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2448711 No.2448711 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ like Stephen King's Dark Tower?
I just finished book 3, liking it so far.

>> No.2448712

No. Also fuck off.

>> No.2448722

Every thread I've ever posted on /lit/, I've been told to fuck off. Generally I do, I delete the thread and don't come back for weeks. I love reading but you guys are assholes.

>> No.2448726

Good, leave. Fuck off.

>> No.2448727

Yeah, we're not for everyone, but we like it here.

>> No.2448732

If it's making you this mad I'm gonna stick around. You fucking deserve it.

>> No.2448733


I concur with the others that you should fuck off.

>> No.2448736

There's reading and then there is reading. You are doing the former. It's not what we like to discuss here.

>> No.2448737

Fuck off. If you're going to stick around you need to take the next step and adopt a tripcode.

>> No.2448740

>told to fuck off
>actually fucks off

>> No.2448741

wtf that doesn't even make sense.

>> No.2448745

Is this one of those boards where you cannot accept things for what they are and want everything to be the "greatest thing of that board's category"?

>> No.2448747

>can't into the difference between reading and reading

>> No.2448750

>doesn't know any words to describe literature besides reading

>> No.2448760

OP, the only way to enjoy yourself on /lit/ is to troll the fuck out of all the so called e/lit/es. Try it, it's almost laughably easy.

>> No.2448761

Considering yourself above things is usually done in an attempt to redeem a lifetime of awkward failure. I enjoyed the series and I recommend it.

>> No.2448762

Nope I'm going to stink up /lit/ anonymously.

>> No.2448771

Elitism has nothing to do with it. King is a shit writer. Being down with the kids and reading shitty books does not change the fact you're reading shitty books.

>> No.2448777

I don't like any of his "horror" stuff but The Dark Tower is pretty good.
Also dealing in absolutes is really fucking elitist.

>> No.2448778

Because you always eat haute cuisine, never a hamburger.

Get off that fucking high horse and accept the fact that some people read for their enjoyment, not to reach enlightenment.

>> No.2448779

>really fucking sith


>> No.2448781

>only the sith deal in absolutes
>that was an absolute
>mfw obi wan was a sith all along

>> No.2448783

That should be a good thing right?

>> No.2448788

There should really be 2 /lit/ boards:
/lit/ - Actual literature.
/lit/ - Pulp fiction Plebeian nonsense. <- King goes here.

>> No.2448793


There should really be 2 /lit/ boards:
/lit/ - Books
/lit/ - Fat People <- You go here.

>> No.2448794


i read purely for enjoyment. i've never been able to enjoy a stephen king book because he writes as though the reader is a child. he always takes it one or two (or ten) sentences too far.

for instance, in the beginning of the stand, he writes about a reporter doing a broadcast. he says something along the lines of "she shifts uncomfortably, eyes shifting around the room," yada, yada. of course, anyone with half a brain can put together that something isn't right, but he has to go the extra mile and say, "it's almost as if something wasn't completely right--as if someone were watching her, forcing her to make the broadcast."

couple that terrible habit (overwriting) with boring prose, completely devoid of any recognizable style, and you essentially have lots and lots of boring writing--in other words, IN MY OPINION, a shitty, boring book.

and that's stephen king to me. every single book. and i've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt three times (the stand, the shining, and it).

he sucks, no doubt. i'm not judging anyone who's entertained by his work. but it isn't good work, and really it isn't that entertaining. at best, it's got camp/cult value.

>> No.2448796

I would agree, just so I could discuss the thousands upon thousands of books that /lit/ tells (or would tell me) me to fuck off about.

I know King isn't that good of a writer but his stories (particularly this one) are enjoyable, I like 4chan and I want to discuss here but /lit/ just has too many assholes to do that.

>> No.2448798

I like Stephen King, but he's not quite up there with the true greats like Dan Brown and Rowling.

>> No.2448804

I read the first book of the Dark Tower and I agree completely. The book is literally all overwriting. Oh shit Roland's walking through a desert. What's he doing he's fucking walking. He's going after this guy. How's he doing that? by walking through the desert. It's pretty fucking dry. It's a desert it's kinda hot, yea. Yea nothing out here because it's a fucking desert. Not much shit to burn for a fire because we're in a desert. The parts where he's not describing the ever loving shit out of the desert are pretty good (the scene where he kills the entire fucking town). If he did not do this, the book would have been under 100 pages long I have no doubt.

>> No.2448811

How is that any different from Tolstoy blabbering on for pages about minute detail and scenery? The prose and structure is far better, sure but that doesn't change the fact he's blabbering on.

>> No.2448817


1st of all you've assumed that i enjoy tolstoy. i don't.

2nd of all, the drudgery of those authors usually has a point. it's not necessarily enjoyable (see 1st of all), but at least it's there. stephen king rarely has a fucking point.

3rd of all, if there isn't a fucking point, it's at least likely a cultural thing. stephen king is not russian. he is american. if he wants his audience to be the audience that enjoys tolstoy's overwriting, he needs to either move 1800s russia or HAVE A FUCKING POINT.

in my opinion.

>> No.2448820

>thinking Tolstoy overwrites
How often do we have this discussion? It's shitty translations.

>> No.2448844

King has one good story: the one where a small town with a cast of quirky, multifaceted townsfolk goes straight to hell and all those characters have their social bonds put to the test.

I knew TDT was going downhill when King stopped the plot and used Roland to frame one of those stories for a whole book. It was confirmed when the very next book went on with the plot...and had the ka-tet go through the EXACT SAME STORY of a small town in trouble, plus a chapter retconning Callahan into a dimension-hopping gay fry cook vampire hunter.