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/lit/ - Literature

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2455277 No.2455277 [Reply] [Original]

>nontraditional student
>freshman year at 26 years old
>in creative writing class reading aloud as a group
>listen to kids stumble when reading extremely simple words

How did these kids make it through high school? Now it has me thinking about the words I avoid using when speaking because I read them in a book, but don't know their conventional pronunciation.

>> No.2455290

Is your withered old man boner excited to be around young nubile flesh again?

>> No.2455297
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>mfw this
>only I'm in grad school .

>> No.2455298

Because not everyone is a good speaker. I can read Pynchon and Joyce no problem, but when reading aloud I still get my words tangled up sometimes. I thought that was normal, or at least a pretty regular speech impediment, but whatever. You snob.

>> No.2455302


It's definitely interesting. I can't date women my age because I'm in a younger person's period of life, but I don't feel like I can date these young girls because I've had more life experiences. I feel like I'm trapped between these two worlds.

>> No.2455305

Joyce is hard to read aloud because the flow is fucking weird and the word choices are odd, if there are people who can read ulysses aloud without stumbling i applaud them to the highest degree

>> No.2455316

search for joyce reading finnegans wake or something aloud

it makes perfect rhythmic sense in an irish accent

>> No.2455318


It's not just nervousness when speaking in front of the class. These people seriously can't pronounce simple words. I wish I could think of a good example. The only one that comes to mind was a guy not being able to pronounce sinew.

>> No.2455323
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>nontraditional student


>> No.2455333


lyl? What does that mean?

>> No.2455337

>can't date this
>can't date that
what the fuck, ya you can. you can date 16 year olds if you really want

>> No.2455344


I could fuck them, but why would I date them? I have nothing in common with them.

>> No.2455349

I know that feel, kind of.
I'm 23, 2nd year of college. It seems like some girls are automatically attracted to me because I'm older, but they're so distant to me on an emotional maturity level that I can barely fathom even tolerating them long enough to fuck them. And peer review in class is my fuckin' comedy hour.

>> No.2455353

How about that you've accomplished nothing with your life?

>> No.2455356

Why shoul someone not kill themselves? Is there a point?

>> No.2455366

>27 years old
>Start Grad school
>Meet a handful of guys that are amazing. Some of the first guys I really can talk to and nerd out with in an intellectual sense.
>All of them are married, engaged, or practically there.

Goddamnit everyone is married by their late twenties. I just want a fellow Literature or Philosophy nerd to love.

>> No.2455374

I get asked by my teachers since I'm 16 to use simpler words because they don't understand them.

yfw your "Ethic and Religious culture" teacher doesn't know what "intrinsic" means and you have to find another way to tell her that her christian values are not [intrisic] to mankind.

>> No.2455385

Bro/sis, I am so sorry for you. Are they just giving away teaching positions where you live?

>> No.2455393

Nobody ever accomplishes anything in their lives but death, quit your pandering.