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2437279 No.2437279 [Reply] [Original]

Also, if it was his breakthrough novel, why did he never write another realistic book, and only magical realism?

>> No.2437292

Because it's either the only book they've read or because there's a movie based on it.

I think 'Kafka on the Shore' is his best myself but I'm already preparing to be mauled because apparently Mr. Murakami isn't snappy enough for /lit/.

>> No.2437294


KOTS is his 2nd best, I think. Chronicle is the best.

after the quake is the worst. It's horrible. wowitsfuckingnothing.jpg.

>> No.2437297

To answer your second question, magical realism is a handy device to make your symbolism stand out, I guess.

Also it's fun.

>> No.2437306

I thought they were quite subtle.

You do realize it was supposed to be a bunch of short stories about people who were all influenced by the earthquake in other ways?

>> No.2437321


OMG, really?

That book was shit, lazy, shit, lazy, shit, and, oh yes, lazy.

>> No.2437327

I read them one afternoon on the train. I enjoyed them. Didn't get any life-changing epiphanies but that wasn't really what I was expecting either.

>> No.2437331

High Tier


Mid Tier


Low Tier


>> No.2437335

Because it touches you on an emotional level if you are ME.

That's my reason. The period of my life in which I first read it probably also factors into why I cherish it so much.

>> No.2437344

did you read all his works or are you reiterating some other opinion or a from composite of opinions

>> No.2437347

Then again, I hardly ever really hate anything I read except for that one time I took up Goethe's 'Werther' and nearly had to puke by page 40

>> No.2437354


I have actually gone through all this works, yes, and those are my rankings.

>> No.2437363

Sunhawk's Murakami thread of the day?

Oh, cool.

>> No.2437380

>why do people consider Norwegian Wood the author's best book?

Because everything is subjective

>> No.2437406

Norwegian Wood is his best because we are all so lonely we can relate.

>> No.2437453

The thing about NW is that the fantasy is so wish-fulfilling and desirable, while not being too eye-rolling, that we see past the horribly unrealistic romance and interactions.

>> No.2437465

You're a bit too old to be reading Murakami, Sunhawk. In fact, you're a bit too old to be unemployed and living with your parents and making threads on 4chan all day, too.

>> No.2437488
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Sick burn.

No seriously, that's ironic you mock him for your future career.

>> No.2439546

A Wild Sheep Chase is his best, in my opinion.

I liked Underground as a work of nonfiction, it shouldn't be lumped together with the rest of Murakami's oeuvre.

>> No.2439568

>no, you are

Awesome retort, man.

>> No.2439583

I've only read Kafka on the Shore and I didn't really like it and I like the vast majority of what I read so I'm def not gonna try anything else.

>> No.2439590

for a moment I was about to feel insecure because that "man" was more beautiful than I consider myself (on a good day when I'm feeling good) but then I realized it was a woman and everythingwentbetterthanexpected.sex

>> No.2439591

Murakami's prose is a sad, sad, sad thing to behold.

>> No.2440352


This is the first Murakami thread I've made in about 6 months. I admit I used to make a couple a week, back in a lot of 2011, but this is the first in maybe half a year.

>> No.2440424

>why do people consider Norwegian Wood the author's best book?

because opinions you dolt. and the fact that you didn't enjoy after the quake only helps confirm this. that was his best set of short stories although his shortest. i felt like there was an arc over them, connecting them. pretty rad.