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File: 319 KB, 1202x1600, O_OscarDelPozo_Mishima_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.24312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled

Is Mishima /fitlit/s official guy?

>> No.24423

You can see his courage in his physique. Look at it... he didn't go for the easy aesthetic route, instead he decided to forge his body into something that could be defined as human today, 1000 years ago and in 1000 years from now. You can truly see how he strived for the human essence in a truly ahistoric way.

He truly is a man for every time and culture.

>> No.24695

lol no

>> No.24819

He's japanese, so it does not count.

>tfw Jesus was 4''7

>> No.25304

Jesus was a jew
he has 19 inches in his nose

>> No.25581

So far he is the only lit who fits (intended pun) the requisits.

>> No.25940

He most definitely is.

>> No.26134


that was all great until he fucked up and decided to an hero like a pussy

>> No.26163

In 400 years (if humans and japanese people will still be around) it will be seen as something mythical.

>> No.26166
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it wasn't "like a pussy"
he realized that his body was aging and he was going to lose his strength, he didnt want to go back to being week and feeble like he was growing up

also he had a boner (literally) for committing suicide with an attractive young man by his side, so he was basically living out his ultimate fantasy

>> No.26640

It will be seen as exactly what it was at the time, a crazy dude an heroing for reasons best understood by himself

I've read every word he wrote and I incline bench 225 so STFU nerd. he was a fucking traitor, a cult leader and a failed revolutionary. He makes Che look like the pope in comparison, although i will admit his novels are wonderful.

>> No.27033

>It will be seen as exactly what it was at the time, a crazy dude an heroing for reasons best understood by himself

Nah, people will rationalize it by saying that it was the last traditional Japanese call, the death of an era, and his ritual suicide will be turned into a myth.
These overly romantic driven people are always seen as weirdos in their time and as tragic heroes once his time will end. This is the fate of Mishima, and he knew it.

>> No.27045
File: 93 KB, 640x453, fujoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was basically Yamila Abraham in the body of a gay Japanese man.

>> No.27218
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what about Sócrates

>> No.27283

just a reminder
>On November 25, 1970, Mishima and four members of the Tatenokai, under pretext, visited the commandant of the Ichigaya Camp, the Tokyo headquarters of the Eastern Command of Japan's Self-Defense Forces.[17] Inside, they barricaded the office and tied the commandant to his chair. With a prepared manifesto and a banner listing their demands, Mishima stepped onto the balcony to address the soldiers gathered below. His speech was intended to inspire a coup d'état to restore the power of the emperor. He succeeded only in irritating the soldiers, and was mocked and jeered. He finished his planned speech after a few minutes, returned to the commandant's office and committed seppuku.

>> No.27315

He couldn't squat jack shit though.

>> No.27492

I hope you lads have watched the Mishmash biopic

>> No.28089

>I've never read any Mishima and don't know anything about his ideas

>> No.28111
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>Music by Philip Glass

>> No.28453
File: 266 KB, 1920x1200, wallpaper-ozymandias-desktop-lyrics-dylan-watchmen-marley-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is /fit/lit/'s guy, the true renaissance man.

>most intelligent man alive
>peak human condition, does acrobatics for charity
>combination of brain and brawn allows him to make split second miracles like catching bullets

>> No.28476

No japs are my guy sorry lads

>> No.28685
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>> No.29284
File: 89 KB, 660x1015, 14484122660334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished reading the Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea
fantastic book, even though it make me frustrated at time with the characters action, I was only frustrated at how true their reasoning was. even the ending felt like a great sympathy.

would you commit sudoku with him if he called you to join?