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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 400x397, murakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2433220 No.2433220 [Reply] [Original]

Haruki Murakami is a plagiarist and an untalented, unimaginative author.

He stole the name for his book "1Q84" from George Orwell's most famous work entitled "1984".

Ha! How clever, I'll replace the "9" with "Q" and no one will notice anything! Even though Q and 9 are homophones in Japanese language and pronouncing the names of these two novels in Japanese would sound the same.

But this wasn't the first time something like this happened. Seven years earlier, he used Franz Kafka's last name to name the main protagonist of his novel "Kafka on the Shore" and basically the book itself.

Why is this guy so uncreative? Why does he have to steal things from other authors?

And why are his books so awful and nonsensical? If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

In conclusion, Haruki Murakami is David Lynch of literature.

Do you agree or not? Share your thoughts on this artists with me, /lit/.

>> No.2433226

0/10 obvious troll

>> No.2433235
File: 6 KB, 187x270, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, Murakami fanboy.
You could have at least shared some thoughts with us on this.

It's kind of sad how Japan stopped producing good authors since Mishima's early demise.

>> No.2433245

I whole-heartedly agree but i think it's a waste of time to bitch about things you don't like.

>> No.2433246

I haven't read a word of Murakami and I can tell that your arguments are complete bullshit.

>> No.2433248

Its in keeping with the postmodern trend, cross-textuality or something.
Doesn't really matter, just a different device to play with.

>> No.2433255


For serious.
If Murakami was actually one of the Japanese greats he would have offed himself just like Akutagawa, Dazai and Mishima.
That he still lives is one of many black marks against him as an author and a man.

>> No.2433293
File: 26 KB, 310x471, dazai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't read a word of Murakami therefore you are not eligible to say anything about this.

You're probably trolling, but it's true that most if not all of Japanese greatest authors killed themselves.

>> No.2433298

I am Japanese. I live in Japan. Do

 you like this writor? In Japan h
e is no person. No one likes him.
 This is means you American are ba

d for buy so many his books.

>> No.2433301

>David Lynch of literature

i was with you until here. go fuck yourself

>> No.2433303

I smiled OP. 8/10 because it was funny.

>> No.2433306
File: 39 KB, 1280x688, Mulholland Drive 2001[20-13-54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me that you actually like David Lynch? I could write you a couple of reasons on why he's bad.

>> No.2433307

And all of them would be wrong

>> No.2433319

I can change my keyboard settings 
to Romanji too

>> No.2433324

I do not even have words, OP.

Why would you even post this? I mean, fuck.

>> No.2433327

I shall join you in this full-width 
alphanumeric shitposting fest.

>> No.2433351

Don't forget when he took that Beatles song Norwegian Wood for that title of his one book.

>> No.2433450
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Haruki-Murakami-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when people on this board don't like Murakami everyone automatically assumes that they're trolling?

Lynch managed to convince everyone how his films actually have some semblance of meaning when they don't and in actuality even himself doesn't know what are his movies about. They certainly aren't full of "deeper" and "hidden" meanings, and it's funny how people believe that Lynch's intention was to get every person to form their own valid interpretation of his films which is important to them. When asked by a guy about the meaning of his movies, Lynch only replied with "You start meditating, pal".
I can't tell if he's been paid to promote them or he was really brainwashed by the cult known as the Transcendental Meditation movement. Yeah, it's a cult. But that's another subject now.

Goddamn it, I forgot to mention that in my first post.

>> No.2433455

obvious but kind of funny.
I don't like him, but not really for his allusions (although "baffle them with bullshit is spot on imo.)

oh when trolls have a good point. the most effective lie contains an element of truth!

>> No.2433460

>Why is this guy so uncreative?

he is a gook

also: who the fuck reads shitty "literature" like this? sci-fi and fantasy only for me.

>> No.2433522


I replied.

>> No.2433534

Lynch is always pretty open about how his films are either deep works of genius or trash depending on your view. Authorial intent and reader interpretation—in this case viewer interpretation— really go hand in hand more than most people like to admit. Films can be about something but audiences can interpret them differently. Same goes for books. As for whether or not his films actually have meaning it really depends on the film. Mulholland Drive certainly had more to it than meets the eye. As for Eraserhead, I'm a huge fan of the film from a technical standpoint, but I can't really make heads or tails of its "meaning."

As for the OP, I'm pretty much with you on some of the points. I don't like Murakami. I think he tries too hard. I think he rams so many post-modern cliché's into his work that you could get the exact same experience by reading any other major post-modern work. Is he a plaigarist? That I can't really say. He's never explicitly stolen anything to the best of my knowledge. But I can't be too certain, I've only read a bit of his work.

>> No.2433538


>OP is trying too hard
>OP doesn't like baffling bullshit
>guaranteed replies

>> No.2433625

I don't get the David Lynch part ?

>> No.2433632

I haven't read any of Murakami's works, but it seems to me to be tributes rather than plagiarism. Yes, no?

I don't know.

>> No.2433746

Wow, just because his titles are borrowed from pop culture. Doesn't mean he ripped off his prose. Have you actually read any of his books or are you just going off how he titles them?

>> No.2433757

nobody cares what you say until you die. possibly. tripfriend activate

>> No.2433758

>Tao Lin
>Richard Yates
>Haley Joel Osment
>Dakota Fanning

>> No.2434414

Is murakami the author that has a lot of radiohead references in his books?

>> No.2434419

Murakami is what he is. A decent writer who follows a very formulaic approach to most of his novels and short-stories. There will always be cats, lonely introverts, jazz, and coffee shops. And guess what? That's the way Murakami fans want it. Deal with it.

>> No.2434431
File: 69 KB, 465x464, Norwegian-Wood-the-beatles-12951682-465-464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like The Beatles.

>> No.2434497

Homage or plagiarism? CLEARLY HOMAGE

>> No.2434969

It's called borrowing.

You also forgot Norwegian Wood.

>> No.2435054

Guys I've never read any Murakami, what should I start with?

>> No.2435065

"David Lynch of Literature"

BANG! Finally someone who isn't sold on Lynch.

>> No.2435067



>> No.2435071
File: 198 KB, 1028x1513, 1326534565238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for this troll trolling trolls

>> No.2435076


Eraserhead is all on the surface, the degree to which it lends itself to Freudian cliches is kind of hilarious.

>> No.2435091

>that it wasn't impressive for a B-movie in terms of redefining the genre and obtaining cult status

sage for not /lit/ related

>> No.2435102

Guy who has come to a grinding halt reading 1Q84 here. First book by Murakami I've read. I picked it up because I saw it was a fairly popular book and I had a gift card to spend. To be frank, I find it boring.

>> No.2435122

I've read almost all of his novels.
Actually 1Q84 is the worst.

>> No.2435126

I can't. ;_;

>> No.2435131

You started on his worst by miles. It's a damn shame, son.

>> No.2435143

I got 1Q84 for Christmas. I started reading it Christmas eve, and since then I've read Homer's Odyssey, a book on revolution and war in 19th century Europe, Hobbe's Leviathan, Morte D'Arthur, Gravity's Rainbow, Paradise Lost, Treasure Island, and every poem by Richard Brautigan and TS Eliot. I've only read the first three chapters of 1Q84, and that was on the day I started reading it. Don't get me wrong, this probably isn't any indication of how enjoyable Murukami is; I just get distracted easily.

>> No.2435147

1Q84 Suffers From Weak Prose
The biggest drawback of 1Q84 is difficult to overlook: it's not very well-written. Murakami's prose, which once seemed so clear and effortless, comes off as a bit cliche and lazy this time around. An example: "Aomame could not help feeling sorry for the plant. If she were ever reincarnated, let her not be reborn as such a miserable rubber plant!" (28). The attempt at humor falls flat and the reader is left feeling slightly patronized by a writer who is undeniably brilliant but sometimes writes sentences that would make a mature reader cringe.
Read more at Suite101: 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami: A Book Review | Suite101.com http://todd-christopher-petty.suite101.com/1q84-a-book-review-a398504#ixzz1nRNUDwKc

>> No.2435172

Is 1Q84 indicative of his other works? I've read 3/4 of it, and while it's an okay book, if his other works are like it, I wont bother picking them up.

>> No.2435175

" If Haruki Murakami's name was was Freddy Johnson and he was a white American, would you still think his books were so amazing?

No, you wouldn't. Even Japan knows he's a hack. Only American suburban hipsters like his "literature". "


>> No.2435176

This is pretty true. Nobody'd give him a second glance if he was an American.

>> No.2435182


except he'd be writing about Japan and Japanese people with an eerie amount of detail.

you fuckheads don't say this shit about Dostoevsky

>> No.2435183


1Q94 is definitely not one of his best. Try 'Norwegian Wood' or 'The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle'. Both highly praised and very engrossing works.

>> No.2435191


Is the prose problem not possibly a translation problem also?

>> No.2435193

I couldnt feel but feel that 1Q84 was way too long. It could easily have been have the length, I think.

>> No.2435219

I don't buy this, personally. Murakami knows English, and I doubt an official editor would mangle the translate this bad.

>> No.2435226


The thing I've never understood is why it takes so many years for his books to come out in English. He's got a big enough fanbase, I assume, so why does it take so long? Why doesn't he just translate them himself.

>> No.2435238




>> No.2435309


Motherfucker doesn't even have an Akutagawa Prize.

>> No.2435323



>> No.2435327

Why do you type in caps all the time?
Why do you live in Japan and not America?

>> No.2435328

>here in japan

why do you not talk in broken english and that funny looking font?
I don't believe you.

>> No.2435335



>> No.2435339

Why dont you post more pics of yourself with that hot Japanese girl.

>> No.2435341

I was laughing until the David Lynch bit

That really rustled my jimmies

>> No.2435344


irl lol'd at this

>> No.2435372
File: 2 KB, 292x56, file01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2435405

I like him, but it's cool if you don't, I guess I'm just to pleb to read whatever it is /lit/ likes.

>> No.2435408

And wells. And ears.

>> No.2435613

This is not some big news, OP.

No one on this board likes Murakami.

>> No.2435795

I've read it in Japanese and felt the same as the review. His prose is becoming looser.

>> No.2436305

Prose? Not like he's written any poetry...

>> No.2436576

>He stole the name for his book "1Q84" from George Orwell's most famous work entitled "1984".

It's called giving a homage to someone.

>But this wasn't the first time something like this happened. Seven years earlier, he used Franz Kafka's last name to name the main protagonist of his novel "Kafka on the Shore" and basically the book itself.

Have you even read that book? Main character is honoring the writer by choosing that name for himself.

>Why is this guy so uncreative? Why does he have to steal things from other authors?

Borrowing and/or paying a homage. Not stealing. He would have been sued many times by now if he was a thief.

>If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

To a certain degree I can agree with this.

>In conclusion, Haruki Murakami is David Lynch of literature.

I don't see the connection.

>> No.2436588

>>White people who can't stand the fact that Japan is better at literature too

>> No.2436591



>> No.2436612

Murakami si one of the worst "literary" Japanese writer.

>> No.2436668


What are some good Japanese writers apart from Yukio Mishima?

>> No.2436726

ummmmm Kobo Abe?

>> No.2436745


Pick one.

Why don't you stop being entry level and read some Akutagawa, Soseki or Kawabata.

>> No.2436750


Those authors are just as 'entry-level' as Mishima. What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.2436754


Please don't confuse good with entry level.

>> No.2436758


I'm not you retard. Anyone who has done even a cursory glance into Japanese literature knows the authors you listed. They are entry-level as fuck.

>> No.2436762

hurr, only crap obscure authors who were too shit to become popular aren't "entry level"

>> No.2436763

Call me crazy, but can't people just read whatever books by Japanese authors they want?
I mean 'entry level', please. Who're you fooling niggers. Posting on /lit/ is still posting on 4chan.

>> No.2436770


What is your point?

>> No.2436932


My point is that no matter how much spunking up in your pants you want to do about 'entry level' this and 'entry level' that you're still on the fucking internet. No one fucking cares so stop being such a bunch of bitches about it.

Wouldn't it be nice if instead of arguing all the time the people on /lit/ actually celebrated literature instead?

>> No.2438458

How about:
Masuji Ibuse
Kobo Abe
Kimitake Hiraoka
Kawabata Yasunari
Kenzaburo Oe
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Osamu Dazai

Is that enough?

>implying any of you know about at least one of these writers

>> No.2440147
File: 10 KB, 324x278, ngbbs4f1a3eda82fc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mishima

>> No.2440153

I read Kobe Abe's "the woman in the dunes"

it's a terrible book.

i'm going to assume that the rest of your list is just as terrible as him.

>> No.2440157

oh my god how retarded can you possibly be

>> No.2440160

wait a minute. itseems i'm the retard. good job anon, you've made a fool of me

>> No.2440194

>Kenzaburo Oe
>Ryunosuke Akutagawa
>Osamu Dazai

No anon, You are terrible.

>> No.2440244

I just wanted to read books.

>> No.2440268


>> No.2440278

most of us don't admire Murakami. So your attempt to troll has failed. The general consensus here is that Murakami is mediocre and 1Q84 is not his best. Possible one of his worst.

>> No.2440556
File: 49 KB, 392x400, yukio_mishima_san_sebastianthumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're retarded. so was mishima. enjoy getting your life perspectives from an insane retard with severe peter pan issues.

kenzaburo oe is still alive and is one of japan's best. his novels seventeen and the silent cry make mishima look like a naive douche.

also, i just finished lord of the rings for the first time. even with its one-dimensional characters i still felt like i learn more meaningful shit about life. and it evoked more meaningful emotions from me too than any of mishima's works. and i've read at least 8 btw.

pic related. a taste of mishima's idiocy.

>> No.2441521

I don't know what to say... I am appalled. I have never met someone who has such openly-admitted disrespect for good writers.

>insane retard
>peter pan issues
>naive douche
Please tell me that you are trolling, please.

>> No.2442321

please respond

>> No.2442330

Don't worry, that guy takes every chance he gets to brag about how many books by Mishima he's read and how much he hates them. And how much better Oe is than Mishima. He's popped up in almost every vaguely-Japanese literature related thread we've had in the past two years to mention how much he hates Mishima.

>> No.2442349

Eh, I think Mishima is a very average writer too.

If the guy hadn't been as crazy as he was and killed himself I don't think people would be so high on his lit.

Y'know, like the hagiography of DFW post-suicide.

>> No.2442351


You're clearly not part of the homosexual master-race.

Go back to Cracked.com, heterofaggot.

>> No.2442353


Of course you wouldn't understand; you're not a homosexual misogynist.

>> No.2442502

>If the guy hadn't been as crazy as he was and killed himself

Yeah, people like his books because of that.
You are very smart.

>> No.2443009

that was a semi troll with a real opinion motivating it.

i am the anon that this guy is talking about. it's true. mishima seems to be an either love or hate kind of writer. k. oe is my fave jap writer behind soseki. and i think oe is important in understanding my view of mishima. the messianic role the brother plays in, "the silent cry" is probably what struck me as most interesting. that and his short novel, "seventeen." i always include these two in my rants...

i usually let anons know that i've read quite a bit of mishima before every rant so they don't assume i've read only one book. rarely is one book enough to judge. you can judge the book but not an author on one book. i've read quite a few. watched a documentary (which idealized the hell out of his end) and read a biography by john nathan (oe's preferred english translator from what i understand).

i've also said mishima was a good story-teller. his romantic language feels nice at times. here and there he seems to be a crossbreed of poet and novelist. but the themes of his novels where violence and beauty clash or get mixed up is just idiotic to me. i don't believe in samurai honor. nor of emperors or overzealous patriots defending romantic sentimentality where (in my opinion) it doesn't belong.

i also believe that people should read whatever they want. even mishima or rand. but when people ask about a writer i'm familiar with i say my piece. because that's why we're here. to discuss opinions. and also because there aren't many jap lit threads and those are the authors i generally enjoy most.

every writer in this anon's post is good imo if you want an idea of what i like. maybe you don't like them. that is okay.

also capsguy likes mishima and i still enjoy discussing jap lit with him, even if he dislikes my rants.

>> No.2443313 [DELETED] 


>> No.2443378


RIP Capsguy.
Pouring out a little liquor for the little homie.

>> No.2445349

Where can I meet this capsguy person?

>> No.2445360

>implying this isn't why everyone sucks DFW festering dick
>implying this isn't why everyone still buys Nirvana albums
>this doesn't hold true for every artist who topped themselves early

>> No.2445587

I hate tripfags and I block them and didn't read your post but I like the name yRan. That would nicely fuck with a lot of people if that was someone's real name.