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2445871 No.2445871 [Reply] [Original]

Which Orwell book is lits favourite? Pic relevant, mine is coming up for air. Being a current expat of English descent I find it greatly explains the what it means to be British (I guess specifically English) and many traits of English folk that I miss.

In b4 1984

>> No.2445883

> being proud of your british descent.

i'm lol'ing hard over here, bro.

>> No.2445890

brits used to be real europeans, don't hate on them just because their country has become a niggerhole

>> No.2445895

Never mentioned being proud "bro". Maybe learn how to read before coming to a board about books

>> No.2445920

> I find it greatly explains the what it means to be British
> Maybe learn how to read before coming to a board about books

>> No.2446004

I've read Animal Farm, 1984 and Down and Out in Paris and London.

I like his tramp stories more than I did 1984.

>> No.2446011


>> No.2446019

>what it means to be British
nice granfalloon, bro

>> No.2446020

Probably Homage to Catalonia, I found the infighting between the various Communist ideologies really interesting. Probably one of my favourite books ever.

>> No.2446021

Homage to Catalonia

1984 is good but it's seriously overrated by plebians[/spoiler

>> No.2446101

Don't mind me: just going through threads, uploading relevant books.

Here's orwell:


>> No.2446111

Animal Farm. Has anyone read his Reflections on Gandhi? Is it good?

>> No.2446118


Should be in here:

>> No.2446126

I've not read Coming Up For Air but I have read most of his other stuff, and I am going with 1984 [sorry!]

Orwell deals in naked themes, for the most part. Animal Farm was too simple for my taste and works far better as a play. 1984 still has that kind of blatant, 1:1 'x means y' approach to allusions and symbolism, but is far more complex in terms of the setting and emotion. I do have a problem with every character but the main one being a symbol themselves, as in every last one is there to serve a purpose, but this arguably works in its favor to contrast against Winston and make his shades of grey stand out against the stark blacks and whites of the folk around him.

So his other novels are fine, but if he has a shtick it is themes and symbolism and he did it best in 1984.

>> No.2446634

Road to Wigan pier.

>> No.2446639

Homage to Catalonia

>> No.2446650

I still think 1984 is his most prevalent, best writing. Although it is overhyped. The main problem with 1984 is how he drones on and on about unimportant shit. Some people always praise the part in the book where you are literally reading 'The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism' only to find three pages later that the entire book was fictional. I understand that this part detailed a lot of Orwell's beliefs of government but it was done absolutely awfully. So awfully boring, like reading an encylopdea.
What tops it is that the contents of the book are not described at all afterwards. It seemed so rushed.

Animal Farm, on the other hand, might just be his worst book (imo). Blatant symbolism on every page that he almost forces down your throat. Plebs always talk about how deep they think it is just because of this. It seems very much a two dimensional, simple book.

>> No.2446680

Burmese Days.

Perfectly sums up my relationship with all of these hackneyed notions of Britishness (I'm Anglo-Indian).

>> No.2448341

I already have it on my kindle I was just wondering if it is worth reading