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/lit/ - Literature

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2449877 No.2449877 [Reply] [Original]

>Use to buy books all the time when younger
>Have collections of Harry Potter, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Eargon, A Series of Unfortunate Events and other kid/teen books
>Feel awkward/self conscious that it is sticking out with other books

Does /lit/ever feel like this?
What do you do?
Should I just sell them?

>> No.2449885

Your book collection shouldn't be some kind of fashion accessory.

>> No.2449890

Why are you so insecure about your tastes OP?

Is there a male figure judging your readings?

Is it your friends?

Why have you created this Persona?

>> No.2449892

Enjoy bitches thinking you read children's books guys

>> No.2449895


There is validity to what he is saying, if he does feel that he has outgrown that literature. It might be something as simple as being embarrassed of what he used to like.

We have all experienced that. Yourself included.

OP if you want just donate them to a place that might give them to children who would enjoy them. Problem solved.

>> No.2449896

Holy shit, I loved the Bartimaeus Trilogy!!
But, I cycle my bookshelf. When I get too many books, I take the old ones that I don't read anymore (like those from when I was younger) and put them in these big storage bins and put them in my closet. I use my bookshelf for practicality and convenience, not to show off my reading taste.

>> No.2449904

Since when were books something to feel self conscious about? Read what you fucking want.

>> No.2449926

no keep them you should look at them with fondness for being the books of your childhood

>> No.2449936


If some relative gave you a set of Twilight books as a present ignorantly thinking you'd like them you can damn well bet you won't be putting them on your shelves.

>> No.2449945

How plebian.

>> No.2449948

My ex-step-father gave me a set of the Twilight books, and I put them on my shelf. Until I got more books and needed the space.

>> No.2449950
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>Oh wow, I remember reading those!
>Talk about favorite books etc.

Someone doesn't have any experience with women...

>> No.2449951

No, I don't feel like that because I'm not embarrassed by any of my books. Then again, I never went through some shitty Harry Potter phase.

I did, however, go through a shitty music phase and when my taste changed drastically from middle school to high school, I simply put all of the music I no longer liked in a box in the attic (yes CDs). Do the same with the books or anything/anyone else you're ashamed of.

>> No.2449955

>dat Gunnerkrigg Court

Stay proud, OP.

>> No.2449960


>Someone doesn't have any experience with women...

Says the manchild with the kids books. I bet you still live with your parents, don't you?

>> No.2449964

>copious amounts of young adult fiction on my bookshelf


>> No.2449966

Oh, and if you're worried about holes in your bookshelf, simply go to your nearest used book seller and purchase some of the classics.

>> No.2449969
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>Harry Potter
>>Oh wow, I remember reading those!

yeah such a relic lost in time wow all this nostalgia is too much for me

>> No.2449980


>No, I don't feel like that because I'm not embarrassed by any of my books.

I love how your purport to be better than that while saying that you were so embarrassed by the CDs you bought as a child you threw then all in a box and put them in a fucking attic, lol.

>> No.2449981

people were reading harry potter during the same time they were watching nickelodeon, and nickelodeon nostalgia sure isn't rare.

>> No.2449988
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don't you know how reality works? when something makes you insecure you talk them up and use them to make you stronger. jesus read some magick.

>> No.2449992


I've read and enjoyed the Twilight saga, I would happily display them next to The Great Gatbsy and Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72. Enjoy your mad.


How pretentious.

>> No.2449998


A Harry Potter film came out last year. If you think there is some dated nostalgia for it already then you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.2450000

Ok, me too.
>and enjoyed

>> No.2450004


They're the first books that come to mind when I think of bad writing but I liked the plot, so sue me.

>> No.2450006

Give me your information and I'll contact my lawyer.

>> No.2450007


>Enjoy your mad.

That you enjoy Twilight? Why would I be mad? I now have objective proof that I'm talking to someone with terrible taste.

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.2450012

I donated my library of books simply because some of them embarrassed me, a few I hadn't read and had no desire to read, others I just didn't like the cover or edition I owned.

So got rid of everything

Digital only for me now

>> No.2450016

I'm afraid you might be the one who is at a loss here, friend. People are discussing nostalgia for having read the book, not nostalgia for the latest film incarnation of the book. You should learn to distinguish between the two if you are going to engage in argument on the subject.

>> No.2450021
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I just save the decent childrens/teens books to one day give to my maybe-babies. That and I'm a pleb who loves reading through shit from my childhood.


>> No.2450022

I donated all of my teenage literature to my local library.

Then I was forced to register as a sex offender.

>> No.2450024


This is a sensible adult.

Donating > Nostalgia.

Donate books you've outgrown to children who might also enjoy them. Don't hoard and hold onto them under the pretense of "nostalgia" like some hopeless manchild.

>> No.2450032

It is true, my pet, that I implied a superiority over the OP with my first remark or so.

It was upon the ensuing empathy I had with the OP that I remembered an example of my own such embarrassment and decided to share it within the same post. A most regrettable error upon contemplation.

>> No.2450042


I am addressing the phenomenon of "Harry Potter", a phenomenon which is still largely present and popular.

No person in 2012 is going to say "Harry Potter? Oh wow, I remember reading those!", like it was long forgotten to them. The mention of the last film coming out only last year ties directly into this reasoning.

>I'm afraid you might be the one who is at a loss here, friend.

Nope, anon made a shit post and now he's trying to salvage it and save face. Some old /lit/ bullshit.

>> No.2450603


You again.
Please go away.
I dislike you.