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2443956 No.2443956 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who has a facebook account, should not be allowed on /lit/.

If you have a facebook account, please, and I mean PLEASE LEAVE /lit/!!! PLEASE!!!

>> No.2443961


>> No.2443963

Enjoy your no-friend life, faggot.

>> No.2443960

This thread is not related to literature.

>> No.2443967


>> No.2443984

Really the only place people with facebook should be posting is /b/.

>> No.2444002

You punctuate like Charles Dickens.

>dat comma

also fuck yourself.

>> No.2444012

i agree OP. fuck these friendly bastards.

>> No.2444022
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Why OP? It makes keeping in touch with my distant family far easier and convenient than it would be otherwise. Only basement dwelling neckbeards with no friends refuse to use Facebook. I think, sir, you can go and eat yourself a dick. Have a nice day.

>> No.2444027

not op but you know there are emails and things like that...staying ''in touch'' with people on facebook is just an interaction between their online personae and your online persona meanwhile you get data mined

>> No.2444034

But emails arent as quick and easy. Facebook is literally like 5 word messages and blamo, you dont get shit for not keeping in contact. As for being data mined, so what? Its shit they can easily find out about me anyway.

>> No.2444038

I just think it's sad that people feel the need to create this facade of being in touch with people..it's like if you're just going to have a disingenuous relationship why even bother? you can write short emails too by the way...i'm pretty sure you're on facebook because it's a social convention and you're trying to justify it

>> No.2444043

Its not the same thing. Emails are more personal. Also, a disingenuous relationship is better than none. I really dont care though, you dont like/use it, thats fine, thats your choice. Opinions are like assholes and all that jazz.

>> No.2444047


Sucks not having friends, huh?

>> No.2444049

>Also, a disingenuous relationship is better than none.
Is watering a fake plant better than watering no plant at all?

>> No.2444058

OP has no friends

You belong on >>r9k

>> No.2444068

I always say ''opinions are like assholes, they are all shitty''...but yeah, i don't have a problem with people being on facebook really i just think it highlights a problem i have with people being fake with eachother...i had a facebook for a long time and it was good while i was traveling or so i thought to keep in touch with people but whenever i see old friends again in person i realize just how different their persona is from who they are and eventually i just felt like talking to their online self was an empty gesture...and they all gave me grief for deleting my account i just don't get it.

>> No.2444095

Go back to r9kryaboutit faggot