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2458946 No.2458946 [Reply] [Original]

When time travel is invented, will you travel back 20 minutes just to have sex with yourself?

>> No.2458948
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you could travel back and eat yourself

>> No.2458959
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I would only need 3 minutes.

If time travel happens, it will only be able to go forward in time.

Time Travel will be like space travel though and cost millions. And it will never be guaranteed. You may go into a future where the technology to time travel may be outlawed/no longer existent.

You will never be able to return either.

>> No.2458961


No, because I'm a profoundly unattractive man. I might go back 10+ years and tell my childhood self to eat healthy, exercise, and socialize or else this is what you will end up like.

>> No.2458962

>like your child self will listen.

>> No.2458964

Then we've already invented it.

>> No.2458968
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No. Not only am I not into men, even if it's me, but I just realized I wouldn't trust myself, I can be such a exploitive douche when it comes to sex. And also, I like to spank and pull hair, hard, but I don't enjoy being on the recieving end so I'd probably end up fighting myself.

>> No.2458969

I meant more lightspeed travel to the distant future and none of this 'freezing' nonsense either as there is no guarantee the business will still be around in the far future. (I.E like Transmetropolitan)

>> No.2458972

We're traveling in time right NOW.

>> No.2458979


Yeah Baby!

>> No.2458980

> When time travel is invented, will you travel back 20 minutes just to have sex with yourself?

You don't understand how backwards time travel would work if it worked.

There is a classic paper on the issue: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/m/merlinos/Paradoxes%20of%20Time%20Travel.pdf

Lewis is right about this.

>> No.2458991

Four letters: Rape.

>> No.2458993

>implying time is linear and not circular
You all plebs went full retard.

>> No.2458994


>implying it must be circular if it's non-linear
confirmed for boring

>> No.2458995

Get out of /lit/

>> No.2458996


implying a circular post on 4chan

>> No.2458998
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laymen talking about science are so cute

>> No.2459000
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What else could it be?
When people don't know what they are talking about, that's being a pleb.
Really? I find thrash talking buffoons that avoid discussion to be pretty assholish, and intellectual cancer.

>> No.2459002

That's weird, I thought we had all agreed that imbeciles who post their stoner-level reasoning on the internet and pretend they were some kind of intellectual because of it were intellectual cancer.

and lmao at this

>avoid discussion

If you want to discuss the nature of time, go read a couple of geometrodynamics textbooks and find a forum that supports latex, otherwise just piss off you dumb cunt.

>> No.2459003

who knows ... Knots, Links, Braids, n-dimensional manifold ... with boundary?

>> No.2459006

>u suck and ur stupid, end of rine
>Okay, but where's your argument to disprove mine?
>lol this faggots wants to discuss, get the fuck out
>stoner level reasoning
I don't find the faintest of resemblances. Adding social stigmas to an anomalous person to somehow devalidate his claims does not make up for a counter argument, and neither makes justice to your stupid and childish manners.

In words you can understand,
Fuck off to /b/. And yes, I've read a bit of geometrodynamics.
For a second, I thought I was on /b/.