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2453964 No.2453964 [Reply] [Original]


how is our progress..

..been writing that daily short story?

I thought not..

>> No.2454251

Alphapha is not pleased.

>> No.2454258

Yeah at least an hour every day, although I do take a day off every now and again due to circumstances like last night.

>> No.2454265


>> No.2454271

Why would I write a short story every day?

Working on two novels.

>> No.2454284

I have just finished my eighth novel today.

The third one is already under consideration for a major motion picture deal, it's gonna come out tomorrow.

>> No.2454287

5 page essay due Monday at midnight:
Progress: Zero

>> No.2454295

Who writes one short story every day? Put some fucking effort in rather than scrawling bullshit for the sole purpose of writing a short story erry day, cunt.

>> No.2454305

I have actually.

It's at 180,000 words currently. Editing it is going to be a bitch.

>> No.2454308

I always forget about the editing. I guess thats the reason the writing part is as fun as it is, to balance out the editing.

>> No.2454309


What are they about?

>> No.2454317
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The first is about a man and his daughter who have to raise enough money to pay for an operation for the mother.

The second is a romantic comedy revolving around a love triangle of two women and a man.

>> No.2454329
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Oh fuck my writing alarm just went off. Time to work.

>> No.2454336

Nope. Not everyday. I have assessments and shit coming up.
A coke habit too, but that usually improves my ability to write (note, ability, not talent.)
I got fired from work yesterday, so I should have more time.
Apparently drinking and smoking while working in the kitchen is not allowed.
How the fuck was I supposed to know?

>> No.2454341

>coke habit
>drinking and smoking in your workplace, a kitchen were food is prepared, no less

you sure sound like a healthy individual.

>> No.2454348

My dentist says my teeth are pretty good.
I have not had to go to the doctors in years.
I keep fit by playing football every Friday.
It's possible to be a healthy scum bag.
Also a vegan

>> No.2454351
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>also a vegan

Thats it. You've pushed too far. Its time for you to leave. All the other stuff is understandable, even reasonable, but a VEGAN?

I dont want you near my children.

>> No.2454352

>Implying there is any such thing

It is literally impossible to not use animal products in some form.

>> No.2454359


>> No.2454364

Why do vegans refuse to eat animal products, but eat vegetables? Isnt life, life? Why is it okay to kill a cabbage and not a chicken?

>> No.2454371

I don't give a fuck about animals. I go to cock fights.
I'm just a vegan because it's fashionable.
Plus my ex girlfriend got me into it.
She made some really fucking good food.

>> No.2454373

so you're basicly doing it because you're a faggot? fuck that. I would never give up my steaks and bacon just because it was "fashionable"

>> No.2454384

for one thing, the energy required to grow animal-based food is about ten times the amount required to grow plant-based food of equal nutritional value

>> No.2454391

hurrrrrrrrr maybe because chickens have nerve cells and feel pain and celery does not?
you might be retarded since you asked that

>> No.2454399

Pretty much.
I also look much healthy in terms of skin/hair etc thanks to my diet.
Plus bitches love that shit.

And yet plant based foods cost more for much less nutritional portions.

>> No.2454400

but most slaughterhouses these days put them down humanely, rogue ones excluded. so what has that got to do with anything? its not going to feel very much pain, if any, if its killed swiftly and cleanly.

>> No.2454409

Well, respect then. Doing things for yourself is the only way, and the jury's still out on whether altruism really exists.

My only concern is, have you any idea how much that shit costs? I suppose you do. Why is healthy shit more expensive than regular stuff? The government should subsidise it, fuck health care. Or it might have a flow-on effect, who knows?

>> No.2454411 [DELETED] 

...do you realise you have to feed animals?

My understanding is (from a conference with reps from the UK Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board), most efficient land farming has some kind of crop diversity with a small number of animals to process any waste into fertilizer. You can grow trees and vines in higher density than other crops too.

>> No.2454416

It's not possible to my knowledge to ensure humane killing of animals if you have a large throughput.

>> No.2454418

well, in the end, dead is dead. that chicken wont be giving a shit, why should I?

>> No.2454420

>mfw vegans complain about killing animals in factories
>mfw they complain about hunting, the only way I know for sure to ensure that an animal is killed humanely and all of it is used

What do I do? Stop trying to convert me to your hippie festivals and drum circles!

>> No.2454426

>imply hunting ensures that an animal is killed humanely and all of it is used
are you actually retarded?

>> No.2454428

I hate converters they're the worst.
I'm a vegetarian, but I understand it's not for everyone. That said, stop trying to make us come back to meat by belittling us and calling us hipster faggots.

I also hate ex-alcoholics who try to convince you to stop drinking, with their new sense of high and mightyness. Get fucked, I like booze.

>> No.2454434

Not all vegans are like that. I'm a vegetarian at first due to humane treatment of animals, and now more due to views of sustainability. However, my choice to not participate in eating meat doesn't mean I should condemn others for it. It would be simply arrogant at best to do so.

>> No.2454436
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Fair enough, I just find the reasons people give for being a vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, whatever the fuck little group they've jumped into, are more often than not utterly retarded.

But thats just my opinion

>> No.2454439

Hunting is the only realistic way you'll have any control over the way the animal is killed. I'm also thinking that it seems altogether more respectable because the animal lives its own life up to that point and you at least have the decency to kill it yourself.

>> No.2454444

I agree that letting the animal do what it wants is cool (not that cows and sheep would give a fuck, they seem pretty content with their fields) but an animal can be hunted in pretty horrible ways, or hunted for sport.

>> No.2454462

Well yeah, but if you are anything of a decent shot with a rifle you can kill an animal instantly. It's sudden, it has never seen the inside of a factory, and there are laws governing what and when and how you can kill something. If you miss its head or neck or heart, you track it down and make sure you do. I don't deny that there are some sick fucks out there, but there are sick fucks in factory floors too.

Besides, camping and hunting with bros is the best thing ever, nohomo

>> No.2454471


Getting the thread back on track,

OP: Not well. Since i've been working on my novel, I have only been jotting down random bits of prose and thoughts in my moleskine

Haven't written a short story in months, which is weird because I consider it my 'thing.' The novel is draining.

>> No.2454477
