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2424122 No.2424122 [Reply] [Original]

Tripfags of /lit/!
Give me your reasons why you think tripfagging is a positive action, specifically within the context of this board.
OP identification, and when posting your own work for critique aside... What purpose do you think it serves?

Free rebuttal with every tripped post, guaranteed!

Pic related. MFW I see yet another tripfag stroking their ego, aspiring to be Narcissus when they eventually grow up.

>> No.2424143

another stupid thread hidden

>> No.2424155

Define positive.

Why should I care if I'm doing something positive?

>> No.2424185
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Positive in the sense that it contributes in a productive way to the discussion, without hindering the process.
Why should you care? Go ask moot for a /philosophy/ board, then whoever goes there can help you.

Another tripfag gets its bullshit called out and, finding itself unable to form a coherent defense, runs away.

>> No.2424187

I don't tripfag but I have nothing against people that want to be recognized. What's up with that? Pretty much every reason for disliking that practice that I have seen is like OP's:

>Pic related. MFW I see yet another tripfag stroking their ego, aspiring to be Narcissus when they eventually grow up.

i.e., trash/pop psychological theories.

>> No.2424202




>> No.2424278

Care to posit any alternative motivations? Or are you just gonna trash others' without any backup?
Why want recognition, here of all places? What possible outcome could there be, other than getting the warm and fuzzies when mentioned or lauded?

Anonymous discussions are free from prejudice about the poster. Each and every post can be evaluated by its own merits and nothing else. Tripfagging breaks this process.
Tripfags go out of their way trying to stick their head above the crowd shouting "MY POST IS MORE IMPORTANT AND RELEVANT. WHY DONT YOU LOOK AT IT IN THE CONTEXT OF MY OTHER POSTS AND SEE FOR YOURSELF?" This is a fallacy. A tripfag's post is LESS relevant as they are attempting to force thread lurkers into contextualising their opinion outside of what they're actually saying.

Haha it's almost as if you were trying to imply that tripfags don't display obvious and easily identifiable narcissistic traits. But surely no one that far gone into retardation can actually type on a keyboard... right?

Miss the point much? No Meta intent here, trying to understand their position (or see if they understand their o

wn) and mockery are my aims here.

>> No.2424436
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Tripfags fail at self analysis or coherently defending their faggotry.
Tripfags instead run away from the challenge placed before their usually monumental egos.
Tripfags have shut up for once and /lit/ rejoices.


>> No.2424452

cool, thanks for bumping your thread again


>> No.2424465

Go back to /b/, retard.

>> No.2424480


Well excuse me (princesses) for mistakenly thinking that people actually think about why they do things.

>implying there is a single person in the history of 4chan who has never been to /b/

And you call me retarded? Risible indeed.

>> No.2424495
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>> No.2424504

you're as annoying as the tripfags
nah, ok, not that annoying
but still pretty annoying
the tripfag problem here has cleared up a lot in the past few months, i don't even have the script blocking them anymore and i'm only rarely annoyed

>> No.2424530

Wow, that image puts it better than I did. I wonder who posted it the first time hurrrrrr
Where I disagree is the degree of irritation I experience when this process is broken.
Apologies for being annoying. I really don't understand your average tripfag, and was hoping to beat some of them out of the bushes to let fly their reasoning before I shot them down. Maybe I might have been persuaded not to? Guess we'll never know...

>> No.2424594

I don't aspire to be, I am Narcissus. My therapist told me so.

>> No.2424723

Congratulations for having your bellend status medically confirmed.
Also, well done for taking your hand off your epenis long enough to post. Must have been a trial.
Finally, I commend you for your meaningful contribution to this discussion.
Please, if you'd like to make you and your kind look any more foolish, go right ahead.

>> No.2424735

The good ones are usually pretty fun to follow and know how to have a good time.

Stagolee was my bro. We talked about life last summer. I miss him.

>> No.2424764

>fighting the trips
that's not how you irradiate the issue

>> No.2424792

I seem to have missed the part where you explained how tripping was a prerequisite for talking 'about life.'

Do you mean eradicate? I'm not trying to eradicate trips. I'm trying to highlight that tcodes are useful under specific circumstances, and counterproductive the rest of the time.
I'm also being a deliberate arsehole to anyone not replying seriously, for reasons best understood by me.