

Donald Goines - Dopefiend

>> No.2461371

how about if some guy

takes a really long time coming home

and his wife has to deal with a bunch of guys trying to get in her pants

>> No.2461373
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Oh god damn Lovecraft and Poe what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.2461378

(I've read it but I can't remember how it ends!)

Uh be sure to have a smart looking guy who collects video tapes of crash scenes, like that guy in Sex lies and videotape

>> No.2461382

>implying Hemingway wouldn't love hipster chicks

>doesn't read contemporary lit

seriously now is a fine time for writers (perhaps not for paper books...)

>> No.2461383

I know this.. A film came out..

>> No.2461388

OK, OK, OK, u guyz, what if I write about myself (so meta) going through hell and meeting all JFK and Stalin and Lenin and lmao some popes and some bitches I dated and stuff?

and maybe i could fit in purgatory and heaven too

>> No.2461392
