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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 310x517, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2446630 No.2446630 [Reply] [Original]

Well now I'm depressed.

>> No.2446633

That's just the way big brother wants you.

>> No.2446637

Watch the film now. John Hurt will make you hurt. I wish Orwell had been alive to comment on it.

>> No.2446640

After reading it I really feel bad for people in North Korea.

>> No.2446646

The moral of this story is don't talk to women.

>> No.2446667

Rats don't eat babies do they?

>> No.2446677

isnt everybody supposed to have read this in like 5th grade?

>> No.2446684

Rats will eat anything. Their jaws can gnaw through concrete. They are however timid by nature, so they tend not to eat living things larger than them.

>> No.2446686
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the movie was way better

>> No.2446687

What is Orwell saying, human beings are basically fucked?

>> No.2446688

I just read this "fythe". That means it's time to go to bed.

Now look at me, I'm shitposting. Sage.

>> No.2446692

apparently human flesh tastes nasty raw, like we are naturally disgusting to eat, and only pigs will indiscriminately eat us, rats and other carnivores will out of desperation.

>> No.2446693

Evolution at work.

>> No.2446695

Nope, a domestic cat will start eating its dead owner in no time.

>> No.2446701
File: 203 KB, 500x281, rudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cause it happened on misfits doesn't make it real

>> No.2446703

I don't know what that is, I assume a tv show, I'm quoting a different tv show however.

>> No.2446706

>didn't live next door to a dead cat lady
>didn't know someone who lived next door to a dead cat lady
You wouldn't believe how common cat's eating a dead owner is.

>> No.2446727

I see this thread every day I come to /lit/.
And then I read the thread, because it may have interesting discussion. Then I'm greeted by this responses

>> No.2446790

Grace us with your bountiful wisdom then, suggest a topic for discussion.

>> No.2446810
File: 43 KB, 460x500, 1228936-this_thread_again_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1984 is the only existing book for /lit/

>> No.2446815

Can anyone who has read "We" comment on the similarities? Does it have a happier ending? I agree with the OP 1984 really bummed me out like no other book.

>> No.2446840

This book was shit, and was one of Orwell's worst.
People like you made me hate this book more than I already did.

>> No.2446845

We was worse in just about every way than 1984...it's only mildly popular so fags can be like ''ohh but have you read zamyatin hurrr durr''
Anyway best Dystopian work was done by W.S. Burroughs.

>> No.2446846

>People like you made me hate this book more than I already did.
It's comforting to know I exert such an influence upon you.

>> No.2446870

Can anyone tell me if there's a message of hope somewhere in here?

>> No.2446879

Yes, in the end he was victorious, he loved big brother. So you see anyone can be saved.

>> No.2446882
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>> No.2446890

If you read the first half of the novel and stop, then there might be.

>> No.2446911

I found it to be kinda enjoyable.
However, Brave New World was better written, and more accurately "predicted" (and I use this term EXTREMELY loosely) the world as it is today.

Orwell feared the censor, where the people would not have access to adequate information.
Huxley feared that people would just not care about the information, and would merely be content with base pleasures.


>> No.2446937
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>> No.2446936

they were dealing with different threats. Orwell was a communist who had an eye to Stalinism.

Not to mention one could make the argument that the fact that Orwell does a better job because after all this time, his demon is slain and Huxley's isn't.

>> No.2446940

The censor. Almost every information we receive from the media is filtered, including wiki. For example, read the wiki about Detroit and it describes it as a normal city. People frequently withhold information.

>> No.2446945

so you've spent a lot of time in detroit then?

>> No.2446966

It's sort of a theme that's not directly present in the book, but Big Brother has to go to an incredibly far extend to control the people.

>> No.2447025

'We' was just about as depressing. Not as well-written either, but that could have been due to the translation.

Dystopia fiction which ends with the system smashed and people running free seems unrealistic, but that's just me.

>> No.2447054

I don't necessarily argee with a brave new world. I just think people made life better and then didn't know what to do with their lives.

>> No.2447055

Well, both are equally relevant. Just because we have an abundance information doesn't mean the government isn't censoring information it doesn't want the population to know about. And of course you'll never get a large enough public response to combat it because most people are preoccupied with their base pleasure-led lives.

I'd say we live in world that has incorporate aspects of both of the novels into one.

>Brave New World was better written
I imagine Twilight is better written than 1984 according to /lit/. People here seem to hate on Orwell a lot. He's a great writer. Brave New World is just more accessible.

>> No.2448019

Being a jew-lover discredits your whole writing career. /thread

>> No.2448172

Orwell was a communist. He belonged to a labor party or two from my understanding. This book was out of criticism of Stalinism though.

Communism =/= Stalinism

>> No.2448178

What was Orwell's best book? I'm partial to 'Homage to Catalonia'.

>> No.2448182

Wigan Pier is very good.

>> No.2448190

Ive only read 1984 and animal farm
Animal farm was the best

>> No.2448289

I really can't get into this book. I read the first twenty pages and it's literally him describing a hallway with great depth, and then describing how sad of a life it is with incredibly detail.

I don't care how drab the hallway is and how windy it is, nor do I care about how much you drink.

>> No.2448295

keep reading
it gets better

>> No.2448296

Wow, you do know that Orwell supported Franco and the fascists during the Spanish civil war?

>> No.2448301
File: 981 KB, 959x812, 1315061494728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orwell was a communist.
Stop posting you ignorant shithead.

>> No.2448303

I'm going to assume you just didn't read Homage to Catalonia. Cause wow that's just wrong.

>> No.2448310
File: 15 KB, 240x333, 240px-GeoreOrwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all great except maybe a clergymans daughter and keep the aspidistras flying, but it's his essays which are really amazing.

>> No.2448313

Orwell was a democratic socialist, however flirted with communism and spoke highly of Anarchist Catalonia.

>> No.2448318

>Wow, you do know that Orwell supported Franco and the fascists during the Spanish civil war?

yes, so much so that he fought on the republican side in the war. he even wrote a book about you moron.

>> No.2448334

That shitposter here.
Sorry guys, I remebered it wrong.

>> No.2448396


Holy shit, how could you get that fixed up?

Orwell was in the POUM and highly sympathetic to the CNT/FAI

>> No.2448434

Why do commies like acronyms so much?

>> No.2448445


CNT/FAI were Anarchists. Also, what sort of question is that? Probably one of the least intelligent things I've read all day, and that's saying a lot as I was reading sociology earlier.

>> No.2448455

Anarchists and communists are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.2448456


I know, I'm a fan of Kropotkin myself. I just assumed you were a pleb and thought that communism = USSR.

>> No.2448472

NASA is communism IN SPACE

>> No.2448482

Nation Anarchist and Socialist Aerodrome

>> No.2448488

It does explain why they want to go to the RED PLANET so much.

>> No.2448514

Politics is not a BANAna