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2449623 No.2449623 [Reply] [Original]

So, I just ordered this today when a friend told me he gets a urinal block, covers it in chocolate, and feeds it to a girl.

I'm in for a treat, right?

>> No.2449628

Sounds like she is, at least

>> No.2449638

I have that exact same edition. In for a treat? I'm assuming you've already seen the film so no, you'll most likely find it boring even though it's better in every way.

>> No.2449655
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Of course i've seen the film.

It obviously appears to have waaaaay more darker content than the adaptation, so i doubt it will bore me.

A urinal bloc? covered in chocolate? fed to an unsuspecting woman? I love it already.

>> No.2449661

If you're not familiar with his work, his writing style can be very abrasive and off putting but eh, enjoy i guess.

>> No.2449671

What kind of sick asshole would actually want to read this anyway?

As soon as any self respecting girl see's it on your shelf, or you tell her you read it will run a mile too.

>> No.2449672

Do you do everything you do on the basis of propitiating women

>> No.2449676

i don't remember the urinal cake bit but i can tell you the book is much more graphic than the movie. the way he plays with his victims after they're dead is downright sickening.

>> No.2449678

>Implying most people can recognise any books besides Twilight or Harry Potter.
>Implying the ones who do recogonize it will think "Wow, he must be a psychopath." and not "Wow, he must read books."

>> No.2449679
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>> No.2449683

>implying girls even read Harry Potter
>implying girls will think "Wow, he must read books" and not "I hope he doesn't waste all his money on books or I might have to work"

>> No.2449690


But any person reading it obviously has an underlying hatred of women. I just don't get all these twisted neck beards who harbor misogynistic violent tendencies getting hard over it.

Grow the fuck up, maybe you might get laid.

>> No.2449695

The female mouth is good or two things: sucking cock, and regurgitating the argumentum ad baculum.

>> No.2449699

Answer me this.

If you had a daughter and she told you her boyfriend was reading this, what would you think?

>> No.2449716

That he was into reading?

I've had females borrow this book from me, no big deal.

>> No.2449717

>My daughter had better not muddle our gene pool by fucking someone who probably posts on /lit/

>> No.2449728

> implying your gene pool isn't already muddled you fucking hick.

>> No.2449741

Anyone who thinks this book is "sickening" has the mentality of a child.

Its fucking hilarious, after the first quarter it becomes a laugh riot.

>> No.2449745


How the fuck can you not remember something like that?

>> No.2449750
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Well, I'd certainly say my daughter has marvelous judgement, if not particularly good taste.

>> No.2449756

>graphic descriptions of corpse mutilation
>laugh riot

ok. i'll admit there is humour in some parts of the book but the horror is right there to pull you back, it makes you realise it's no fucking joke.

>> No.2449761

because i read it a really long time ago and trust me, that book will carve images in your mind that will completely obliterate that one.

>> No.2449764


Dude, its so over the top that I literally can't take it seriously. That, combined with the seemingly irrelevant lists of brand names and interchangeable people makes it funny as hell.

I mean, come on, I don't have the book on me at the moment, but when he's trying to eat a girl's intestines while covered in blood and rotting flesh, screaming at the top of his lungs "I JUST WANT TO BE LOVED"...you really didn't laugh?

>> No.2449769
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>trying to eat a girl's intestines while covered in blood and rotting flesh, screaming at the top of his lungs "I JUST WANT TO BE LOVED"

Wow, that quote describes 4chan to a t.

>> No.2449773

No, what describes 4chan to a t is the fact that it made him laugh.

>> No.2449776

yeah man, it was funny as fuck we he made that girl bite down on a revolving drill, splitting her teeth apart and coating his face with blood. or when he randomly stabbed a kid at the zoo, backed off till people noticed the dying child, then pretended to be a doctor so he could get in close and watch the mother's face as her son bled out. a real laugh riot.

oh wait... actually, maybe you should see someone about that.

>> No.2449780

You forgot when he let the mutant rat, from his toilet, kept in his sink, into a dead girl's vagina. That was a good one too.

>> No.2449783
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mother of god i want this book so bad.

>> No.2449787


The kid at the zoo part was, at first, a little disturbing...but when I pretended to be a doctor, I lost it.

You honestly didn't even get a chuckle out of that?

>> No.2449792


Shit, I meant "he", haha...ha.

>> No.2449798
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> taking fiction seriously
> in the year of our lord 2012


nearly as bad as people who squirm when watching horror movies.

>> No.2449802


oh the irony.

>> No.2449806

>oh the trolling


>> No.2449816
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>mfw people take this shit seriously

>> No.2449817
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this gave me a man twinge, just thought i'd let you know that.

>> No.2449947
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one of the best books I've ever read

>> No.2450040
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Bale needs to reprise this role, even if its just a cameo in some other movie.

Actually, if they ever get around to making Glamorama (the real deal, not Zoolander), Bale pretty much has to be briefly in it, otherwise they have to cut quite a bit.

>> No.2450100

American Psycho is hilarious! His nonchalance is simply beautiful.

>Having a moral compass

Pro-tip OP: American Psycho is the story of Batman if his parents were not murdered

>> No.2450104


American Psycho is what GG Allin would have become if he didn't get into music.

>> No.2450122

i've always put off reading it because i was told from a few trustworthy sources that the writing is shit.

but i suppose if i've put up with shit like the jersey shore, i can manage a pop fiction book like this.

>> No.2451092

I thought those scenes were sorta arousing, anon.

Also liked all of the clothing descriptions. Wish I had those clothes.

>> No.2451095

He and I could have a little get together with my dear daughter.

>> No.2451213

I have American Psycho on my shelf but I've not read it yet, but I really don't think it's gonna be as good as Less Than Zero was, it was simply beautiful and Clay is at least slightly moral.

I'd suggest reading Less Than Zero first, OP

>> No.2451226

One of the few parts I recall about the book (never saw the movie) was when she eats it (urinal cake) and puckers her lips, saying "It's so...minty!"

>> No.2451228
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>mfw Bateman's life sounds pretty good, sans psychosis
>mfw I will never be a investment banker and ride the wave of cash of the unregulated speculation of the end of the 20th century

>> No.2451233
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>That feel when I'm studying Economics and Finance and hoping to become an investment banker
>That feel when the university I'm at is shit and I'll never be able to get a decent job.

>> No.2451237

are you an idiot?

The problem is too much fucking regulation, and worse, endless credit expansion by the government/fed.

>> No.2451241
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>that feel when I'm a mathfag wanting to specialize in econometrics to squeeze whatever money is left in the finance business
>that feel when you were born too late to enjoy the party at its prime

>> No.2451242

just remember it's a satire............

>> No.2451245

American Psycho is absolutely brilliant.

There are some really funny moments. The absolute ridiculous people in the story are excellent. The way Pat's mental state devolves (the content of the Patty Winters show, his hallucinations etc.).

It has some incredible lines.

People criticising it because it's violent or whatever are stupid. Are you the same kind of people who would think that someone who reads Lolita is a paedo?

I remember seeing a thread on here about someone taking the jacket off their lolita hardback because they were worried people might confront them for reading it.

You fags need to get out more.

>> No.2451247

fed's still printing money hand over fist.

>> No.2451249


Quantitative Easing doesn't go directly into banker's pockets though.

>> No.2451250

What problem?


>> No.2451258


Be right back, ordering.

>> No.2451259


lol you are mad.

tell me, good sir, was it God or Nature that made markets perfectly stable and human beings perfectly rational?

because if there is no god, and if nature isn't an inherently stable phenomenon, then we have NO reason to presume that markets are inherently stable or that humans are inherently rational.

plus, we have good empirical data to suggest that markets inherently fail, and humans are inherently irrational.

as such, "less regulation" doesn't do anything to fix the problem. fair, intelligent regulation, and, conversely, fair, intelligent deregulation is what is best.

but do well, was it God or Nature that made the world perfect?

>> No.2451283

printing money causes great depressions in case you haven't figured it out yet.
It also greatly impedes wealth formation.
>What problem?
huh? Did you happen to miss everything involved in the housing bubble?

>we have good empirical data to suggest that markets inherently fail,
no there isn't.
You statists are fucking unbelievable. Hurr markets are people and people are irrational, LUCKILY THE GOVERNMENT IS RUN BY OMNIPOTENT GODS!!!

Obviously markets are not going to be "stable" or stagnant, that's the whole point of why there needs to be a market.

>> No.2451493

out of interest, are Easton Ellis's other books worth reading?

>> No.2451500

>Did you happen to miss everything involved in the housing bubble?

The fact that some bankers got hundreds of millions of dollars out of it? No, I didn't miss it, I was complaining about the fact that it's unlikely I'll get to ride a wave like that.

>> No.2451505
File: 53 KB, 441x600, bret_easton_ellis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, Informers & Rules of Attraction are masterpieces. For certain parts of The Informers you'll need a strong stomach, some passages contain all the violence of American Pyscho but non of the humour.

>> No.2451519

When I read the urinal cake part I remember feeling a great sadness that such a blackly hilarious scene hadn't found its way into the film.

>> No.2451526


thanks, Bret

>> No.2451532



There were loads of scenes that would have been brilliant, but there'd probably be a point where there's too much humour.

I'd watch a 3 hour version of American Psycho for sure though.

>> No.2451543


yes there is you retard.

name ONE market that hasn't failed? name ONE economic system that hasn't endured crisis?

who said the government is run by omnipotent gods? i just told you that markets are not run my omnipotent gods.

i like how you claim it's "obvious" markets aren't stable. well then, what do you suggest? allowing a concentration of economic power and wealth that creates unstable systems that destroy the entire financial system of a country? or allow for exploitative systems that create massive economic inequality?

in those systems, corporate interests WILL have undue influence over government, and simply making "less government" doesn't LESSEN their influence, it exaggerates it.

you are a true believer, so you won't care about any of this. you think you can imagine a perfect world and that means we have to organize the world that way. that's called transcendental institutionalism. it's idealism.

who in their right mind would believe anything you have to say given your methodology?

>> No.2451548

It's worth reading, for sure. I didn't think it was as great as some people did, but I certainly didn't get my pantaloons in an uproar over it, either. Some parts are pretty fucking sick. Overall, it's a funny book, though.

>> No.2451554

My second favorite book. Your are IN for threat OP but there is NO exit. ( you'll understand after finishing the book )

The zoo part & doctor imitation pretty much made my day when I read it the first time.
A lot of people here are asking themselves why one would like this book? To be honest, I love villains, dark characters & such. ( lex luthor, darth vader, etc... ) and I admit a great deal of cynicism in my personality as well as I recognize my tendencies to consider moral rules and values to be laughable at sometimes.

Don't get me wrong, I do not entirely identify myself w/ Bateman but the way Easton Ellis describes the placid, cold vision that Bateman has totally made me understand that we all possess some kind of voidness.
"existence precedes essence", the world itself is meaningless, absurd. And Bateman gets it, accept his condition though he suffers a lot and tries to change that pain by experimenting some "stuff" that completely break our moral codes.

>> No.2451591


What's your favourite book?

>> No.2451604

Le Procès verbal ( The Interrogation ) by JMG Le Clézio.
( guy is not a villain but a savant mix between a bum, a batty or a deserter and he has of course no difficulty breaking social rules )
Extremely close to the Stranger by Camus but seriously ten times better. ( my humble opinion )

>> No.2452196
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I don't know about The Informers, but I would definitely vouch for The Rules of Attraction. I rate it almost a hair above American Psycho.

>> No.2452225


Better than nothing, if you've seen the American male riff-raff.

>> No.2452274

>people think only men would come up with stories that include degrading, awful violence against women
>these people haven't read that Joyce Carol Oates story about the live rat who gets shoved inside a woman's vagina

>> No.2452438

American Psycho is pretty damm funny.

Patric spends his time remorselessy torturing and murdering hookers and homeless people , thinking nothing about it and then being filled with pure existential terror every time someone has a better haircut/watch/business card than himself. He nearly has a breakdown every time he is confronted by his gay work acquittance and kills another friends because his apartment is nice and looks more expensive.

This doesn't sound funny but it's written well.

>> No.2452672

I don't' think you understand what "the market" actually is.