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2452158 No.2452158 [Reply] [Original]

What movie should I watch? You guys and womyn have good taste so I'm asking here.

>> No.2452163
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>> No.2452165

Go to /tv/

Anyway, watch the 2002 version of The Importance of Being Earnest, it's hilarious

>> No.2452167


but there is no drop ..... I was waitin for a drop

>> No.2452168


I find /tv/ is absolutely terrible for this stuff. The taste here is closer to mine.

>> No.2452170

OP, what kind of films do you wanna watch?

>> No.2452173

Wings of Desire
Annie Hall
12 Angry Men
Sunset Blvd.
The Decalogue
The Fountain
Aguirre, Wrath of God
Chungking Express
Apocalypse Now
City of God
Blade Runner
Pulp Fiction

All fantastic.

>> No.2452184

Yep, this. If there's a movie you haven't seen here, watch it.

Also if you want something mindfuckesque, watch Melancholia. It's great. Or Tree of Life (shitstorm incoming)

>> No.2452198


My only concern with this fantastic (albeit entry level) list is The Fountain. I would replace it with Requiem for a Dream.

Also, as Dekalog is a series, it would probably be better to replace it with Double Life of Veronique.

>> No.2452209

Eh, it's was poorly critically received but I loved it. Requiem for a Dream is good, but I think it loses some of it's effect on reviewing. I haven't seen any of Kieślowski's other work so I can't judge.

>> No.2452230

Requiem for a Dream is an edgy turd for teenagers. Trainspotting is by far more interesting in the drug-related genre.

>> No.2452232

Can't believe I forgot to add Trainspotting to that list. I love that movie.

>> No.2452243

dudebro, there are loads of amazing movies you didn't add, but that's okay, the list would go on for hundreds of lines if you had to put every masterpieces! That list is a good start, everyone should watch these.

Also, if I may add OP, you should watch Babel, Melancholia, and The Beat That my Heart Skipped (I'm pretty sure nobody watched this, this goes to all of you in this thread. This is the second best film I've ever watched)

>> No.2452246

I watched Revanche the other week, it's a very good German movie about a guy who robs a bank.

If you like anime, I also recently saw Mind Game and thought it was good as well.

Movies I think about a lot:
Minority Report
The Last Unicorn
The Thief and the Cobbler

Anyway having a good movie experience is all about what kind of movie you're in the mood for and where you are in your life. Don't wait too long to see movies that you'll be too good for when you're older!

>> No.2452252
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if you're in the mood for a good Sandra Bullock flick but want something a little personal and esoteric, avoid the mainstream trash that grape smuggler was peddling and check out this little gem in the rough. It mingles absurdity with light romance with such an adept hand you'll be left questioning the very notion of romance and possibly, life itself

>> No.2452694

My Top Ten Non-Foreign Films
In no particular order:

Dr Strangelove
Dead Man
Lost in Translation

Actually just those three.

>> No.2452698
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>just those three

>> No.2452701

Let me guess, your favorite "foreign" films are Amelie, City of God, Seven Samurai and Oldboy.

>> No.2453383

Enter the Void

>> No.2453400

I like all of those, but you're gay.

>> No.2453407
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Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo

Speaking of German directors, the last truly great film I watched was "The Lives of Others". This one is in German, though.

>> No.2453452

I am yet to see a better film than Into the Wild. I really like The Squid and the whale as-well and then a shit ton of other movies but I haven't seen a film I really liked in about a year :/

>> No.2453464
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>> No.2453475

>yet to see a better film than Into the Wild

are you new to movies, bro?

>> No.2453485

Sort of. My favorite movie before I saw "Into the Wild" was "Anacondas"

>> No.2453494


>> No.2453500

lol'd hard. thanks for that, man.

>> No.2453504
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>> No.2453509

>good taste

have fun watching the Notebook

>> No.2453718

always good:
Coen Brothers
Spike Jonze & Charlie Kaufman
Stanley Kubrick
Errol Morris
Orson Welles

dudes who are consistent, but their work is a matter of taste:
Wes Anderson
Terry Gilliam
David Lynch
Roman Polanski

best of the hit-and-miss:
Woody Allen