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/lit/ - Literature

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2433078 No.2433078 [Reply] [Original]

My favorite directors are Godard, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Antonioni, Resnais, Melville, Fellini, Malle and Bresson.

Who are yours?

>> No.2433082


>> No.2433083

>mfw this fucking reposted troll thread leads to civil discussion, as usual

>> No.2433089

It's not a troll thread. I genuinely enjoy these discussions.

>> No.2433094

I genuinely enjoy reaction images and >mfw, but you don't see me posting about it all the time

>> No.2433102

It's a troll thread on /tv/.

>> No.2433105

My favorite directors are: Chris Marker, Chris Cunningham, Hiroshi Teshigahara, Lars Von Trier and Wes Anderson

>> No.2433114

Jarman, Mekas, Brakhage, Frampton, Tscherkassky.

>> No.2433122

John Hughes is my favorite.

>> No.2433128
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My favorite directors are pretty standard movie canon like OP, except for Fellini (I'm not really into Italians), Malle and Bresson, and add Wilder, Altman, Penn, Marker, Kieslowski, Linklater, Johnson and you know, I barely even discriminate, I like a lot of stuff, even brakhage is a cool guy for me.

Apparently the hot thing right now is thai/south korean so I'm checking out some weerasethakul along with some docs but really I love movies in pretty much every form they come.

>> No.2433132

Personally this Auteur bullshit sickens me....film is the only, truly collaborative art form, it is in it's nature a group effort...fucking egotists.

>> No.2433136

Change the key grip and it'll still be the same movie
Change the director and it'll be completely different

>> No.2433139

It's collaborative... but that doesn't mean most of the collaboration is done by technicians who don't really care about the artistic aspect of the film and that the director's vision isn't the guiding force during development.

>> No.2433141

Pedro Almodóvar
Robert Altman
Paul Thomas Anderson
Theodoros Angelopoulos
Jean-Jacques Annaud
Michelangelo Antonioni
Darren Aronofsky
Richard Attenborough
Charlie Chaplin
Henri-Georges Clouzot
Coen brothers
Francis Ford Coppola
Frank Darabont
Vittorio De Sica
Carl Theodor Dreyer
Clint Eastwood
Sergei Eisenstein
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Federico Fellini
Todd Field
David Fincher
Miloš Forman
John Ford
John Frankenheimer
William Friedkin
Samuel Fuller
Terry Gilliam
Jean-Luc Godard
D. W. Griffith
Michael Haneke
Howard Hawks
Werner Herzog
Alfred Hitchcock
John Huston
Kon Ichikawa
Peter Jackson
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Chuck Jones
Elia Kazan
Buster Keaton
Abbas Kiarostami
Krzysztof Kieślowski
Masaki Kobayashi
Stanley Kubrick
Akira Kurosawa
Emir Kusturica
Fritz Lang
David Lean
Spike Lee
Sergio Leone
George Lucas
Sidney Lumet
F. W. Murnau
Christopher Nolan
Frank Oz
Yasujirō Ozu
Sam Peckinpah
Roman Polanski
Nicholas Ray
Satyajit Ray
Rob Reiner
Jean Renoir
Alain Resnais
Éric Rohmer
George A. Romero
Roberto Rossellini
Franklin J. Schaffner
Martin Scorsese
Ridley Scott
Don Siegel
Steven Soderbergh

>> No.2433142

Yuriy Borisovich Norshteyn and Terry Gilliam

>> No.2433147

damn son
quantity over quality much?

>> No.2433143

Someone with that many favorites obviously has no taste

>> No.2433144

change the art director and it will be a completely different movie.

>> No.2433145

Biv Chai Lieng
Chea Nuk
Chea Yuthon
Dara Ham
Dy Saveth
Fai Som Ang
Hang Thun Hak
Heng Tola
Huoy Kung
Kong Bunchoeun
Kong Som Eun
Lai Nguon Heng
Long Sideth
Lim Bun Lun
Lim Kim Ven
Lim Sokhon
Ly Bun Yim
Ly You Sreang
Mao Ayuth
Mit Sakhon
King Norodom Sihanouk
O Sanga
Parn Puong Bopha
So Min Chiv
Sam Som Ath
So Heng
Sok min Chi
Sinn Sisamouth
Sun Bun Ly
Tat Somnang
Tea Lum Kun
Ung Kan Thuok(1st and only Cambodian female director of the time)
Vichara Dany
Vann Vannak
Yvon Hem

>> No.2433146


>directors on /lit/
you're doing it wrong

>implying they have any skills or artistic merit

the only guys that matter creatively are the writers and the director of photography...the director is about as useless as the producer

>> No.2433149

I wished Terry Gilliam received some backing for his work. He wants to do Don Quixote but no one will give him money god dammit

>> No.2433150
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>> No.2433152

>the director is about as useless as the producer

>> No.2433156

Istvan Szabo, President
Elisabeth O. Sjaastad, CEO (Déléguée générale)
Piers Haggard (UK), Chair and Vice President
Gabriel Baur (Switzerland), Vice President
Michel Andrieu (France), Vice President
Håkan Bjerking (Sweden), Honorary Treasurer
Hrvoje Hribar (Croatia)
Maurizio Sciarra (Italy)
André Nebe (Germany)

>> No.2433159
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>> No.2433161

The art direction will be different, obviously, but the rest of the elements remain still. The auteur theory is mostly focused on the creative conception of the film; the end product is undeniably the result of the conjunction of forces and it certainly doesn't follow every single detail as planned by the director. It's not "right" but it's not "wrong" either.

>> No.2433164

Wow, I can really tell your personality through that. What a great fantastic man. So cultured.

>> No.2433165

Wim Wenders
David Lynch
Yasujiro Ozu
So Yong Kim

>> No.2433169

Enrique Rambal
Ana Bertha Lepe
Evangelina Elizondo
Sara Montiel
Eulalio González "Piporro"
Irasema Dilián
Antonio Aguilar
Ana Luisa Peluffo
Maricruz Olivier
Lucy Gallardo
Germán Robles
Christiane Martell
Jaime Fernández
Lorena Velázquez
Elsa Cárdenas
Francisco Rabal
Ignacio López Tarso
Pilar Pellicer
Kitty de Hoyos
Angélica María
Pina Pellicer
Aurora Clavel
Teresa Velázquez
Julio Alemán
Isela Vega
Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta "El Santo"
Alejandro Muñoz Moreno "Blue Demon"
Aaron Rodríguez Arellano "Mil Máscaras"
Claudio Brook
Fanny Cano
Mauricio Garcés
Julio Aldama
Lucha Villa
David Reynoso
Enrique Guzmán
Enrique Álvarez Félix
Jacqueline Andere
Alberto Vázquez
Eric del Castillo
César Costa
Ana Martín
Milton Rodríguez
Andres García
Meche Carreño
Elizabeth Campbell
Enrique Rocha
Valentín Trujillo
Barbara Angely
Angélica María
Amadee Chabot
July Furlong
Jorge Rivero
Lupita Ferrer
María Rojo
Ofelia Medina
Carlos Bracho
Carmen Salinas
Verónica Castro

>> No.2433171

>the only guys that matter creatively are the writers and the director of photography...the director is about as useless as the producer
You have a very limited understanding of cinema as an artistic language if thats what you really think

>> No.2433175

I think Terry Gilliam should be given a blank cheque by the UN to do whatever he wants

>> No.2433179

the whole cinematic experience can be explained by
the writing
the art/photography direction

neither of these depend on the director per se

>> No.2433180
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>no hermanos almada
>no arturo peniche
>este wey

>> No.2433181

I agree
The Godfather wouldn't have been nearly as good if it didn't have such a solid team in sound, cinematography and editing

>> No.2433184

... and then he would waste it on mediocre films like Parnassus or The Brothers Grimm

>> No.2433187

Pedro Almodóvar
Robert Altman
Paul Thomas Anderson
Theodoros Angelopoulos
Jean-Jacques Annaud
Michelangelo Antonioni
Darren Aronofsky
Richard Attenborough
Charlie Chaplin
Henri-Georges Clouzot
Coen brothers
Francis Ford Coppola
Frank Darabont
Vittorio De Sica
Carl Theodor Dreyer
Clint Eastwood
Sergei Eisenstein
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Federico Fellini
Todd Field
David Fincher
Miloš Forman
John Ford
John Frankenheimer
William Friedkin
Samuel Fuller
Terry Gilliam
Jean-Luc Godard
D. W. Griffith
Michael Haneke
Howard Hawks
Werner Herzog
Alfred Hitchcock
John Huston
Kon Ichikawa
Peter Jackson
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Chuck Jones
Elia Kazan
Buster Keaton
Abbas Kiarostami
Krzysztof Kieślowski
Masaki Kobayashi
Stanley Kubrick
Akira Kurosawa
Emir Kusturica
Fritz Lang
David Lean
Spike Lee
Sergio Leone
George Lucas
Sidney Lumet
F. W. Murnau
Christopher Nolan
Frank Oz
Yasujirō Ozu
Sam Peckinpah
Roman Polanski
Nicholas Ray
Satyajit Ray
Rob Reiner
Jean Renoir
Alain Resnais
Éric Rohmer
George A. Romero
Roberto Rossellini
Franklin J. Schaffner
Martin Scorsese
Ridley Scott
Don Siegel
Steven Soderbergh

>> No.2433188

Most directors are more or less like the coach..the actors, make up artists, photographers, set designers, etc. etc. all have to be incredibly talented to execute whatever ''vision'' the director may have and a lot of that ''vision'' comes from the writer and much of its realization comes from the cinematography dept...directors get a lot more credit/recognition than they deserve, mostly by people who are completely ignorant regrading film-making

>> No.2433190
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>> No.2433195

those directors are so obscure that even i don't konw them..

>> No.2433199
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No Maya Daren I can understand, but no Agnes?

>Mfw this thread again.

>> No.2433208

I wish /lit/ could be so obscure about authors.

Why is it great to like relatively unknown directors, but no one here is capable of reading authors who aren't established in the canon or extremely well-known?

>> No.2433212

Because high school and netflix

>> No.2433213
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You just miss the monthly "/lit/ thread that isn't dreadful", like the monthly "/lit/ - Film" thread.

>> No.2433215

i see obscure authors sometimes

>> No.2433218

all these directos are the equivalents of the lost generation or the beats for film dude, hardly 'obscure'

except for that list of mexican directors

>> No.2433221

This is the worst time of month.

>> No.2433222
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Those are mexican actors, not directors.

>> No.2433225

yeah, that list and the cambodian one were lifted form wikipedia

>> No.2433231

> the beats

>> No.2433237

very few of the directors mentioned itt are actually obscure.. youmight as well be saying Shakespeare is obscure

>> No.2433232

obscurity =/= quality...kill yourself hipster buttelitists...also I like the films of John Waters...

>> No.2433239

I just assumed they were directors.

I meant in terms of recognizability, but I do like the beats so wtf do i know.

>> No.2433242

My favourite is Takeshi Kitano.
He mainly makes nihilistic Yakuza action dramas.
His best film is Sonatine, followed by Hana Bi.

I also like Akira Kurosawa for his epic war dramas/Shakespeare adaptations.
eg Seven Samurai, Ran, Throne of Blood, Rashomon.

>inb4 weeaboo faggot.

>> No.2433253

weeaboo faggot detected

>> No.2433257

Fritz Lang, Orson Welles, Carl Dreyer, Howard Hawks, Alain Resnais, Jacques Rivette, Abbas Kiarostami

>> No.2433263

Stanley Kubrick
Federico Fellini
Akira Kurosawa
Ingmar Bergman
Paul Thomas Anderson
Gus Van Sant
Wes Anderson
Werner Herzog
Takashi Miike
David Lynch
Takashi Shimizu
Shinya Tsukamoto
Orson Welles
Alfred Hitchcock
Jim Jarmusch
Quentin Tarantino
David Cronenberg
Coen Brothers
Peter Jackson
Francis Ford Coppola
Martin Scorsese
Park Chan-Wook
Krzysztof Kieslowski
Lars Von Trier
Roman Polanski
Spike Jonze
Tim Burton (haters)
John Waters

Pretty standard stuff

>> No.2433265
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>In her spare time Elisabeth is developing a docudrama TV-serial on James Joyce and Henrik Ibsen

>> No.2433271

neat, too bad I'll probably never be able to see it

>> No.2433275

I really REALLY praise quality over quantity. Very few directors I got to know all their works, like Kubrick, the Coens, Kurosawa, Scorcese. Preety entry level stuff and I like being that way. When I go my way with more slow and foreign films, it has to compensate with some nice substance, so only the best from the european directors and so on.

I try to do the same with books. I don't mind missing some Shakespeare plays. I like to move on to other and don't cling myself to it too much. If I go obsessive over someone, I really go mad, I had that with Picasso once and I couldn't stop reading about the motherfucker. In movies I had that with the Coens, watched their movies repeatedly for about a month, nothing but them. If I were to do this with everyone, I would go mad. With books, I had that obsession with Borges.

>> No.2433277

I don't know, I don't trust people with many favourites. More than 10 favourites? That's just insane. A favourite is something special, unique, that ressonates with you. it's not about quality, it's about those that touched you the most. Having 1 favourite is weird, having 11+ favourites is even weirder.

>> No.2433281

>If I go obsessive over someone, I really go mad, I had that with Picasso once and I couldn't stop reading about the motherfucker.

Happens to me all the time.
I watch a film and I research the shit out of it to look up trivial things and conflicting ideas. Same with Directors, Authors, Musicians

>> No.2433310

I do the same thing, then when I know everything about the person, have read/watched/listened to all of their works, I get very disinterested in them. Like the mystique is gone or something

>> No.2433326

I like Andrew Niccol and the Farrelly brothers...

Why does it seem like I'm the only try-adequate left on Earth???

>> No.2433329

You are a loser.

"adequate" is a modern-day euphemism for loser.

>> No.2433332

Compare and contrast and criticize.

>> No.2433334

you're not a 'try-adequate'

you just don't like stuff as much as some other people

>> No.2433337

/tv's answers would be chris nolan, fincher and tarantino
/mu/ aint that bad

>> No.2433415

František Vláčil, Semih Kaplanoğlu, Jaromil Jireš, István Szabó and Grigori Chukhrai

>> No.2433421



I honest to God use that movie as a test to see if they are just sucking Godard's cock. Not just the worst Godard movie there is, but it is down there with the worst movies ever made. The very definition of vacuous trash. It has no reason to exist and actually makes me think Godard is losing it to Alzheimer's or something.

>> No.2433428

That's not very fair, plenty of respected critics liked that movie

>> No.2433433

Is that "HEY! HEEYYYY!" reminiscent of Liz Taylor in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"

>> No.2433436

Nah, Euclid's On The Block

>> No.2433453

>František Vláčil, Semih Kaplanoğlu, Jaromil Jireš, István Szabó and Grigori Chukhrai
I know you're being facetious but I just finished watching Yumurta and Marketa Lazarova is in my top 10 so the joke is on you friendo

>> No.2433459

good for you

>> No.2433462

I detect sarcasm in your tone
you're mean

>> No.2433508

Alejandro Jodorowsky
David Cronenberg
Ingmar Bergman
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Michelangelo Antonion
Brian de Palma
Fritz Lang
FW Murnau
Edgar Wright
David Lynch
Stan Brakhage
George Melais
I have pretty diverse tastes.

>> No.2433514

sure you do

>> No.2433543

I'm making a short film right now and I always finding myself subconsciously returning to Godard, though he's far from consistently topping my list of favorite films with most of the efforts he makes. It might also help that the last film i've seen, and I haven't watched a film in awhile (I just got Julien Donkey-Boy sent here).

There's just something about noticing the way he's applied his...aesthetic? Across each of the distinct eras he's worked in. That I have a sense for how films like Alphaville, Hail Mary, Histoire(s) du Cinema, and now with something like Film Socialisme are a progression interests me; like a fine line of communication. I don't consciously ascribe myself to having favorite films anymore (It isn't healthy for an obsessive like me), but there's interesting ways to view the oeuvre and for applying tendencies in subtle ways, if you're interested in his films at all.

I watch anything nowadays when I have the impulse to, I don't have a preference for trash, or mainstream, or art house, or avant garde really. I just really enjoyed what I caught of 'Knowing' as much as I would anything else.

>> No.2433562

I fucking adore Kubrick. yes, i know, he's the director that everyone uses as proof they like good quality films to the extent where he's almost become the "good films" entry director, kinda like miyazaki is the "anime shite" entry director.

However i just fucking love that man's stuff. and guess what, i get to actually relate this thread to literature! His adaptation of Barry Lyndon is in my opinion a genuine masterpiece, probably because i adore thackeray. but he toook a relatively unknown book and then unflinchingly transferred it to film without losing NY of thackeray's origional tone, which is brave as fuck given that it's probably down to thackeray's cynical and snarky tone that he's barely read anymore.
Although i must admit that im disappointed that kubrick didn't make a film of vanity fair as he'd originally intended.

Other directors... i dunno, jeunet for when i need to watch something light and fluffy, bergman for when i want to send myself into a fit of depression, scorsese is kinda cool. got to love his u turns. age of innocence was pretty damn good.

>> No.2433571

Fellini (the mid-to-late Jungian stuff's actually becoming quite rewarding watching), Ken Anger, Malick (because I don't give a fuck if you found the Tree of Life an affront to you as a spectator), Fassbinder (although his cinematic style is often incredibly prosaic), some Herzog and Wenders, but emphasis on the 'some' there, Wilder, Welles, Kiarostami, Tarkovsky, Godard, Scorsese, Nolan, some Antonioni and Pasolini, Weerasethkul, Noe and Haneke (I love this idea of the cinema of the spectacle), Hitchcock and Cluozot, Rohmer, maybe Tarr but I'll reserve my judgement until I get through Satantango, Kubrick (I suppose, just for 2001 and Lyndon)

>> No.2433580

>pretentious douchebags summing up obscure directors to show off to their fellow hipsters

This reminds me why I never visit this board.

>> No.2433582


Fuck yeah, love him. He's one of my favs, especially the Batman movies.

>> No.2433583

Then why are you here now. Get out.

>> No.2433585

>Ken Anger

>> No.2433586

For me there is only Werner Herzog. There are no directors that come close.

>> No.2433587

he's not only an amazing filmmaker, but an amazing human bieng

>> No.2433588

Do you not like Anger, why not?

>> No.2433589

I only like directors wiht names that have weird diacritics

>> No.2433593



I think I might have vaguely recalled having a conversation with you before; do you remember talking to someone about Matthew Barney?

>> No.2433597

I do remember talking about Matthew Barney, maybe asking someone who had expressed interest in avant-garde if they liked him or something. He's pretty interesting, I should have included him in my list really...

>> No.2433605


Ah, right, and you said something about a guy climbing a building in Cremaster 3. I hadn't gotten around to it yet because i've fallen out of a regular cinema-going state since starting this filmmaking process, but I still really do want to watch something of his. How much other avant-garde cinema do you catch up on?

>> No.2433606

just not a very big fan of camp or mindless mystical imagery.

>> No.2433619

I think it's the third Cremaster, confusingly enough Cremaster 5 that's the one he climbs the Guggenheim in. Cremaster 3 was the last one in the series and had a giant budget and is kind of the best one and climax of the series. Yeah, I'm not brilliant with avant-garde stuff to be honest, other than the most famous stuff like Brakhage and Maya Denn or what have you, but my sister goes to a lot of video art installations so I kind of have an idea of what's going on, and I suppose it's like anything in the 'artworld' these days (what the fine arts student calls the whole gallery, collection ideological construction thing), it's a stifling conceptual barrier all artists come against that ironically emphasizes the virtue of free creation, while pocketing all the money this liberty generates.

Good luck on your movie, I've got an idea in germination for the summer and I'm still debating whether to borrow nice equipment for free here, or leave it to a cheaper and easier process.

All I'm saying is there's something in what the critics say that he's one film-maker that learnt the Eisenstein's stylistic lessons properly

>> No.2433650

I mostly catch up with what's shown in the festivals, like TIFF or NYC's Views From the Avant Garde, which make their own attempts at things once in awhile, which reminds of what Kubelka did back in the day with a kind of specialized, uninterrupted viewing experience.

I visit the galleries at times, but not enough recently considering I practically live right next to NYC. Months ago, when I was more caught up, what I didn't see I heard about; For one, I used to like watching Ben River's films just as 'avant-garde cinema' per say, but while I found 'innovations' novel enough for what it was ('Origin of the Species' to be watched inside of a cabin), it seemed infantile. I hate to sound like a neckbeard, but i've started to become more interested in video games recently, and especially after reading about them, i've become more interested in the potential for them as a 'immersive' medium, though i've never been sold on the 'art games'.

I was trying to find a clip; it was part of 'Conversations with Jean-Luc Godard' on youtube where he covers art installations in an interesting way with some students.

>> No.2433652
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Ridley Scott, Michael Bay, Adam Sandler and that guy that directed Drive.

>> No.2433663

Michael Bay is god-tier. I think his aesthetics are just 2deep for most people.

>> No.2433677
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Michael Bay a satirist of the action genre, his art style is so post-modern that even experimental post-modernist directors seem to misunderstand the deeper meanings of his films.
I think the way he works the cinematography and soundtrack is masterful.

Directors like Alan Resnais, Harmony Korine, Lynch and Adrian Lyne don't even know.

>> No.2433692

It's only a good movie if it's got Bruce Willis.

>> No.2433700

Doesn't this belong in the movie board? Fuck it, since I'm here anyway.

chang wook park, stanly kubrick, hayoa miazaki, and terry gilliam I guess

>> No.2433858

Lmao /lit/ has some of the most aggressively curated tastes of anywhere on the internet. A preference for impeccability isn't taste.

>> No.2433870
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/lit/ likes to seem cultured.
Liking Wes Anderson and Darren Aronofsky might be seen as too plebian and mainstream so they just spurt out Euro directors they know no one will judge them for.

>> No.2433881

Either way it's stupid. Good job, you saw the films every film student sees. You read the books everyone with a degree it literature had to read.

>> No.2433884
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It's why they are scared of Tao Lin because he hasn't been credited yet in degree circles and so they don't know if he's good.

In 10 years when he is getting mad respect they will lie and say "I knew his work before he was famous"

although in 10 years time Tao Lin will be forgotten, but my example still counts.

>> No.2433885

I remember that thread, it's the fav. directors of one of the tripfags on /tv. He also forgot to add a couple (Like Sofia C.)

>> No.2433897

I think you're hoping a little to hard that he won't be remembered. I'm sure all the geriatrics in academia will love meticulously documenting how he used Web 2.0 Social Media to create a meta-textual interpretative space. This shit writes itself $$$$$

>> No.2433905

anybody else think it was clever of him to draw attention to typos sparingly in order to kind of ease your brain into accepting these people always wrote perfectly to each other during heated discussions?

>> No.2433911

As I understand it there are several sub boards on something awful that do the same thing. Maybe 4chan could be as cutting edge as them one day.

>> No.2433923

we can only hope to leave a better world for our progeny. mine took it's first (dunno if steps is the right word) movement from the petri dish last night. it burped and kind of said "meh" this morning after I fed it some ramen. babbys first words!

>> No.2433928
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Wow, I just got here and I was reading the last posts and I haven't got a clue of what you are talking about.

>> No.2433931

Favourite directors

Sidney Lumet
Andrei Arshavin
Gianfraco Zola
Rafael Marquez
Andrei Tarkovsky
Bastian Schweinsteiger
Steven Speilberg
Igor Akinfeev
Lars Von Trier
Timo Hildebrand

>Your face when I'm more cultured than you.

>> No.2433933
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>> No.2433935

I've also read a few other books and seen a few other films, mainly from latching onto the opinions of critics who I think probably know their shit (because I obviously don't, lol)

>> No.2433937

just post a long list of directors for self validation. nobody is really going to read them and the "discussion" here isn't even related to /lit/ but since nobody cares about books (movies far far superior) this thread has like a bajillion replies

>> No.2433938

It's all for the best.

>> No.2433940

God forbid people Like Movies.

>> No.2433942


>> No.2434063

>Fellini, Tarkovsky.
We plebs now?

>> No.2434080


>> No.2434093

As per usual, /lit/'s taste in directors is absolutely horrendous. Please stop talking about film and television, you are embarrassing yourselves. Just stick to those unmemorable bland pieces of paper and writing that you call art.

>> No.2434096

Kinji Fukasaku, Luchino Visconti, Wong Kar Wai, John Ford.

>> No.2434097

godard was once a maoist who championed the murderous ideology of mao zedong and the khmer rouge. we condemn griffith and riefenstahl of their political sins, but griffith serioiusly tried to prove he was not a hater after 'birth of a nation'. and riefenstahl insisted she loathed nazism but had simply done as told. maybe they were full of shit but at least they tried to publicly distance themselves from extreme politics.

not godard who espoused the most extreme, murderous, and destructive form of leftism. film scholars, so outraged about long dead griffith and long irrelevant riefenstahl, never demanded of godard to face up to his past sins. unlike kurosawa and bergman who candidly confessed their cowardice in face or approval of, respectively, japanese militarism and nazism, godard has never ever apologized in general, or in specific to the countless victims of the tyrants he supported with all his heart.

godard celebrated and championed mao's total destruction of culture and intellectual life and the khmer rouge that transformed camodia overnight into a genocidal stone age marxist state. fuck that piece of shit.

>> No.2434109

Christ Nolan

>> No.2434123


I'm always confused by posts like these. are you implying that they're too predictable? not sure what could be embarrassing about resnais if you have a thought-out idea about his work and communicates it well enough

>> No.2434139


/lit/ has better taste then /tv/

>> No.2434142
File: 6 KB, 493x402, 1296265696975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: We name off directors no one has heard of because "look at me, im so edgy and cultured, oh kubrick? that is so mainstream" . Give me a fuckin break.

>> No.2434143

Of course, /lit/ is the biggest collection of pretentious fucks on the internet. You have to be very careful about what you admit to like.

>> No.2434157

Michael Bay
Brett Ratner
M. Night Shyamalan
Uwe Boll
Michael Bay
JJ Abrams
Tyler Perry
Paul W.S. Anderson

>> No.2434162

>no Zack Snyder

He is a visionary director!!!!!!

>> No.2434175
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>> No.2434178

>ITT: We name off directors no one has heard of because "look at me, im so edgy and cultured, oh kubrick? that is so mainstream" . Give me a fuckin break.

Excuse me, but anyone who's interested in movies has heard of Robert Bresson, Yasuhiro Ozu, and of C.T. Dreyer.

>> No.2434180
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Where do you guys find the time to be both cinephiles and bibliophiles?

>> No.2434190


Ill take a few pretentious hipsters over a bunch of 12 year old Nolan nuthuggers

>> No.2434200

1 Speed reading and audiobooks
2 VLC media player, increase play speed

>> No.2434211
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1. Not actually reading the book
2. Not actually watching the movie

>> No.2434212


>> No.2434213

I'd call them faggots.

>> No.2434217


and this, right here, is why i refused grad school and started a company.

>> No.2434219
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>not working a job for the hours to pay your rent and your drug/alcohol addiction. And spending the rest reading books/watching films and listening to music and getting smashed with friends.

I seriously hope you lamestreamers don't do this.

>> No.2434224
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>mfw so many of you mentioned Godard

Shit, that made my day. I'd also want to add Kenji Mizoguchi and Ernst Lubistch to this great list of names.

>> No.2434228
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Kieslowski Tarkovsky Bergman Melville Bresson Erice Dreyer Malick
Denis Riefenstahl Akerman
Anger Marker Snow
Kiarostami Hou Wong Tran Weerasethakul Audiard Haneke
de Oliveira Wenders Coens Herzog

>> No.2434232

>No one mentioning Rafz Haninzer

>> No.2434238


>> No.2434253

1 Sparksnotes
2 Whatever movie in 60 seconds

>> No.2434312
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1. Just read the back cover synopsis
2. Just read the back cover synopsis

>> No.2434329

Wong Kar Wai, the Coen Brothers, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, and Akira Kurosawa

>> No.2434343
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1. Heard about it, mention on /lit/
2. Heard about it, mention on /tv/

Then I absorb the reactions and play along.

>> No.2434359
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>Wong Kar Wai

>> No.2434362

>hasn't seen In the mood for Love
>hasn't seen Chungking Express
>hasn't seen Days of Being Wild

>> No.2434402

I don't leave the house for anything other than school.

>> No.2434425
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wealthy NEET

all i do is consume media.

itt:pic related

>> No.2434443

I don't know guys... I don't think this thread works really. I mean, most posts are a) either unreplied lists of directors, b) trolling, shitposting and people complaining someone posted directors they don't know. I mean, cinema is such a young artform that pretty much anyone with an internet connection and some free time can get acquaintanced with most great/important directors in no time. Complaining about people being pretentious with regards to cinema is ridiculous, I mean, that's just literally projecting your ignorance outwards. If you don't know who resnais or whoever is, you don't LIKE movies that much, and that's ok.

>> No.2434449

Godard is a bore.

>> No.2434481

2/10, I replied, but just for this line.
>If you don't know who resnais or whoever is, you don't LIKE movies that much, and that's ok.

But that is just wrong. Liking directors outside of the mass-market mainstream doesn't mean you LIKE movies more than other people. It just means that the quality of your LIKING is different.

>> No.2434487

>that pretty much anyone with an internet connection and some free time can get acquaintanced with most great/important x in no time
The same could be said about anything.

>> No.2434502

Never mentioned godard. I didn't say you have to like everyone, anyway.

>It just means that the quality of your LIKING is different.

No, it just means you like movies more, so as to go out of your way to find influential or important directors. People who watch a hundred films a month had to find "obscure" (which I still say almost doesn't exist in movies) directors just to satisfy their hunger. People who watch a couple of blockbusters every month don't have that need. I find it pretty obvious that the former likes movies more than the second.

>> No.2434515

It's easier for film.

If you want to be 'pretentious' about music you need musical training, a good solid base in early popular music, classical music, etc. And there's a much larger amount of material. Literature is almost endless as well just to get a solid foundation, not to mention that you need to learn a couple of languages if you want to make it worthwhile. No one takes the time to read about photography or dramatic theory when discussing film, and film theory is pretty much taken as a joke.

>> No.2434519

Not really. Watching more or reading more doesn't mean they are seeing movies with better eyes, enjoying it more or something on that sense. I'm not saying the blockbuster type appreciate it more, I'm saying they are doing it in different ways and that's all that you may say.

Because most people that say they enjoy movies are not even either of those. They don't watch hundreds and hundreds of films, but neither stick with the more of the same hollywood vomit.

Tarantino once said there are two types of movie buffs, those that love the movies they love and those that love movies, period. I think it makes sense and one must aknowledge that the first type is also a movie lover.

I don't feel a hunger for more films and new films, on the contrary, when I watch a good film, I like to digest it slowly, watch again after a year or two. I can't watch movies in a roll and I think that helps me appreciating them. It's just a different way to approach film.

>> No.2434520



I safely can say that most of his work, from Breathless until now, as being here or there, but i've watched a few exceptions.

He did a short, 'Anticipation, ou l'amour en l'an 2000', which is sort of like a very condensed 'Alphaville'...but you have to have liked something from Alphaville. Like a one scene film with an introduction that used some novel variations of the Brechtian tricks he used, and two characters speaking through fragmented language.

The first few sections of 'Histoire(s) du Cinema' move fast, with gusto, but the same thing I like about Godard is sometimes off-putting, so I guess it depends on how much tolerance you have for him at all.

>> No.2434521

Yeah, people love to think they are movie experts.

>> No.2434535
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>and film theory is pretty much taken as a joke.

This board man, this fucking board.

>> No.2434550

I meant within the confines of 4chan of course. I have no knowledge of the outside world.

>I think it makes sense and one must aknowledge that the first type is also a movie lover.

But not quite as passionate as the second, but it's squabbling really.

>> No.2434554

But your comparison breaks down - if someone watches sit in front of the television and watches some movie channel all the time, like HBO or AMC, they will see more movies than someone who seeks out a variety of directors.

Is this person, who quantitatively watches more films than an obscure-hunter (Your objection makes sense, but I feel required to use it to make comparisons between consumers of purely mass-market films and the posters in this thread), a bigger film fan?

I think your logic would grant that distinction, but I also think that this conclusion is inconsistent with the spirit of your argument.

The solution is what I am trying to say - that these people enjoy films in different ways.

>> No.2434555


>> No.2434559

>film theory
>serious anywhere
Nigga r u srs?
Shit is a joke - it's bad aesthetics, bad close reading, bad history, and bad sociology slammed together in some fusion reaction of shit.

>> No.2434564

>Is this person, who quantitatively watches more films than an obscure-hunter[...], a bigger film fan?

But my point wasn't the number of movies, it was having to go out of their ways to find things to watch. It's the extra effort that counts.

>> No.2434579
File: 10 KB, 279x200, Deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy
>these new captchas

>> No.2434593
File: 32 KB, 685x398, Baudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy
>That image
>Those captchas

>> No.2434598

this thread is eternal

god it's horrifying, this thread is a fucking monstrosity that can't be killed.

>> No.2434607
File: 17 KB, 241x266, guy-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy
>just ripping off this Guy
>them captchas

>> No.2434638

Bumping "this thread again"

Might as well sticky it.

>> No.2434639

He's only made two films, but Philippe Claudel. I've Loved You So Long is one of the most perfect films I've seen.

>> No.2434645

This has to be one of my favorite things ever:


>> No.2434646

Kubrick, Tarvosky, Kubrick

>> No.2434650

Laurel and Hardy

W.C Fields.

The rest are shit.

>> No.2434651

downloading his stuff


>> No.2435424

>Godard is a bro

>> No.2435438

Judd Apatow

>> No.2435444

Jacques Tati and Adam McKay

>> No.2435447
File: 163 KB, 548x677, yakuza-eiga-a-primer-paul-schrader-film-comment-january-february-1974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about Paul Schrader and Film Comment? Or film theory in general... do you read any?
Any good essays you'd like to share?

>> No.2435451
File: 50 KB, 307x475, easyridersragingbulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2435460

>no actual film discussion
>people randomly posting names of directors
>better film knowledge and discussions than /tv/


>> No.2435469
File: 130 KB, 400x459, kanyegondry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seconded. His movies tend to unwittingly critique the workings of modern 'American' youth culture. Plus there is never a shortage of nice breasts.

Also, my favorite film is a Polanski, but he's not my favorite filmmaker. Go figure.

>> No.2435473


Godard, Antonioni, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Fellini, Svankmajer, Kurosawa, De Sica, Truffaut, Herzog, Kubrick, Renoir, and Bunuel.

but im from /tv/

>> No.2435700

Two months ago my GF said she wanted to become a "film geek." So I set her up with an HD full of movies and called it a starter kit. She said she wanted a mix of old and new. Let me know how I did /lit/

Apichatpong Weerasethakul - Syndromes and a Century, Tropical Malady
Alejandro Gonzalez Innarritu - Babel, Amorres Perros, Biutiful
Akira Kurosawa - Ran, Rashomon, The Seven Samurai, Yojimbo
Alfred Hitchcock - North by Northwest, Notorious, Psycho, Vertigo
Andrei Tarkovsky - Andrei Rublev, Solaris, Stalker
Bela Tarr - Weckermeister Harmonies
Bong Joon-Ho - Barking Dogs Never Bite, Memories of Murder, Mother, The Host
David Lynch - Blue Velvet, Inland Empire, Mulholland Drive
Federico Fellini - 8 1/2, La Dolce Vita
Francis Ford Coppola - Apocalypse Now, The Godfather Part I and II
Francois Truffaut - Jules et Jim, Shoot the Piano Player, The 400 Blows
Fritz Lang - M, Metropolis
Ingmar Bergman - Persona, Smiles of a Summer Night, The Seventh Seal, Wild Strawberries
Jean-Luc Godard - Breathless, Contempt, My Life to Live, Pierrote le Fou, Week End
Jean-Pierre Jeunet - Amelie, Delicatessan, The City of Lost Children
Jean-Pierre Melville - Le Samourai, The Red Circle
John Carpenter - Escape From New York, Halloween, The Thing
Kim Ki-Duk - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring, The Isle, 3-Iron
Martin Scorsese - Goodfellas, Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver
Michel Gondry - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Science of Sleep
Michaelangelo Anotonioni - Blow Up, L'Avventura, The Passenger
Orson Welles - Citizen Kane, Touch of Evil
Paul Thomas Anderson - Boogie Nights, Magnolia, There Will Be Blood
Pedro Almodovar - Bad Education, Talk to Her
Ridley Scott - Alien, Blade Runner

>> No.2435706

Roman Polanski - Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby, The Tenant
Sergio Leone - Man w/o a Name Trilogy, Once Upon a Time in the West
Stanley Kubrick - 2001, A Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, Full Metal Jacket, The Shining
Terence Malick - Badlands, The Thin Red Line, The Tree of Life
Terry Gilliam - Monty Python and the Holy Grail/ The Life of Brian, Brazil, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Twelve Monkeys
The Coen Bros. - Fargo, No Country for Old Men, The Big Lebowski
Wes Anderson - Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums
William Friedkin - The Exorcist, The French Connection
Wong Kar-Wai - 2046, Chungking Express, In the Mood for Love
Woody Allen - Annie Hall, Manhattan
Yasujiro Ozu - Tokyo Story

>> No.2435723

Oh and my favorite movie is on the list:

John Carpenter's The Thing. It's pretty much the perfect horror movie.

Thanks in advance for feedback.

>> No.2435724

> how did i do?

you did pretty damn well. i'm writing that list down for future reference

>> No.2435894

Saving your list, man.
Fucking excellent (to me, at least).
And props on afterthought addition of John Carpenter's The Thing.

I don't really go to >>>/tv/ often, but what would they think of your list?

>> No.2435975

I don't know, this is the first time I've posted the list.

They'd probably think I was hipster. Oh well.

If I could do it over again I'd include some:

Lukas Moodyson
Michael Haeneke
Fernando Meirelles
and maybe some Danny Boyle and Tim Burton for good measure.

But I only had 100 gb and I tried not to include more than five selections for each director since it's meant to be an introduction of sorts.

>> No.2435989


You misspelled "Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining'"

>> No.2435997

My favorite director is John Carpenter.
Also, >>>/tv/

>> No.2435998

Oh, and some Takashi Miike so that she'd think I was fucked in the head.

The list could definitely use some Miike.

>> No.2436001

Cool list. I mean, it's yours to her, I would put other things in there, like Elephant Man from Lynch, Nights of Cabiria, Cabinet of Dr Caligari, etc

I think it's missing some Chaplin, Leone, Allen and the Coens. I think they are needed for what you propose to do.

But cool list nevertheless

>> No.2436006


Nah bro. Don't get me wrong, The Shining is one of my top five favorite movies of all time. But the Thing is the best horror ever made.

Though really, it's splitting hairs at that level since both movies are supremely awesome. I guess I always preferred my paranoia to be the body snatchers type rather than the psychological disintegration sort.

To each their own though, to each their own.

>> No.2436011

why no the silence/through a glass darkly? imo it needs less godard and hitchcock, replacing apocalypse now with the conversation, definitely bob le flambeur, maybe hiroshima mon amour and f for fake? maybe some marker too?

but great list man.

>> No.2436030

>more than 5 "favorites" :/

>seriously wtf, who are you trying to impress-

More New German directors/films. More non-Pasolini italians. More Korean and Jap. More pre-WWII films.

>> No.2436033

more like less italians and WHERE IS ALL THE NOIR

>> No.2436057


Yeah, I have an admitted soft spot for Godard. She also speaks French fluently, so I tried to pack it full of French new wave.

And whoever suggested switching out Apocalypse Now for the Conversation, I'm curious why you suggest that?

>> No.2436071


Which Germans? Herzog? I've always loved Klaus Kinski. But I'm not as good with ze Germans as with neo-Asian directors and the French New Wave. I'd be open to suggestions.


Also not so good on Noir, except for Angels with Dirty Faces, Scarface (not the Pacino one) and neo-noir like Brick, etc. I'm also open to suggestions about this too.

She's been watching these films like 3 per week, so I think she'll want more stuff pretty soon.

>> No.2436125

Luckily, I'm both Conversation and Noir guy!

>And whoever suggested switching out Apocalypse Now for the Conversation, I'm curious why you suggest that?

Because the Conversation is way better! And you can play a super-cool double feature with Night Moves and get double Hackman in one night and she'll probably blow you while she pictures you as a manly Gene Hackman in his prime.

>I'm also open to suggestions about this too.

Oh man, I could be hours here but stick to the more famous ones at first. You know, Double Indemnity, Big Sleep, Maltese Falcon (duh), pretty much anything with Burt Lancaster will do, fucking Gilda on that shit, Sunset Boulevard, The Lost Weekend (that shit probably was to them what requiem for a dream was for us), Bob Le Flambeur, Du rififi chez les hommes, hitchcock you're familiar with although I'm not too big on him, Kiss Me Deadly is important but shitty, also do The Long Goodbye althought it's not noir noir, more like early neo noir, In A Lonely Place for the best (imo) Bogart performance, To Have and Have Not, The Killers, Key Largo, The Narrow Margin, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Pickup on South Street and... Sweet Smell of Success and The Big Combo, which are just quotable as shit.

>first is first and second is nobody
>the cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river


sorry for getting over excited, i just really like movies.

>> No.2436167


Oh man I love Kubrick's The Killers!

I thought about putting some John Huston on there. The Maltese Falcon and Sunset Blvd. are two spectacular movies. But, as you can see, I've sectioned it out by director, since namedropping is sort of what makes a "film geek," and I didn't want to only give a director one movie (except Bela Tarr and Ozu, everybody else got at least two).

As for the rest that you listed, I think I have a few movies to watch last night.

As I type this she's watching 2046 after having watched In the Mood for Love. She says Wong Kar-Wai is her favorite of the people she's watched so far.

>> No.2436215

Any Germans, haha, and mos def Mr. Herzog. Let's see.

Fassbinder - The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant

Schlöndorff and von Trotta - The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum

Schlöndorff - Young Törless (personal fav. from him and a great novel)

Herzog I'd suggest going with Kaspar Hauser, or Even Dwarves Started Small if she can take the "weird" stuff

Wenders - The Goalkeeper's Fear of the Penalty and/or Wings of Desire

Maybe throw in a Michael Haneke film too if Funny Games isn't already on that list there.

The OP pic from Last Week At Marienbad, Alain Robbe-Grillet is a wonder, 'should show her that one.

(More recently -in that sort of slow-paced comedy heart warmer genre- Shultze Gets the Blues will make you smile; German + Zydico/Cajuns.)

>> No.2436226


Have you seen Kinski as the creeper-landlord murderer/former SS doctor in Crawlspace? Lot's of fun and lot's of lols.

>> No.2436310


I have indeed. Crawlspace is an awesome movie.

And I had no idea Wim Wenders was German. I guess I always figured the dude was American.

>> No.2436344

No man, it's not kubrick's, it's this one http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038669/

>> No.2436559

I like lists of things. Those of you who don't like list of thing can get out of this thread

>> No.2436579


>> No.2436581

Here's a list


I almost guarantee most of what was posted here is there just skimming through this thread.

>> No.2436583


>> No.2436589

i prefer this list


>> No.2436592

List your favorite film by the following directors:
Fei Mu -
Tian Zhuangzhuang -
Li Shaohong -
Peter Chan -
Lu Yue -
Jia Zhangke -
Hou Hsiao-Hsien -
Edward Yang -
I-Chen Ko -
Tsai Ming-liang -
Yim Ho -
Clarence Fok Yiu-leung -
Wong Kar-wai -
Stanley Kwan -
Im Kwon-taek -
Teinosuke Kinugasa -
Yasujiro Ozu -
Kenji Mizoguchi -
Yasuzo Masumura -
Nagisa Oshima -
Shinsuke Ogawa -
Juzo Itami -
Takeshi Kitano -
Seijun Suzuki -
Pen-Ek Ratanaruang -
Apichatpong Weerasethakul -
Satyajit Ray -
Ritwik Ghatak -
Forugh Farrokhzad -
Ebrahim Golestan -
Parviz Kimiavi -
Abbas Kiarostami -
Mohsen Makhmalbaf -
Samira Makhmalbaf -
Reza Mirkarimi -
Marziyeh Meshkini -
Jafar Panahi -
Yaky Yosha -
Amos Gitai -
Ziad Doueiri -
Youssef Chahine -

>> No.2436595


2046 was a huge letdown after having watched In the mood for love.

>> No.2436596

Fei Mu - Spring in a Small City
Tian Zhuangzhuang - The Horse Thief
Li Shaohong - Blush
Peter Chan - Comrades: Almost a Love Story
Lu Yue - Mr. Zhao
Jia Zhangke - Platform
Hou Hsiao-Hsien - The Puppetmaster
Edward Yang - A Brighter Summer Day
I-Chen Ko - Blue Moon
Tsai Ming-liang - The River
Yim Ho - The Day the Sun Turned Cold
Clarence Fok Yiu-leung - The Iceman Cometh
Wong Kar-wai - Days of Being Wild
Stanley Kwan - Actress
Im Kwon-taek - Chunhyang
Teinosuke Kinugasa - A Page of Madness
Yasujiro Ozu - I Was Born, But...
Kenji Mizoguchi - Sansho the Bailiff
Yasuzo Masumura - A Wife Confesses
Nagisa Oshima - In the Realm of the Senses
Shinsuke Ogawa - Heta Village
Juzo Itami - Tampopo
Takeshi Kitano - Kikujiro
Seijun Suzuki - Pistol Opera
Pen-Ek Ratanaruang - 6ixtynin9
Apichatpong Weerasethakul - Mysterious Object at Noon
Satyajit Ray - Aparajito
Ritwik Ghatak - Cloud-Capped Star
Forugh Farrokhzad - The House is Black
Ebrahim Golestan - Brick and Mirror
Parviz Kimiavi - The Mongols
Abbas Kiarostami - The Wind Will Carry Us
Mohsen Makhmalbaf - Salaam Cinema
Samira Makhmalbaf - Marriage of the Blessed
Reza Mirkarimi - The Child and the Soldier
Marziyeh Meshkini - The Day I Became a Woman
Jafar Panahi - The Circle
Yaky Yosha - The Vulture
Amos Gitai - Field Diary
Ziad Doueiri - West Beirut
Youssef Chahine - Destiny

>> No.2436599


..._...|..____________________, ,
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send this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care

>> No.2436833

Has anyone actually seen all of these movies or what

>> No.2436848

This thread is always shit but I cannot recommend A Brighter Summer Day enough.

4 hours but oh so watchable.

>> No.2436888

you mean you havent? hahaha oh wow get a load of this pleb

>> No.2437438

David Fincher
Sydney Lumet
Shane Carruth
Stanley Kubrick
Terry Gilliam
Cohen's bro
Chris Marker
Quentin Tarentino
François Truffaut
Emir Kusturica
Chris Nolan

AND COME ON GUYS i didn't see Michael Haneke!!

>> No.2437581

La Pianiste, Cache and The White Ribbon are amongst my favorite films.

>> No.2437719

haha i love inception


>> No.2437725

you'r enot really a mod

>> No.2437747
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