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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 177x266, 01 burn in hell you waste of life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2427072 No.2427072 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure we're all familiar with the Twilight series and its reputation... but what of Stephanie Meyer's other works?

I already don't have much faith in her as an author, so her other works can't be much better or worse.

Can I get /lit/'s word on the subject?

>> No.2427073

are you fucking serious

>> No.2427088

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.2427090

He is. Let us laugh even harder.

>> No.2427091

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.2427095

I read 'The Host'. It's better than Twilight, although that's not saying much.
In the hands of a competent author, it could have been quite good.

>> No.2427098

I know she's a monstrous hambeast, but I would like her to suck my cock. Her mouth seems made for it.

>> No.2427123

1: Ignorance is bliss.
2: Curiosity killed the cat.
3: Are you fucking serious?

>> No.2427137

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.2427245

If you had the option to go back in time and stop the Twilight series from ever being written, would you?

>> No.2427253


Can I go back in time and just ram my cock into her mouth until I come instead? It can't possibly be sexual assault if I'm from the future.

Why would I want to stop her book though, seriously? A lot of people like them (for full disclosure, I've never read them, or seen the movies - I know it's about vampires and werewolves and a baby vampire who grows up fast and marries a werewolf. That's it). Ms. Meyers has made a pirate's ransom in money. The publisher's quids in. Errybody happy.

Except you. Why are your jimmies in such a commotion?

>> No.2427281

there seems to be a lot of undeserved hate for meyers

if you dont like her books dont/stop read/ing them

from my experience in talking to most of you young edgy hipsters, keen to jump on the nearest bandwagon of socially acceptable public scorn, your hatred is much misplaced in the author

go on, i challenge you, make a coherent case against meyers and how she has personally affected your quality of life

i dont like childrens books, thats why i dont read them. i also hate the fans of childrens books, especially the grown up ones. none of this means that i have to go out of my way to condemn any author or reader of the genre or to seek a fellowship with any imaginary sides of persecution

>> No.2427286
File: 23 KB, 411x406, bdm08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no one can be criticized for art ever

christ, its like a youtube comment

>> No.2427291


>making strawmen because its edgy and hip

>> No.2427304


>if you dont like her books dont/stop read/ing them

>implying this doesn't imply that you shouldn't criticize anything ever

>> No.2427313


Do you bother to prevent flies from suckling on shit?

>> No.2427316


I bet you thought that was really clever when you typed it.

flies can't suckle by definition, you fucking tit. and the rest of it just makes no sense in context. delete that post and fucking try again, you wankstain.

>> No.2427328


I suggest you stay mad. Just maintain a consistent level of upset.

>> No.2427330


>>implying this doesn't imply that you shouldn't criticize anything ever

strawman, but in case you were serious, the implication is not that you shouldnt criticize anything ever, but the implication is that you dont have to.


is a good analogy

would you blame/hate the shit for existing?

would you blame/hate followers who worship the shit?

im not defending the shit

the shit is there and all you are doing is looking at it in disgust and obsessing over how unsightly it is without actually being capable of doing anything to the shit

>> No.2427334

i seem to have unconsciously adopted some sort of taoist stance

have the serenity to accept the things you cant change

there will always be shit, you dont have to obsess over it

>> No.2427336

cleaning up shit only invites more shit

damn im on a roll

>> No.2427345

shit will be shit

worshippers of shit will worship shit

endeavor not to change the nature of others, but to seek the harmony within yourself to accept nature as it is; perhaps then, you could have finished your own novel by now.

>> No.2427348

shit itself is harmless undisturbed

preoccupation with shit inhibits

>> No.2427349


>but the implication is that you dont have to.

why not? it's an image board for discussing literature. discussion includes criticism.

you just seem like one of these celebrity white knights to me. you can't make a negative post about anyone famous on 4chan without being called a hipster.

>> No.2427350

I agree with this guy. Although, I have read the books and seen the movies. The books aren't as bad as the movies, but they're not good. But still, plenty of people enjoy them and they make a lot of money, so it's all good by me.
Has anybody who is hating on the series in this thread actually read the books, or are you just hating out of ignorance?

>> No.2427354


>celebrity white knights

calm your heart and realise that there is no such thing

>> No.2427360


well I'm glad we've straightened that out

>> No.2427366


>celebrity white knights

elton john maybe

i am not defending shit young padawan

i am merely trying to impart my own shit onto you

that you may recognize shit, and not be trolled by it

shit is not worth obsessing over

all this time we have been discussing shit, we could have been writing our novels

you anyway, im having my break

>> No.2427370

pity not the worshippers of shit

pity he who gets trolled by those who had not wished to troll

stephanie meyers does not hate you. she did not intend to troll you. she wanted fame and money. getting trolled is at your own expense.

>> No.2427372


I hadn't even posted in this thread until you posted that. I don't care about Meyer either way. if people want to criticize something, I don't see the problem. I doubt anyone's obsessing.

>> No.2427380
File: 34 KB, 500x405, kanye_imma_bin_laden_ah_fuck_it_I_cant_be_fucking_bothered_with_this_anymore_Im_danny_glover_too_old_for_this_shit_and_you_aint_murtaugh_nuff_to_be_worthwhile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's only one true celebrity white knight.

inb4 he's not white

>> No.2427386

Both Anne Frank and bin Laden got caught, so clearly they weren't very good at hide and seek.
In fact, Frank may have been worse, because, as a little girl, she has a natural talent for hide and seek (being a children's game).

>> No.2427390
File: 2.12 MB, 360x213, 1329723224047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't capitalize sentences
>using convoluted words to display his knowledge, but just ends up looking like a doofus
>spaces in each sentence
>shitty Elton Joke (get it?)
>over uses shit
>no punctuation
>silly display of unfounded arrogance
>"i" not capitalized
>writing a novel

Stop. For your own good.

>> No.2427391
File: 1007 KB, 2118x2700, taylor_swift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd white knight Taylor Swift though, I'd white knight her right in the shitter.

She's got even nicer feet than Mila Kunis, and I'd beat Kanye's fucking head in just for the chance to wank on her toe.

>> No.2427392

That's actually a serious issue that you have, if that's true. I'd recommend therapy.

>> No.2427395


>In fact, Frank may have been worse, because, as a little girl, she has a natural talent for hide and seek (being a children's game).

1) having a natural talent for something generally does not make you worse at it

2) you imply that Osama had never been a little girl himself

>> No.2427396


how the hell can you even differentiate between attractive & not attractive feet?

>> No.2427398


So? Give fucking Kanye a ring and call him on it, not me. I don't give a fuck about it. He's the white knight, not me.

Although if it gave me a chance to even sniff Beyonce's gusset, I'd probally have a go, nahmean?

>> No.2427401

>calling Beyonzo Beyoncé

>> No.2427402

If they both got caught, and she supposedly had a natural talent for it, and he did not, that means that he had more acquired skill than she did, and that technically makes him better than her.
Long ago, he may have been, but those skills dwindle to nothingness over time.

>> No.2427404

Also, Frank had only the Nazis looking for her. Osama had most of the civilized world's military and intelligence agencies looking for him.

>> No.2427405


so much anger over a matter so trivial

you have much to learn young one

>> No.2427411
File: 228 KB, 640x519, alex_morgan_manky_feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because attractive ones make me think "hmm, nice feet", and horrible ones don't. Duh.

pic related - horrible feet from kicking a football all the time. I've fucked a couple of ballet dancers in my time as well, and they're truly fucking rancid in the feet zone.

>> No.2427414


>most of the civilized world's military and intelligence agencies

At the time, it was pretty much the same thing - the Third Reich was the dominant power, and every other country was basically involved in guerilla warfare against the invader.

Oh wait, that's pretty much the same as bin laden. carry on.

>> No.2427420


What is it about the foot that you find sexually appealing?

Will the mere sight of it form cause arousal or do you have to be in its presence?

>> No.2427422
File: 206 KB, 850x1000, kunis_feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never ejaculate onto Mila Kunis' feet

>> No.2427428
File: 119 KB, 630x1085, gemma-arterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, I'm not a fetishist. in fact, I used to hate feet until about 2 years ago when I got involved with this woman who had really nice feet (don't ask me why I thought they were nice compared to all the other women I've shagged) anyway, I started to really enhoy grabbing her feet while I was fucking her, and then I started to enjoy kissing them (when fresh from the shower), and I started to realise that I was appreciating a whole new part of a woman - I'd always liked legs, and shoes, and now there was a new piece in the jogsaw.

tl;dr I like them, but not to the point I wouldn't fuck a woman with crap feet. My wife has horrible feet.

>> No.2427442


Hmm. Okay.

Pop psychology here, but perhaps you are simply associating the act of sexual intercourse with being in the presence of feet.

Somewhere in your life, some wires must have gotten crossed.

Not that its a bad thing. Or even a remarkable thing. Or any of my business.

>> No.2427456
File: 1.40 MB, 4288x2848, 1329310540248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ - Feet

Well, shit.

>> No.2427466
File: 88 KB, 468x817, flo_welch_feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nops, sorry. I'm not a fetish guy - I'm perfectly able to get aroused by a woman who's feet I don't find attractive, but there are some women who's feet are just kinda mesmerising.

think of summer, when there are a lot of women walking around in scanty tops and short skirts - not all of them have nice tits or a good ass or long, sexy legs. You don't just walk around with a boner all day.

With feet it's the same. most of the time in summer it's all like "fucking hell, put some sneakers on you monster", then occasionally you see some absolute fox in strappy sandals and think "yeah, I can imagine those tootsies next to my face while I'm banging you. I'd bite them. In fact, I'll bite them now".

And that's the story of how daddy got a restraining order, kids.

>> No.2427512

I think Florence Welch would be an absolute fucking tiger in bed. I bet she'd let you spit on her and do her anally and choke her. Then she'd say "thank you" at the end.

>> No.2427540


Deadly serious. Fucking Darth Serious.

>> No.2427633
File: 38 KB, 553x369, MK-BQ625_25PHON_G_20111124174943[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking Sirius?

>> No.2427640

>implying a beta like you wounded get his ass handed to him by Kanye and then laughed at by Taylor

>> No.2427648
File: 1.55 MB, 2661x1929, feettw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feet? I have an oddly relevant image!

If only.

>> No.2427663


Seriously man, me and Kanye, one on one? I would fucking hold that man down and rape him in front of his crew.

Then Taylor would become upset and she'd be all

>"Why did you have to rape him?"

and I'd be all like

>"It's a man thing, you wouldn't understand"

and she be all

>"why do you have to be so dismissive all the time? I'm not an idiot, I understand things"

and I be

>"I know, baby, you understand things, just not important things like this. Now why don't you shake that mouth of yours a little lower and give your daddy some sugar"

then she's all

>"eww, nasty, it's just been in kanye's ass"

and I tell her

>"bitch, that shit good enough for Jay-Z, you just get the nuts in your mouth like a squirrel, or you get two black eyes like a motherfucking panda"

And that's how me and Taylor Swift broke up. Kind of inevitable in retrospect. We were two very different people.

>> No.2427694
File: 34 KB, 555x351, feel_sharks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2427704 [DELETED] 

God I hate the "fresh from the shower" foot fetishists. Fair weather cunts. If there were a war on foot fetishism, you niggers would desert at the first shot fired.

>> No.2427714

>I'm not a fetishist
To be clear, I just have the same level of fetishism as him -- and you would be right.

Watersports on the other hand...

>> No.2427726


Weird that you mention that, because even though I wouldn't kiss a stinky foot, I have recently been thinking that I might let Ms. Right (well Ms. I'll-do-it) piss on me.

It might be an experience. Well, it would definitely be an experience, but it may even be a nice one.

>> No.2427739

Piss is sterile. Drink it or you're a fag.

>> No.2427743


How do you find women who'll piss on you? I'm not asking for myself you understand. It's errm it's research for a story I'm writing. it's about me and how much I want to have a stranger piss all over me

>> No.2427746


Screencapped due to hilarity.

>> No.2427749

I would hope that most would if you ask them nicely.
Please tell me this is the case.

>> No.2427757

Piss is only sterile up until it leaves the bladder. After that, it is subject to whatever baddies are hanging out an and around the urethra. Guzzling down someone's piss is hardly a "sterile" endeavour.

/lit/ knows very little about everything.

>> No.2427759

So? If you trust the labial recesses of your partner's snatch enough to lick them, you should trust them well enough to drink her piss. Piss doesn't even taste that bad. Just drink her piss, you giant fag.

>> No.2427761


I'm not sure I'm up for it going in my mouth on my first time out - just on my chest and dick area, then a pleasant fuck for dessert. I've never really bought that "piss is sterile" nonsense. OK, yeah, if I've been stang off a jellyfish, but not in the gob, eh?

>> No.2427763

>Piss doesn't even taste that bad
I would argue that depends on what she has been eating and drinking...
If she has been drinking a lot of water, I'm totally down. On the other hand, if she just guzzled a 6 pack of beer and ate some cheeseburgers, there is no way in hell I'm going to let a drop so much as touch my lips.

>> No.2427764

>OP posts Meyers
>thread is about pissing in one another's mouths


>> No.2427766

You're the worst sub ever. If you can't down your girlfriend's piss the morning after a night of booze and junkfood, how can you spare her the inconvenience of walking to the bathroom?

>> No.2427769


If she's just done some shrooms, you could probably get high off it. Although I'd probably be pretty wasted by the stage I'm lying in the bath letting some strange bird piss on me.

Actually, brb. fapping.

>> No.2427894

Wait, wait, hold on...
New to the thread, you have a girl who wants to piss on you? You do realize that the ratio of men to women with a piss fetish is like a 1000 to 1, right? I've been with all sorts of girls and though a few have been self identified as "kinky," only a couple were down to piss on me. There are a lot of men who envy your position, trust me.

On the other hand, despite having a 100 percent certified pee-fetish, I would never let piss get near my mouth. Disgusting. Sterile or not.

>> No.2427901

Piss is actually a pretty common fetish in chicks, but more often for the submissive aspect of being disallowed to pee or whatever, and also more often for you peeing on them. But they're usually down with it.

As an aside, if you let any chick refuse to pee on/in you, you're an idiot. No partner should refuse such an innocuous sexual request or they're lousy and selfish.

>> No.2427904


fuck off you filthy disgusting degenerate

>> No.2427932
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>> No.2428160 [DELETED] 

That is horseshit. I'm a chick and I would never pee on, or let any one pee on, me. None of my female friends would ever, either. This is *puke*. You're just trying to provide masturbatory fodder for the fappers.

>> No.2428172 [DELETED] 

That is horseshit. I'm a chick and I would never pee on someone, or let any one pee on me. None of my female friends would ever, either. This is *puke*. You're just trying to provide masturbatory fodder for the fappers.

>> No.2428178
File: 259 KB, 500x625, 1319969195626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2428180

Why would you never pee on anyone?
What if he was someone who you've known for awhile (1 year +) and whom you've come to love?

>> No.2428182 [DELETED] 

Yeah, sorry, no! At that point I would realize THAT IS NOT THE ONE FOR ME. Fucking gross. Time to move on! Fine and dandy if you like piss, and I hope you find someone who shares that interest, but that's not me!!

>> No.2428187

>some deluded virgin is making sweeping statements about watersports and women

fucking lol, stay beta as hell lit

>> No.2428188

Ok, fair enough... that just makes me a little bit sad.
I still struggle to understand, though -- especially since this hypothetical 'he' would never pee on you/ask to pee on you.
You could stay nice and clean while he gets what he wants.
It's really pretty innocent.

>> No.2428191

okay, so I'm not the only one who loled at that

>> No.2428192 [DELETED] 

Look, I'm not retarded and I understand that urine is sterile most of the time. Even that people used to brush their teeth with it. But still. Innate revulsion? Sorry, no. Which is why I understand if other people have a fetish for it, and I accept them, but I just cannot partake in it.

>> No.2428197

Then you're a bad girlfriend. No big deal. Most women are.

If a girl I loved asked me to let her shit on my chest I'd:
-ask why
-tell her it fucking revolts me to an absurd degree
-determine whether her desire to do it outweighs the inconvenience of me letting her (eg. it's absolutely essential for her to be sexually fulfilled, and it's possible for me to cope with the disgust)
-make sure it's safe (eg. no eating it)
-let her do it

If you put your revulsion over a partner's sexual fulfillment, you are a giant selfish piece of shit snaking its way out of a self-entitled ass onto the face of your beloved.

>> No.2428201

well said.
what say you miss "I'm too important to take a little piss to the tits?"

>> No.2428203
File: 96 KB, 561x700, 1326816841467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2428208

My best hope for any one that read that piece of pure entertainment. Is that it gets them to read something other than young adult fiction. That is the best you can hope for. The sad fact is that it is a hard to make someone care about something you care about and not looking like an elites prick about it either.

>> No.2428211 [DELETED] 

Perhaps you are right, and this brings up a whole buttload of other issues to this thread.

1) I am a woman of high mate value. I am intelligent, fun, witty, and considerably attractive. Why should I have to settle for men who have quirks which aren't compatible with my own.

2) I do from time to time stick the odd finger up the significant other's rectum, which brings arousal to both parties.

3) I am completely down with light bondage and domination, and some sillier fetishes including roleplay.

4) NO WATERSPORTS!! And I have not known many men to be into that sort of thing either. You can't possibly act like watersports are a dealbreaker. Just because you are into that doesn't mean the whole world is.

>> No.2428214

1) Okay, but that is functionally irrelevant because your mate is presumably someone you love. We're not talking about a fling you only pursue for sexual compatibility. Whoever you're with, love is the bond, and its bond is what is on trial here.

2) Irrelevant, because it doesn't phase you. If I gladly let my partner shit on me, but took issue with something relatively innocuous (by the standards of most) like anal fingering, the issue would be exactly the same.

3) See #2.

4) I am not universalizing my fetish, I am universalizing the tolerance of and compromise with fetishes, in general, of your partner.

>> No.2428215

>considerably attractive
unsubstantiated claims
gonna need a face pic w/ time stamp

>> No.2428216
File: 182 KB, 402x322, here-we-go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a woman of high mate value. I am intelligent, fun, witty, and considerably attractive

and here we go.png

>> No.2428217

I don't know if it's been said already but even though she is a terrible writer I would still orally assault her with my dick.

Does that make me shallow?

>> No.2428219 [DELETED] 

Well, then, let me summarize up to a succinct synopsis for you. Openminded to the fullest, up to and excluding the point of human waste. Not unheard-of, I'm sure. And I'm also sure it doesn't make me a selfish lover. I'll give pleasure until my neck falls off, and be glad to do it. But NO WATER SPORTS.

>> No.2428224

>Openminded to the point of [arbitrary stopping point that isn't personal safety].
>Argumentum ad populum.
>Non sequitur fiat assertion of correctness.
>Non sequitur.
>Restatement of initial statement.

Then you are selfish. We've determined this.

>> No.2428225

Just means that you don't go out much and a whale is fine too.

>> No.2428230 [DELETED] 

Fab. I'm selfish because I won't piss/shit on a dude and won't let him piss/shit on me. LOLOL

To the two fucktards asking for fap fodder from me: just pretend I'm some obese dude who looks like John Goodman, Mkay? Okay. Fucking buffoons. You know, there's such a thing as Pornhub.

>> No.2428231

What if you had to pee in your lover's mouth to save their life? What if your inability to pee on them would make you lose your looks and high-mate value, and thus your ability to produce high-value offspring? What if they were stung by a jellyfish?
What if your urethra is the fountain of youth?
Would you pee on someone to stop a nuclear war with China?

>> No.2428242 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 700x690, 1312969168462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to fap to you. You're claiming to be attractive, but I bet you look like precious, not the adjective, the fat nigger from that movie. Either that or you're a dude. You don't tell everyone you're attractive and then not give evidence

>> No.2428243 [DELETED] 

Yes, I would pee on someone if it saved their life or health, or anyone's life or health, even if it made me lose my "mate value". That's a ridiculous question. Previously we were discussing pissing for fetish purposes.

>> No.2428244 [DELETED] 

And you, yes, I closely resemble Jabba the Hutt. Now bugger off.

>> No.2428245

OK, then we've clarified you are selfish, because you value your convenience and arbitrary rules over your lover's happiness. You post a lot of words, but no alternate logic or extenuating circumstances.

So you'd do it to save your lover's life, but not to save their happiness?

>> No.2428248 [DELETED] 

he probably has a better figure. Pseudo-intellectual cunt. I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

>> No.2428254 [DELETED] 

To save his happiness he can find someone more appropriate than me. I'm sure no one's happy with his lover projectile vomiting while trying to do something that pleases him. (Unless he's into vomit.)
Cunning! Witty! So inventive.

>> No.2428258

You didn't answer the part about stopping a nuclear war with China. I assume you are also a communist.

Maybe you're also Stephanie Meyer. Will your next book be like Twilight but with water-sport fetishists instead of vampires?

>> No.2428260

(Those quotes were supposed to be the other way around.)

>> No.2428264 [DELETED] 

Would a nuclear war with china not also be about saving people's lives and health? I thought I was clear on that. And no, I'm not into communism. I fully believe in a fair and free market unfettered by aggression.

>> No.2428265

you need a little of this

>> No.2428266

I think I know the problem...
You don't drink enough water so you think all piss is disgusting yellow, smelly liquid -- right?

>> No.2428269 [DELETED] 

Yawn. Good night, guys. Hit you up tomorrow when you've got something /lit/-related to talk about - and not urine.

>> No.2428270

>be female
>monopolize thread with own opinions without adding anything to actual discussion
>constantly post onomatopoeia and declarations of emotion
>still nothing of substance
>announce departure on anonymous message board after discussion is over





>> No.2428272

yeah lol
In her stupid ass mind she thinks she accomplished something in this thread. Like we don't scream and yell about piss and feet and throat fucking when girls aren't around
femanons are worse than tripfags about thinking everyone cares what they have to say

sureties oneothe

>> No.2428276

>implying the males were contributing to anything the OP had posted, or anything having to to with /lit/ hahahaha
>implying one male wasn't just jumping on the opportunity to troll a female... BECAUSE HE'S 15 and is butthurt that he may never get laid, hahahahaha

>> No.2428278 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 475x484, pee on everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 30
>I'm currently fucking 3 women that don't know about each other
>I've probably read 10x more books than you
>I was the one calling you a fat nigger
<-------pic related

>> No.2428279

Pic definitely related. Notice the level of attractiveness.

>> No.2428280
File: 1.91 MB, 834x1031, 1290914224634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your level of /lit/

>> No.2428281

Clearly /lit/ is the new /b/

>> No.2428283

As this guy back here who just came back to check out /lit/ before going to bed, I have to say I completely sympathize with the (supposed) female in the thread.

If you're completely grossed out by something, your partner shouldn't force you to do it. If that chick tried to stick a finger in my ass I would freak the fuck out. I don't feel comfortable -period- with things getting near my asshole.

I like girls pissing on me, but it's not fun if they don't enjoy it at least a little bit. And if I'm actually in love with someone, whether or not they'll pee on me doesn't really matter.

>> No.2428284

beta fuck. i'm sure she'll marry you now

>> No.2428286


>> No.2428288 [DELETED] 

Funny thing, this seems to be the only person on this thread who soesn't need to be heavily medicated, and so is probably the only one I'd consider dating in a million years, roffle. This whole alpha/beta shit is, hilariously, some irrational and nonfunctional advice you virgins swap amongst yourselves. And it's rather sad, but funny. Scadenfreude.

>> No.2428289

If we met I bet I could fuck you. Pseudo-intellectual cunts are the easiest. Just appeal to their dim ego. The only problem after that would be finding your pussy underneath the folds of fat.

>> No.2428290

either 1/10 or 10/10

>> No.2428291 [DELETED] 

Funny thing, this seems to be the only person on this thread who doesn't need to be heavily medicated, and so is probably the only one I'd consider dating in a million years, roffle. This whole alpha/beta shit is, hilariously, some irrational and nonfunctional advice you virgins swap amongst yourselves. And it's rather sad, but funny. Schadenfreude.

>> No.2428293

Stop reposting with spelling corrections like you did earlier.

>> No.2428294


Bitch, I'm a thousand times as alpha as you. What's right is right. I'm not going to lick a girl's pussy. I'm not going to let anyone of ANY gender get near my asshole. Sex is like that; we have borders. I accept those in my partners.

I think peeing is hot, but I think having sex with a good looking chick is way hotter. If your priorities are so fucked that you can't enjoy sex without your partner pandering to your fantasies, you're probably watching too much porn.

>> No.2428295 [DELETED] 

One won't kill me when I'm too drunk to hit the right keys. Suck it up.

>> No.2428296

everyone saw that spelling error, you dumb bitch
>not having 4chan+

>> No.2428297

that made my hand tingle.

>> No.2428298 [DELETED] 

"Me dumb bitch, me say dumb thing. PLZ come fuck my vagina, me so horny." Is that it?

What the fuck are they feeding high-schoolers these days... crack?

>> No.2428302

refer to this post>>2428278

>> No.2428303

Again, sorry, /lit/ is the new /b/. All that smart discussion you used to have here? Out the window. Sorry. Nothing but a bunch of /b/tards trolling anymore who don't have a damn to say.

>> No.2428308 [DELETED] 

I would, except I'm the supposedly dumb bitch to whom you posted that in response. Hah! And please don't kill the messenger, but any woman who would be willing to bone you clearly has Down syndrome. Which I suppose is cool if you're into that sort of thing. But I'm afraid I haven't heeded the sage words of Socrates, which one must always try to live by: "Don't feed the trolls."

>> No.2428309


Actually it seems rather fitting to me that a thread about Stephanie Meyer turned into a discussion about pissing on people.

And don't fool yourself, there isn't very much "smart discussion" that happens on /lit/. It's mostly pretentious teenagers who think they're smart because no one else in their generation reads at all.

>> No.2428310

if anyone reads this lol

>> No.2428312

now refer to this post>>2428289

>> No.2428315 [DELETED] 

No. I am not interested in having sex with you. All apologies.

>> No.2428316
File: 16 KB, 315x475, n179457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< Better than twlight

>> No.2428317

I find most women like me to bite their neck like a vampire when we fuck. Or bite my neck.

>> No.2428318
File: 30 KB, 360x379, Emile Camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have been reading to much Socrates, bro. This anti-feminist philosophy isn't becoming of you, and may-I-say quite bigoted in this day and age.
Since we're on /lit/, I suggest you check some Camus (pic related). Nausea would probably be his best book, and in my opinion it sounds like you'd do well to read something from the female perspective. Maybe check out some Bret Easton Ellis or Hemingway to help curb you're misogyny, and introduce you to some feminist viewpoints.

Remember, bru. Mysoginy can be beaten, but you have to recognise you have a problem before you can solve it.

>> No.2428319

>You seem to have been reading to much Socrates
What particular work by Socrates are you thinking of?

>> No.2428321

okay, now I don't know wtf is going on in this thread.
pissing in a sea of piss (no pun intended, well maybe a little bit)

>> No.2428325
File: 60 KB, 471x694, explainthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if that's the stupid bitch, or a very good imposter

>> No.2428328

>eighteen obvious parodies in the post


I think he's parodying /lit/ pseudointellectuals or something.

>> No.2428330

Gee, no idea, but it sure looks like a bunch of people in this thread were just talking to themselves. (scroll up)

>> No.2428331

>clearly doesn't understand sarcasm

>> No.2428332

>pussy is yucky
>won't let a fine woman eat his ass
>let's bitches piss all over him

You got a peculiar mix of prude and pervert, anon.

>> No.2428334

>and won't go down on a woman either
>good luck hanging on to quality pussy

>> No.2428335
File: 7 KB, 268x188, twilight sparkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twilight Sparkle > Twilight

I can't believe we live in a world where ponies are manlier than Twilight.

>> No.2428341

not the guy you're responding to, but you like being rimmed? It's too fucking intense for me, the feeling I mean. It's overwhelming

>> No.2428347

all of that chick's posts are gone. Did she mass delete, or get b&?

>> No.2428359

It was never a chick. It was a grossly obese middle-aged man in his shit-stained tighty-whities. In his elderly mother's basement. The whole time. Because you know as I know that that's all there is on the interwubbles.

>> No.2428367

yeah, you're probably right. I thought it was odd all the posts disappeared tho. figured it was a ban

>> No.2428369
File: 15 KB, 220x294, 220px-Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His Republic.

>> No.2428370


I bet Hemingway liked watersports. He seems the type.

>> No.2428373

giving maybe, I can't see him getting pissed on tho

>> No.2428376 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 613x573, TrollFaceFemaleBlackSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You... do realize it's still me, right?

>> No.2428377


Unless he got stang off a jellyfish in the course of machismo.

>> No.2428379


Isn't that kind of the point? Granted, it's not an everyday affair for me, but as a special treat it is great. I kind of like that "too much tactile sensation does not compute" madness.

Then of course, there is the psychological aspect. Which can be both dominant or submissive depending on how you like to look at it. There are men who associate anything anal with homosexuality (which is probably why there are people who let bitches piss in their mouth without a problem but shudder with terror if someone gets close to their behind), but I've always found it to be a very dominant position, especially since most women do tend to find it at least somewhat humiliating and dirty.

>> No.2428385

It is pretty filthy, and I can see the perspective of "the woman who licks the bunghole is being submissive", but come on. A dude who likes anal pleasure is thisclose to wanting it up the bum. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...)

>> No.2428390

yeah I'm down with all of that, I'm just saying it's physically too much, the sensation. It's like after you come and the girl keeps intensely sucking your dick, it's just too fucking much pleasure to the point of being painful

>> No.2428393

While your mind is currently melting, Stephanie Meyer wants you to believe that only the sparkly vampires know that they are sparkly vampires and the werewolves. Who...are not actually werewolves but are shape shifters who take the form of wolves. ....

Let me rephrase. Only the werewolves who are not werewolves but shape shifters that take the form of wolves and the sparkly vampires know that they are sparkly vampires. Who are werewolves.

>> No.2428397

So basically what you're saying is you find anal stimulation intensely pleasurable. Welp. Seeing as we've had a mass exclosetation in the last three days here on /lit/, I'd say you're in good company.

>> No.2428398


I see. Might try it when you're drunk and numb as shit, though. In that case it is still very intense, but a bit less. And has the potential to cure some cases of whiskey dick, which is nice.


Homosexuality has little to do with anal pleasure. Whilst it may be the custom among a lot of gays, they are not necessarily connected. This would be like stating that lesbians who like vaginal penetration are "this close to being straight".

>> No.2428405
File: 48 KB, 240x285, sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you will never be bisexual
>that feel when you will never have most fetishes
>that feel when you will never realize the full hedonist potential of human sexuality

>> No.2428408

>that feel when you are bisexual
>that feel when you have a flurry of fetishes
>that feel when you're too socially retarded to take advantage of your human sexuality.

>> No.2428417
File: 27 KB, 283x345, byronphillips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That feel when not handsome enough to be a real hedonist hero

>> No.2428418

you sound like a child abuse survivor

I'm not gay, pretty 100% on that. I fail to see how a woman licking a man's asshole is homosexual in any way

>> No.2428422

>That feeling when it takes a bunch of weird fetishes to make you revel in full hedonistic sexual pleasure
>That feeling when sweet, delicious, perfect sex doesn't do jack shit for you
>That feeling when everyone who DOES get perfect pleasure from natural sex feels sorry for you

>> No.2428423

My childhood was great. I got whatever I wanted, got to do what I wanted etc, and got most stuff done for me.

Then I turn 16 and suddenly expected to do everything for myself.

here we are 9 years later and I'm living in an apartment my parents pay the rent for.

I will never be a functioning human.

>> No.2428425

>implying diversity isn't the spice of life
>implying I can't enjoy a normal, well prepared meal and also enjoy an extraordinary decadent feast too
>implying that people who only like steak feel sorry for me because I like steak, veal, chicken, lamb, fish, etc.

Having limited tastes is not something to be proud of.

>> No.2428426
File: 30 KB, 306x450, ragdoll..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show us on the doll where uncle Jim touched you

>> No.2428429
File: 26 KB, 460x300, buk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when /lit/ always brings more substance to universal subjects than any other board

>> No.2428430
File: 209 KB, 460x676, thatfeeltiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2428432

I dunno, man. getting pissed on? Getting whipped? Feh. A man and a woman, interlocked, melding into one and reaching perfect ecstasy together? Flesh on flesh, eye to eye, legs intertwined, soul to soul? That's where it's at. (Or woman and woman, or man and man, or whatever genders. Same difference.) I've tried all the weird stuff. It's so blah to me. BUT HEY! If you can explain the appeal of peepee, I'm more than curious to understand.

>> No.2428443

> A man and a woman, interlocked, melding into one and reaching perfect ecstasy together? Flesh on flesh, eye to eye, legs intertwined, soul to soul? That's where it's at.
well said

>> No.2428445

I understand that it's a matter of taste, there are a lot of things I don't like or even want to try myself. It's a matter of taste. Likewise, there are certain dishes that I don't enjoy. But if I would have the choice, I would prefer to like those dishes too, so that I have one more thing to enjoy in life.

I have the same opinion about fetishes and sexual pleasures. Every extra thing that you get pleasure from is another thing makes life more enjoyable.

I experience the same with music. There were times where I didn't fancy jazz, but know I enjoy it greatly from time to time. I still listen to other music and get pleasure from that, but just having that extra opinion enhances things. A lot of acquired tastes are worth acquiring. I think that this is less easy with sexual pleasures, and there probably aren't many people trying to acquire a taste for pee, but it's still reasonable to recognize that a larger arsenal of sexual activities brings more pleasure.

As for the peeing, I've only ever seen the charm of that as the dominant perpetrator, but I find it hard to enjoy submission in general. Pride fucking with me and all.

>> No.2428446

Apologies for the shitload of mistakes in that post, I should proofread when I'm feeling a bit fuzzy.

>> No.2428455


Also, in addition: This doesn't mean just fighting your way upwards on the scale and learning to enjoy peaty scotch and sadomasochism, it's also a nice addition when you learn to lower your tastes and standards. Learn to appreciate instant coffee and homely girls.

>> No.2428461

Nietzsche once said that the greatest expression of power is not exercising it. Maybe a great expression of power is the ability to surrender it temporarily, and experience submission?

>> No.2428462

Judging from that picture, id fuck the shit out of stephanie meter. bitch look like she go in.

>> No.2428469


I would interpret that more as Alexander letting Diogenes talk shit to him than some CEO letting prostitutes beat him up, but you may have a point. There's a stereotype of powerful men having submissive sexual tastes, but if that has to do with experiencing supreme power in a paradoxical way or balancing out the power they experience in other parts of their life, I don't know. I've yet to find some form of sexual theory that explains all these things in a plausible way.

Maybe any anons have suggestions concerning works about sexual theory/psychology?

>> No.2428471


notice the asymmetry of these posts. one is insightful and clever,
and the other one is the most retarded combination of words put together.

>> No.2428474
File: 41 KB, 485x340, meyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, bro.

>> No.2428479




You shouldn't be so hard on him. His post was nothing new but at least he made no grammar mistakes and even name dropped Nietzsche. that counts for something

>> No.2428491
File: 178 KB, 1190x906, Prize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2428500 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 227x222, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Anon, and I am officially disgusted.

Now, I've never been any sort of feminazi; I've taken the realities of the biological and sociocultural differences between men and women, and I've embraced them. Relished them, even. As an anthropologist, I can't help but do so. They're in our genes. They're in our worlds.

I've long known that some third-world societies still have a very... singular... approach to gender. I also know that the percentage of internetizens from those countries is very small. We are largely a first-world phenomenon here, and the corresponding sensibilities should apply.

How was I to guess?

4chan in general has a weirdly misogynist culture prevalent, which bleeds even into what's touted as its most enlightened board, /lit/ - which I've been faithfully haunting for the last three years. I would like to share my experience there, as a woman, with you. It'll be short. (cont'd)

>> No.2428508

Woah, what happened to the femanon post/copy-pasta?

>> No.2428745


>> No.2430054
