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File: 510 KB, 1000x667, hey anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2449916 No.2449916 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Anon, I heard you've been writing a book.

What's it about?

>> No.2449921

it's about time you took the shitposting trollan to another board.

inb4 umad, butthurt, hurr

>> No.2449943

the vietnam war
with dragon riders

>> No.2449963

aww shit

inherent human doom

>> No.2449962

BUMP for justice!

>> No.2449967

Shoplifting from Hot Topic.

>> No.2449977

It's sort of like The Fountainhead meets American Psycho meets 120 Days of Sodom, but with more shit

>> No.2449979


Aaaaa Aaa Aaaa

>> No.2449991

Holy crap, I can totally see this. Like a runaway free market capitalist society with a really depraved underside? Sound glorious and also relevant.

>> No.2449999

A man's inability to come to terms with life simply not being as good as he wants it to be, and his slow but sure spiral into depression.

>> No.2450013

a platonic form turned human experiences reality and is disgusted

>> No.2450023

Science based magical realms, like DUNE.
A "what if The Lord of The Rings were based in technology".

>> No.2450033

It's about an instrospective girl living in a boring town that falls in love with a handsome guy in school who turns out to be a monster.

a /b/tard
and he likes MLP

>> No.2450036

A guy does some stuff.

>> No.2450044

You know what I'd really like to do? I'd like to publish a book called "My Generation" that is ~400 pages and all of ones after the title page are blank.

>> No.2450057


I'd buy it, assuming it's printed on good paper and cheaper than a sketchbook.

>> No.2450055

calling it "My Generation's Accomplishments" might be better.

>> No.2450059

It'd be an instant classic if it was written well.

>> No.2450103

Titties. It's about titties.

>> No.2450149

A homeless man. He has nothing to do and his whole life to do it. Every day he's confronted with isolation and his own mortality.

Eventually he comes to terms with the fact that the world is a terrible place, he is a terrible person, and that none of it really matters.


wait, let me start over.

>implying that I'd talk to a woman.

>> No.2450158

nope. writing is for pretentious faggots unless thats the only thing you do.

>> No.2450208


Your mom seemed to enjoy my writing.

>> No.2450214



>> No.2450218

ass ravaged angsty teen "writer" detected

did the man struck a nerve when he pointed out the truth?

>> No.2450222

A man with severe insomnia losing his grip with reality, unsure if the apparitions that are haunting his town are real or figments of his imagination.
You never find out.

>> No.2450237

isn't that the machinist?

>> No.2450243

dunno, never seen it

>> No.2450247


I'd recommend it.

It's a great film. One of Bale's best performances.

>> No.2450248

it is almost exactly

>> No.2450273

Sorry woman but I am just 2deep4u

>> No.2450293
File: 40 KB, 493x606, 1298161784018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About a girl looking for her lost grandfather and becomes a complete person along the journey.

>> No.2450300

Not sure where you heard that from, slut, because I don't actually talk to people

>> No.2450305

that's kinda like Fight Club too

>> No.2450306

>Boxer Hill.

Basically the first in a trilogy about three towns in Oregon that are terrorized by vampires and a foreboding man-like entity called "The Censor."

>> No.2450325

>Might be Cool

>> No.2450338

do they sparkle in sunlight?
Honestly, the vampire genre is so overdone. You would have to be a brilliant writer to pull off even a decent vampire book nowadays

>> No.2450341

it's about a man who kills thugs and thieves (kinda like charles bronson) but leaves troll dolls at all of the crime scenes. The authorities take these dolls as proof that there is a serial killer with some kind of pedo angle, who at any moment, might start killing kids. Meanwhile, our Charles Bronson fellow guffaws heartily at this.

>> No.2450346

mite be rite

>> No.2450348

It's about a chemistry professor who blows up his university department, because of hiccups.

>> No.2450349

A young girl dealing with the death of her vagina.

>> No.2450353
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>Sparkling in Sunlight.

>> No.2450355
File: 37 KB, 306x500, 250307_124057531009726_100002164403840_192538_3227805_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a vampire named Ludvig von Frankenstein and he lives in a bunker a mile underground in war torn Ceaușescu Romania, where he is building a monster out of executed political prisoners. when the monster comes alive there is an epic battle between the mad vampire and the creature that spills up to the surface and carrys on through bombed out battle scenes like the begining of saving private ryan. I'm gonna call it Dracula vs. Frankenstein.

>> No.2450356

it's about a girl who is so frustrated with her life that her mind gives birth to its nightmares and they ravage the world

>> No.2450359

It's a story about a poor mercenary who gets conscripted to fight a war, and gets sent off to find a religious artifact in a cursed city.

And if he fails, he dies. Nice incentive right there.

>> No.2450361

it's about a tennis prodigy and his neurotic family. It's going to be an epic. Misunderstood by plebs, and probably 2deep4u

>> No.2450365


Is it also 1000 pages long?

>> No.2450366

>implying I could write my intricately detailed Proustian masterpiece in less than 1000 pages

>> No.2450373

A man discovers himself, becomes a drunk because he dislikes who he is, gets stabbed in the back alley of a chi-town street, then becomes a ninja, but doesn't do anything ninja, just drinks more, then his liver dies on him, and he can't get a transplant so he dies. But when dead he comes back and hangs around in the pub he use to haunt as a human, he does nothing ghosty, just sits in the corner like he did when he was alive.
not really, I'm not writing a book.

>> No.2450376

Post-apocalyptic sci-fi/conspiracy adventure novel. Most of the characters are hermaphrodites, that's the main thing.

>> No.2450380

A story about a food critic who goes into the bathrooms of restaurants, and looks for people who forgot to flush the toilet, and eats their shit. He bases his ratings on the taste of the feces that was formerly their food.

>> No.2450381
File: 183 KB, 558x381, 1303135934650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2450384

you usually wait a little bit before samefagging
go back to b

>> No.2450383

A guy who masturbates to too much online porn, and he grows a penis out of his forehead. His parents kick him out, so he takes his sister hostage, and together they meet random people as they try to live.

>> No.2450387

Your wooly hair must erase IQ points as you grow up.

>> No.2450392


>> No.2450445
File: 281 KB, 778x708, useful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender identity, multiplicity and time travel.
It's going to be big.

>> No.2450457

>supernatural beings
>shitloads of death
>female protagonist

>> No.2450480


>> No.2450488

The continuum of sexuality as opposed to the public perception of it as a binary. Written from the perspective of a narrator of unknown gender who has a preference for one sex, but likes both. Setup as a memoir.

>> No.2450511
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sex sex sex sex and sex

>> No.2450516

>emotions take human form in a supernatural sort of way
>2 guys, and a girl whom is in a relationship with one of the guys
>special in some way
> have the power to bind pure emotions back in a cage (or something) before they wreck havok
>main characters struggle to not be overcome by power of Emotions (anger, confusion, etc)
>turns out one friend was killed and replaced by jealousy but the the 2 in the relationship dont figure out until later.
>they constantly fight because of it

>> No.2450527

Blank dark realism of a teenager living in Canada's high arctic. It's a three parter:

>Alienated guy meets awesome city girl with dark secret, they bond
>story from the past, guy's uncle gets caught being a pedo on an indian reserve, runs away, gets acquitted
>Meets people from said indian reserve, mentions family tie. people tell him what happens, girl leaves him 'cause raped by dad.

>> No.2450544

A mildly autistic ocd heroin addict who smokes and has an uneasy relationship with a underage girl struggles to find meaning in existence after his girlfriend asks him to douse her in his cloudy urine the day before the 9/11 attacks

>> No.2450557

I would pay you money to read this if you had any talent.

>> No.2450572

ITT: Pullizter Prize winning ideas

>> No.2450578

The Renaissance!

>> No.2450584


>> No.2450586

I just finished 2, so I'm on holiday. One was a sortof book of poems that I just wrote to amuse some of my colleagues and friends, really. The other was a variorum edition of XXXXXXXXX. Anyway, I'm on a break right now, and it's such a sweet relief. you should take a couple days off this week and we can hang out and pretend we're skipping school.

>> No.2450600

An empire of pacifists is conquering the world, and they're doing it without armies or battles. They essentially have a supernatural way of purging violence from people's minds that has to do with ascendent consciousness. There is only one group that can really stop them, a race of savages able to enter into an animalistic trance which completely blocks out their higher faculties, rendering them immune to the quelling, which depends on linking with the consciousness of the person.

Pulls heavily from Zoroastrianism.

>> No.2450605

pulls heavily from being shit

>> No.2450630

>empire of pacifists
>using government force and monopolies of media to impose brainwashing

>> No.2450631

a fantasy where people get soooooo high they can shoot lightning and shit

>> No.2450636

The holocaust actually happened

>> No.2450639

inb4 post apocalypse
inb4 drug addled decent into madness
inb4 .. oh, too late

>> No.2450644

The meaning of redemption in a post-modern society.

>> No.2450645


So, Eyes Wide Shut?

>> No.2450646

I am rewriting the bible word for word, not copying: transforming myself into the people who wrote the bible, and writing the exact same prose.

but with the weight of almost 2000 years of scholarly research, other social advancements, and the bible itself, my bible will be far more profound

>> No.2450649

yikes man, just yikes.

>> No.2450655

Children's book with children in it about being children.

That's where the money is.

>> No.2450665

Solipsists, and what happens when they meet.

>> No.2450668

A hardboiled detective lands in the middle of a conspiracy in a world where every conspiracy is really out there.
It's The X-Files meets the roaring 20s meets Raymond Chandler, with a little dash of Lovecraft.

>> No.2450676

Pierre! How the devil are you!

>> No.2450690

Lost. I kept turning left, but then I met Someone who called themselves ireneo who was confused by my use of left and talked about the arbritrary nature of names and their connection to time and space: he told me that to him left was a time from his childhood. He told me that every "left" as I called it was independantly and only one left existed.

>> No.2450738

I'm not writing a book, I'm writing a postmodern happening on TOR. Taking the aspects of /x/, sociology of religion, skepticism, deep web folklore, and wikileaks to whole new levels.

The premise:

On an onion blog I am an unidentified American detective writing about a network of elites, the crimes they have committed, and their mystery religion. So I'm not re-hashing the tired tropes of lizardmen/reptilians, I'm making use of actual sociology of western esoteric traditions (from scholarship like the SUNY series in western esotericism), and trying to mimic police report writing quirks as much as possible. Part Norman Cohn, part The Wire, and part X-Files.

>> No.2450746

>implying you're not using it to run a cp ring


>> No.2450808
File: 21 KB, 155x202, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a book about a guy who swings by a literature board on the internet every single day, shits all over as many threads as he can and subsequently never gets any work done for anything.

it's called 'steak n chips & cod with the lads: living a deep life in edgy times'

>> No.2451943

It's about the crippling conformity encountered among the suburban middle class.

>> No.2451989
File: 7 KB, 591x107, omditsmvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two ideas that have been floating around for a while... if anyone else wants to do them, please do, though they probably won't seem that attractive to anyone who hasn't spent as long thinking about them -- just a general thing i've noticed about fiction.

one is a re-telling of the french revolution through the eyes of someone who is almost entirely unaffected by it; perhaps some invalid of society who hangs out in the sewers, not because of social oppression of the ruling class, but because he just prefers it. i think it'd be an interesting subject to revisit with a non-victorian outlook.

another is essentially a bible fan-fiction where gabriel slowly realizes how in love with mary he is, culminating (?) to the tragic moment where he/she must inform her that god is planting his seed within her. i'm thinking a modern setting might do it some good. and though i'd try to avoid this as much as possible, it would draw inevitable comparisons to twilight novels and supernatural romance in general.

pic unrelated.

>> No.2452008

title with no story: anachroniclasm. random bits of history popping up where they don't belong. builds slowly, with a creeping finesse i hardly think i'm capable of achieving. it ought blow minds.

>> No.2452022

Hip-hop culture meets steampunk and political intrigue.

>> No.2452027

My family history.

It's extremely fucked up.

>> No.2452036

A young Woody Allen becomes trapped in the past and must lead Rome as Emperor.
Hilarity ensues.

>> No.2452037

Sounds a bit like the Illuminatus! trilogy.

>> No.2452039

Some poems about Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, loneliness, Ang Lee, and the King James Bible.

>> No.2452041

I once considered rewriting the Bible in a form which conforms properly to later Christian mythology.

So, for example, the Holy Grail would make an actual appearance, Satan would indeed be described as rebelling against God in Heaven, he would be the snake in the Garden of Eden, the fruit of the tree would indeed be an apple etc. etc.