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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.24384[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

At first, we were cautious. We didn't know each other's preferred literary works or one rep maxes. But we communicated...

>"D-do you even lift f-faggot? SS + GOMAD"
>"H-haha, I bet you don't even read John Green, faggot."

And so with time our community grew. /fit/izens taught those of /lit/ how to lift and diet properly, and /lit/izens educated the former in many important literary works. They improved on each other's weaknesses and ended up stronger than they ever were before.

Yes, this was a new era. An era of unlimited strength and knowledge. An era of power.

>> No.24679

This golden age would not last long. For the forces of nature and the universe would correct it's perfect mistake in time. The bonds shared between the fitizens and litizens would be broken in a day, and their unique relations with each other would be a memory of better times.

>> No.24706

>John Green
Into the trash it goes

>> No.24740

Into the Trash it does

>> No.24777
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>> No.24786




>> No.25520
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Jesus. You ruined all credibility you had when you mentioned
>John Green


>> No.26451

/fitlit/ confirmed DYEL