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/lit/ - Literature

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2458567 No.2458567 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/,

I'm a jaded, worthless 4th year university student with no passion, drive or work ethic who will inevitably fail out and join the NEETers after grad school shoves its thorny cock up my un-lubricated virgin rectum.

I need a book that will give me a reason to give a shit.

My whole life is pic related.

>> No.2458602

Prozac, the novel.

Seriously, get drugs.

>> No.2458601

Heidegger-Being and Time
Gadamer- Truth and Method


>> No.2458603
File: 104 KB, 720x619, 1312096743871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a NEET isn't so bad *screams at sunlight and pops all her pimples*

>> No.2458607

The Stranger - Albert Camus

The meaning is there is no meaning. Feels good man

>> No.2458609

I second drugs, they've certainly helped me through university. Acid and DXM are the best.

>> No.2458613

>I need a book that will give me a reason to give a shit.
You'd need a whole lot more than a book.

It took me two felony charges, homelessness, and a failed suicide attempt to shrug and say "Whelp, might as well, ya know, do shit and own stuff."

Hopefully, it doesn't take that much for you. The other option is that you do just waste away your life. I doubt that's much fun either, but I almost envy you having the type of family/friends that would actually allow you to do that.

>> No.2458616

A book isn't going to make you give a shit. You gotta give a shit first. You might want to consider something other than grad school. Travel around or something.

>> No.2458620


The shitty part is that I come from a mid/high socio-economic background and have a loving social circle.

My parents kiss the ground I shit on and honestly consider me to be an upstanding, responsible member of society.

I know I'm not. I still don't give a shit.


>You gotta give a shit first.

You're trying to tell a depressed person to 'chin up.'

>> No.2458621
File: 97 KB, 600x430, I don't care, ok?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta find somebody to love, OP.

>> No.2458625
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A silly book for a silly problem.

>> No.2458634


This. Don't go to grad school just to go to grad school. Waiting will make it harder, but it can wait. It's too damn expansive to not take the venture seriously. Know why you're going, and go primarily to advance your career.

If you're just interested in learning in the liberal arts sense (which is noble), don't pay for it, especially if you're American. These days, higher ed is mostly just a golden ticket to job interviews that ensures a class difference. It doesn't actually reflect competence, even to employers.

>> No.2458636

>The shitty part is that I come from a mid/high socio-economic background and have a loving social circle.

That's my point. You're a soft, spoiled sack of shit. You've never had to truly fight for a single fucking thing in your life. You don't care because you don't even know _how_ to care; it's never been required. Coupled with this, you're a pussy who's never gone out on a limb into some dangerous territory where it might have become a required thing.
Which is why you're on a website expecting other people to suggest a book, of all things a book, that will somehow transform you into the kind of person who's had to go through edifying experiences you haven't.
Drop out of school and let some desperate fuck from Nigeria who knows the meaning of the word "hunger" take your place, they want it, they deserve it.

>> No.2458639

I doubt that desperate person from Nigeria is adequately equipped to deal with our modern lifestyle either. I think what OP needs is to be cut off from his parent's money. It really helps to give purpose to a life when you realize you've run out of food.

>> No.2458642

if you really dont care then why haven't you killed yourself?

>> No.2458643
File: 53 KB, 400x312, fire&wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regale us with a tale of your hardships, Behemoth.

>> No.2458647


You seem bitter, but your advice is pretty sound. I'm definitely spoiled to shit, and yeah, I've never had to fight for a damn thing.


What happens when I throw myself into the fire and don't climb out because I was never taught how?

>> No.2458652

It's not like people from Nigeria don't suffer from depression as well. What OP needs is good drugs, not whiny scientologists saying he just needs to man up.

>> No.2458661

Unfortunate people have hardships. I'm a fuck-up, all I have to tell about are my fuck-ups.

>> No.2458663


Nah, he's right. I'm not depressed. I've been babied all my life, though. Everything's been given to me on a silver platter, and I've never had to really work for any of it.

Would explain why I'm such a beta wimp, too.

Although, thinking about that shit makes me pretty depressed.

>> No.2458665

Fuck-ups fucking up make the best stories.

>> No.2458667

No passion/aspirations? Why are you on /lit/, of all boards? Don't you want to write, at least?

here's a little something:

>> No.2458668

Aww, poor Holden.

>> No.2458672

Just try the drugs.

>> No.2458677


Not the first time I've been compared to that faggot but thanks.

>> No.2458676

You usually have to lie to make those stories entertaining. It's why I write fiction.

>> No.2458686

Go to graduate school and instead of expecting to have your ass reamed, do the work and work as hard as you possibly can. That's the only real advice I have for you, and it's next to worthless because I don't know how to tell you or show you how.
Go read A Confederacy of Dunces if you want some motivation to not be a NEET, I guess.

>> No.2458712


lol u mad

But I agree though. Not OP.

>> No.2458743

how did you fuck up

>> No.2458749

Drugs and other cliches.

>> No.2458767

sound like a good time

>> No.2458812

I think the most fulfilling thing in life is to find something to do that serves people (assuming you don't hate it yourself). Even if it doesn't make you that happy, other people will be happy, and you'll feel better. Do some public service projects, start an organization on campus, make it so other people have to depend on you. You'll find that you care a lot more about yourself if you become useful to other people.

>> No.2458862

That's a tough one.

I think The Bible basically fits your description.

If you believe it, it should give you a reason to give a shit.

But if you aren't totally weak, well.......

books, books, books, which one to change your life....

You could try, The Singularity is Near, realize shit could potentially get amazing, become a singularitarian and help the cause. In grad school you could potentially work on AI, robotics, nano-tech, or some green technology to put the world into a better trajectory.

Decide that you want to be a force for good in the world, and fucking do it.

>> No.2458873


You are so many different types of faggot rolled into one.

>> No.2458876


I do not accept your anger, you will have to burn yourself without.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

>> No.2458882

He's giving OP what he wants, though. If you want to give your life purpose, the Jesusfags and the SCIENCEfags seem to be pretty good at it.

>> No.2458884

Amazing, there's a faggier layer below each faggot layer. It's like you're an onion of faggotry, tell me, do you also use reddit and like MLP?

>> No.2458885

I'm not dissing him for helping op, I'm just astounded to the concentration of failure within a single person.

>> No.2458886


My friend, I already told you, I will not take your anger.

Why do you insist on burning yourself?

As the other gentleman stated, I merely provided an answer to what the OP was seeking, from whence cometh your hostility?

>> No.2458891

>he called me names he must be mad

normie logic

>> No.2458897


That is up to you to decide, I can only judge based on your behavior, as we aren't in a real world exchange.

Calling me a fag, and a failure, seems to stem from some kind of inner disagreement within you, I only surmised it was anger.

Regardless, I don't accept your negativity. I will allow it to fester within you, and it is up to you to realize that maybe you should think in accord with nature, rather than against the flow of mambala.

>> No.2458930

I'm in the same boat as you OP.

There isn't one. There is no book, because there is no reason to give a shit about life. Life. isn't. reasonable.

But we still do have natural needs, and we still want to fulfill them. What with both of us being spoiled, most of our natural needs have been met. All except one. You already know I'm talking about; it's the reason you're posting. It's that desire that your actions will impact the world around you.

Do you know how you resolve that desire? By giving a shit. Caring about your life and the consequences leads you to attempt to direct it. It's the reason in of itself.

And a funny thing about that: once you start trying to care for yourself, empathy kicks in, and suddenly there's a reason to care about life. Life is silly like that.

>> No.2458955

Calm Christian-pacifism troll is my new favorite.

>> No.2458958

>it is up to you to realize that maybe you should think in accord with nature, rather than against the flow of mambala.


>> No.2458963


I've got my calm up to 99

