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2433608 No.2433608 [Reply] [Original]

Do you watch the films to the books you read?
Do you read the books films are based on after watching them?

I often find myself reading the books to films I really liked, but I barely have any interest in watching films of books I liked. I don't really watch many films, though. I heard that many insist on reading the original before watching the film, though.

What about you?

Pic not related, but it' Vonnegut.

>> No.2433611

Not usually, but if I do, I always claim that the book is better.

>> No.2433615

Don't read The Godfather, you'll look like a fool.

>> No.2433617


Or Jurassic Park.

>> No.2433618

I've seen the movies, but not read the books.

>> No.2433620

I'd argue The Princess Bride was just as good. And I was pretty impressed by The Prestige.

>> No.2433622

>The Prestige

It's plainly called "Prestige" here in Germany. I now notice how the original title has an entirely different feeling.

It baffles me how translators manage to mutilate the meaning of book and film titles in so subtle ways.

>> No.2433627
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>judging a book by its movie

>> No.2433628


>judging a movie by its book

Two can play at that game.

>> No.2433646
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thats kinda lazy op. doing that is senseless imo. it just spoils everything. it would be like drying yourself before taking a shower and not after.

i think that the movie, in itself, is always bad, but seeing it after reading the book is great, if one takes it like some kinda "tribute".

>> No.2433649

>judging the ur-narrative by its medium of expression

>> No.2433653

You are treating a movie like it's just merchandise to the book. Movies can take on an entirely different interpretation of a story, not necessarily of the book it is written in.

>> No.2433654
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>my face when I watched the Naked Lunch movie before reading the book, fell in love with it, read the book, and now I'm reading all of Burroughs' stuff
The Slaughterhouse-Five movie was pretty cool too.

>> No.2433658

If i really like a book, i try to stay away from the movie, thought they just added Catch 22 to netflix and im tempted to check it out.
Naked Lunch was pretty great. I read the book first and i just had to see how the hell they would make that into a movie.Cronenberg was definitely the guy to make it happen.

>> No.2433660

I just watch films and read books as separate media. Even ones based on the other.

I don't go out to read a book of a film I like, but if I see it cheap I might pick it up.

Or if I read a good book and a film is out I won't go out of my way to see it, but if it's on TV or playing at the local cinema and I have nothing better to do, then sure.