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/lit/ - Literature

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2433772 No.2433772 [Reply] [Original]

Why is literature important at all?
The only book I've ever read was harry potter and I only read like half of it as a kid.

All culture and stories nowadays comes from movies, tv shows, cartoons, video games. Etc. You're a dying medium.

Enjoy your boring bullshit.

>> No.2433775

what's the matter, your shitposting is getting 404'd in the fast boards so you try one of the slowest ones instead?

>> No.2433774

Thanks Pinkie Pie.

Slag off back to /mlp/

>> No.2433779
File: 254 KB, 456x459, 131524699543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

Why don't you quit being butthurt and respond to what I've said.

>> No.2433781

Couldn't have put it better myself. Now go back to /mlp/

>> No.2433788
File: 120 KB, 500x377, adventure time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are ponies important at all?
The only episode I saw was the original series back in the 90s and I only watched half of that episode as a kid.

All cute creatures nowadays come from Adventure time anyway.

Enjoy your pony bullshit.

>> No.2433789

women authors am I right?
what did you do on your friday night?
let's discuss dreams.
what kind of tea are you drinking?
Murakami rips off Kafka and Welles.
>tfw thread

compared to other threads this one's pretty good.

>> No.2433796


I know I shouldn't be doing this, as it's not an /mlp/ thread, but I can justify it by saying that I would never ever say this in /mlp/.

You cannot make a proper judgement without even watching an episode. This generation is nothing like the past ones. I'd say, watch a few before saying things.

You don't have to. It's just best if you want to pass judgement

>> No.2433795


>not saging this shit

seriously though, are you guys retarded?

>> No.2433797

>You cannot make a proper judgement without even watching an episode.

Yes I can. It's a fucking airheaded children's show. It's not something that requires attention or analysis. Get over it.

>> No.2433798


that being said, SAGE SAGE SAGE!!!

>> No.2433801
File: 584 KB, 505x700, 392df25a18a01bc75818c6c0df08ed341493eed4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adventure time
>not worthless bullshit

>> No.2433803


You can make a judgement, yes. But not one that anyone can be proud of. It's ignorance, really, the same which plagues people who argue about random shit on YouTube.

I'd think that /lit/ would be a bit better at communicating than the community in YouTube.

>> No.2433806
File: 189 KB, 755x1020, 8MZAc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me faggots, why are books better than tv shows and movies?

Please tell me, I'm waiting.

>> No.2433807

your sages are useless
viva lit!

>> No.2433811
File: 19 KB, 544x489, 1312497744927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lol'd.

>> No.2433812

>Internet induced ADHD
>Can't read books anymore without getting bored the first few chapters in

>> No.2433813

It's your body. Do what you want.

You're thinking too hard about! Pick up a book, look at the words inside it and see if it appeals to you.

Or you could watch Reading Rainbow!

>> No.2433814


Nobody said they are better.

Technology is swaying towards the favouritism television, movies, and videogames, but books are still here, and they are still as impactful as ever.

Take your straw man away from here, please.

>> No.2433829

everything is just recycled. why transformers and ponies are just modern studios resurrecting old cash generating franchises to insensible degrees of success. consider this: the kids who once begged their parents for these toys are now actually forced into buying the same toys for their own kids! This is exactly like when Constantine the Roman Emperor founded a new capitol city but found his architects were shitty and couldn't do the job right. He was forced to build new schools of architecture to train the youth but eventually stole most of the old cities greatest statuary and triumphs.

in conclusion, culture is NOT coming from modern things, but from marketing. Andy Warhol was right.

>> No.2433851

ITT: butthurt plebs who can't accept that their favourite medium is making them braindead, whereas reading actually develops you intellectually

not that i can't appreciate a good movie or tv series, but being a dumbass is nothing to be proud of

>> No.2433863

>half-assedly trying to troll /lit/

Might as well go ask /n/ why only homosexuals ride bikes.

>> No.2433864


It's funny that you say this, yet you've damned all of literature (an entire MEDIUM, mind you, not just one franchise) after only reading half of a popular young adult series.

Maybe we should practice what we preach?

>> No.2433869


>> No.2433890

Actually, a lot of the stories of movies and TV-shows are based on novels. Video Games borrow from literature oftentimes as well.

Also note, that movies are based on scripts, which are, although many might argue, a form of literature in and off itself.

>> No.2433912

Plebeian scum. Please die.