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2432177 No.2432177 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw someone uses a word you don't understand and you feel entry-tier

>tfw you can't bring yourself to resume work on your novel - the one that will never be published

>tfw you start your first day of post-college full time employment and say to yourself: this is life?

>tfw you're in an excited mood - and then you remember you're an atheist and a meaningless death is all that awaits you

tfw when you make a thread on /lit/ and nobody responds

>> No.2432181
File: 518 KB, 556x471, 1330054489827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't know a single one of these feels

>tfw math degree and 300K starting anywhere I want

>> No.2432184

you're a fucking faggot. three of those are your fault and you're having the wrong reaction to the other.

>> No.2432194


You're delusional, kid. I taught ESL in Korea with two math graduates. Salary: 35K/yr

>> No.2432197


You don't know how it feels to be an atheist?

I appall your ignorance and envy your delusion.

>> No.2432200

>tfw when I meet someone on the first day of class and tell them I'm an English major
>tfw I ask them what a word means 10 minutes later

Seriously... I felt like it was amateur hour or something. Especially when it was such a simple word. Profundity.

>> No.2432205


>>tfw you're in an excited mood - and then you remember you're an atheist and a meaningless death is all that awaits you

To be honest, that just sounds like you hating yourself.

>> No.2432206

>teaching ESL in Korea

That's where losers end up, man. I don't know your feel at all. Did you enjoy being barred from certain restaurants and bars because of the color of your skin?

lel camedy geld

>> No.2432215

>tfw you see [sic] at the end of a sentence and scour it for hours and can't find a single thing wrong with it but it was written by some academic so it has to be correct


>> No.2432220


What are you talking about?

>> No.2432221

You opened this thread by confessing that you're a failure, and an all round useless little shit. Why are you now insulting people? I'm confused.

>> No.2432224


I agree, I sound like an angsty faggot.

The first 2 are certainly just me being angsty/more of a joke.

But the second two are incurable ailments of the human condition. Namely, a paradoxical combination of boredom and terror.

>> No.2432245


If this is what you truly believe then I pity you.

>> No.2432261

Every one of those points can be attributed to you being incredibly fucking autistic. Go out and socialise, make some friends, fall in love, and live your fucking life. Jesus Christ. Fuck. Some people.

>> No.2432267

shut up, mom!

>> No.2432276


>> No.2432278

but he was molesting my friends! it was judge mandated!

>> No.2432280
File: 474 KB, 500x282, 1328448388273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*suffers in silence in the kitchen as her spoiled nihilistic brat of a brother and her bloated alcoholic washed up mother argue for the thousandth time in the living room*

*stirs the bubbling pot on the stove and makes a promise to never return home after this Christmas*

>> No.2432309

Yes, yes, I understand the natural response is to chide and mock me (I would probably do the same if I saw someone make this thread), but that doesn't solve my existential angst.
Not that there is a solution...I just felt like sharing it because it makes me feel better to know that others feel the same.
But I understand the majority of this board is still college students that hold out some hope that the best part of their life awaits them.
And then you start work and you realise that this is reality.

>> No.2432317
File: 54 KB, 780x419, yasmin-paige-jordana-and-craig-roberts-oliver (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved that movie

>tfw it intensified >tfw no gf

>> No.2433744

This topic has taken an interesting turn.

>> No.2433765

>tfw you start your first day of post-college full time employment and say to yourself: this is life?

I imagine this must be one of the most disappointing moments a person can experience. Fortunately for me I dropped out of college two semesters in, and decided to volunteer abroad.

>> No.2433773
File: 18 KB, 652x542, 1329544600519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, this'll help you out.

>> No.2433785


Nah, there's the feeling that you ONLY have to work, that no one is going to be grading you, and that the money draining from your account for tuition will never be taken out again.

If you've been working, taking classes and doing field research for three years, the feeling of just one job and no other responsibilities is intoxicatingly liberating.
I can still remember coming home from my first day back from vacation after graduating and realizing there was nothing to prepare for for the next day. I just had to show up. Amazing feeling!

>> No.2433790

>implying the shittiest part isn't actually doing something about it

>> No.2433800
File: 36 KB, 462x308, AD20110413397033-2-A Tibetan monk .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love that situation. If I'm discussing a subject with someone it's often one I'm well versed in. There are people who find this threatening, especially when there is an audience. You get that feeling of contest and animosity. When the other party uses a word I don't know, I immediately ask him or her what it means in a friendly manner. You can immediately see the whole situation defuse, they become confident in their capabilities, become willing to talk, errbody gets friendly and things get sorted out, usually by clearing away misunderstandings and locating the point about which we are unable to agree, leaving it at that. A small token if humility can be the difference between a friendly chat and all out nuclear warfare.

>> No.2433810

why are you guys validating such a shitty thread? it was successfully derailed and then fucking sunhawk had to autistic bump it and we couldn't let it die because ya'll got to swoop in with your sage advice. where is the book discussion? oh right it's not to be found in this thread.

>> No.2433823

English has a bloated lexicon because of the languages it draws on. Also English syntax is very simple so expressing complex ideas pivots on having 5 dollar words to dazzle your readers with.

Any idiot can pick up a thesaurus -- the humanities department at your local university is case in point

>> No.2433833

Please post about your anxieties on a different board.

>> No.2433834

wow op, i know all of those feels

and then i got over it in about a day

>> No.2433837

what a bump!

check out that bump!

nice bump!

wanna meet that bump!

keep bumpin'!

>> No.2433839


>> No.2433844
File: 61 KB, 277x270, 02_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make this thread the success it deserves to be!

>> No.2433902

It's still not a decent life, if you're working your ass off without ever actually living.

>> No.2433909

frame this bump for posterity!
I'm gonna orchestrate this thread to 148 replies for the glory of other boards to observe our glorious majesty as the braintrust of 4chan