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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 585x750, JoyceUlysses2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2442546 No.2442546 [Reply] [Original]

Just unreadable

Fuck you /lit/

>> No.2442550

>subtext is too much for me to handle fuck you guys for making me feel so inadequate

>> No.2442561

Not OP, but yes, essentially.

>> No.2442563

grow some sense of shit, OP

>> No.2442567

Ulysses is perfectly readable if you're well educated and widely read. Finnegan's Wake, less so.

>> No.2442570

well educated and widely read or intelligent? Can someone of average, or slightly below average, intelligence learn to make sense of it?

>> No.2442573

A portrait of the Artist as a young man is more readable than Ulysses
*insert something about Ulysses being overrated*

>> No.2442575

Did you try reading from left to right?

>> No.2442578


Yes, that's true. And The Lord of the Flies is more readable than Portrait. That doesn't mean Portrait is unreadable. Have you considered that your reading comprehension is currently insufficient for adult literature and you need to apply yourself?

>> No.2442581

You need to be widely read to understand the references.

>> No.2442589


There are reference guides for that. There's really only a handful of things you need to know to follow the plot. Review the plot to Hamlet, read an overview of Plato and Aristotle, get a basic knowledge of Irish history, etc. Shit like Blake, Tennyson, Milton, Homer, Dante are bonus points. You could prep to read Ulysses in under an hour.

>> No.2442596

> implying that comparing Ulysses, Finnegan's Wake and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in the matter of their readability requires reading them first
> implying that I haven't read the said texts
> implying that you are better educated than me
> implying that I give a fuck

>> No.2442599


Your post is unreadable, bro. I'm going back to GRRM.

>> No.2442600

Interesting. Thank you.

>> No.2442604

Who or what the fuck is GRRM? I've been seeing this everywhere..

>> No.2442608
File: 106 KB, 500x375, GRRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


George "Reading Rainbow" Martin, writer of that A Song of Fire and Ice fantasy series.

>> No.2442607

George R R Martin
these douchebags think they look cool for writing it like this

>> No.2442612
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>> No.2442615


Ulysses is one of the few things that brought him joy.

>> No.2442618
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.2442619

Is Ulysses in English too hard for someone who reads mostly in English while it's not his mother tongue?

I'm very interested in Greek mythology (although I've yet to read Homer's Iliad & Odyssey…).

>> No.2442622


I guess it depends at what level you're reading. It's not that bad, really, but there are a lot of puns.

>> No.2442620


>Interested in Greek mythology
>Never read the key texts for Greek mythology

Get your shit together, you clown.

>> No.2442626

what this post says: >>2442619

also, if you are interested in something, or want to pretend like you are, do some research..get to know your stuff before trolling. At least do a decent job of trolling, man. This is just pathetic.

>> No.2442628

Shut the fuck up

>> No.2442629
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>> No.2442631

What? Just because I haven't read Homer means I can't like Greek things? I must be a failure then.

Thanks, I read Crichton? King, Nabokov, Stoker. So I think I've a good reading level. I'll try to get some excerpts before buying it though.

>> No.2442636

Crichton and King are pulp fiction crap, but if you're getting on with Nabokov there's no reason not to at least attempt it.

>> No.2442642

go back to reddit you flaming faggot

>> No.2442645

no no i get most of the references

i just don't get why

i'm two chapters in and it's just people talking about random shit, eating breakfast etc.. i mean there's no plot forming yet

>> No.2442647

>I'm 20 pages into a 650 page novel

>> No.2442650

>i enjoy reading page upon page of pointless drivel

good novels make you want to keep reading

>> No.2442651
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>no no i get most of the references
>people talking about random shit, eating breakfast etc..

>> No.2442655


It is good, though. I thought your issue was the whole plot hasn't unfolded yet. If you're hoping for sword fights or warfare or something, look elsewhere.

>> No.2442674

So what exactly is the point, just a retelling of the classic story?

>> No.2442675


> implying saying 'implying' and using green text are witty, original and intelligent things to do

PROTIP: They arem't

>> No.2442691


It's very loosely a retelling of The Odyssey. It's got its own whole thing going on. Read the book, then make a thread about this.

>> No.2442698

Good idea to read The Odyssey first then? or not necessary?

>> No.2442707

>under-read teenagers trying to read Ulysses for hipster cred

>> No.2442708

Shut the fuck up. You may not dress like one, but you think like one.

>> No.2442711

It's not only a good idea, but in a general scale of difficulty it would be best to have read The Odyssey before Ulysses anyway. Like, if you haven't read The Odyssey then it's likely that you're not very well read, so I don't see what the rush is to tackle the end boss of the canon when you have so much other stuff to get through first.

>> No.2442715

Are there any essential reading lists you'd recommend for someone who is interested in becoming more familiar with Western literature? How do you feel about the "Harvard Classics" compilation?

Here's the first 10 volumes

His Autobiography - Benjamin Franklin
Journal - John Woolman
Fruits of Solitude - William Penn
The Apology of Socrates - Plato
Crito - Plato
Phaedo - Plato
The Golden Sayings of Epictetus - Epictetus
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - Marcus Aurelius
Essays, Civil and Moral - Francis Bacon
The New Atlantis - Francis Bacon
Areopagitica - John Milton
Tractate on Education - John Milton
Religio Medici - Sir Thomas Browne
Complete Poems Written in English - John Milton
Essays and English Traits - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Poems and Songs - Robert Burns
The Confessions of Saint Augustine - Saint Augustine
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis
Agamemnon - Aeschylus
The Libation-Bearers - Aeschylus
The Furies - Aeschylus
Prometheus Bound - Aeschylus
Oedipus the King - Sophocles
Antigone - Sophocles
Hippolytus - Euripides
The Bacchae - Euripides
The Frogs - Aristophanes
On Friendship - Cicero
On Old Age - Cicero
Letters - Cicero
Letters - Pliny the Younger
Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

>> No.2442766
File: 8 KB, 278x259, HappyPicard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Poems and Songs - Robert Burns

>> No.2442773


Was this list compiled by T.S. Eliot, or am I pulling that out of my ass?

>> No.2442778

You're thinking of the cannon.

Ive forgotton who was in it, Conrad definately was and possibly Austen.

>> No.2442780


Charles W. Eliot, not T.S.

>> No.2442783

But after a quick google search it appears im pulling that out of my arse as well. Disregard.

>> No.2442843

Ulysses in my view belongs in the same garbage heap as Gravity's Rainbow and The Infinite Jest. It's not that I don't think naming names is not literature, it's just that anglo-saxon writers do it so crudely and completely outside of a hermetic, (pseudo-)academic context where such discourse belongs (cf. Borges, Eco, Kiš, Pavić).

>> No.2442850
File: 64 KB, 252x205, cannon_clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2442975


What the fuck am I reading..

>> No.2442979

Samuel Beckett is superior imo

>> No.2442982

>The Infinite Jest
>in the same train of thought as Ulysses and GR

See how I know you're fucking idiot?

>> No.2442984

This is the first I'm I've encountered white racism. Awesome.

>> No.2443498

No it isn't, you retarded fuck. White people get treated with more racism than any other race, because it's socially acceptable and not considered racist to be prejudiced towards whties.

Fuck off.

>> No.2443533

I think he meant OVERT white racism in a context where the person could be reasonably held accountable for their words even within the confines of an extremely liberal worldview.