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2416950 No.2416950 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books you loved as children.

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>> No.2416960
File: 122 KB, 600x742, Wind in the Willows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2416963


Loved that one too. Also Winnie the Pooh. Should have tossed them in the pic...

>> No.2416968
File: 44 KB, 400x678, Epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also liked the Inheritence cycle, Sword of Truth Series, Wheel of Time.

>> No.2416969

I started reading father's stash of better and worse fantasy and scfi books as soon as I could put two words together, so I'd have to say 'Chronicles of Amber'... not that I understood much of it at first, but damn, the swordfighting was badass.

>> No.2416974


Oh I loved that one! I read "Nine Princes in Amber" in serial form in Galaxy Magazine. I should post a pic of those, though they're pretty dog-eared...

>> No.2416979

Wondering how many people still have their childhood favorites, in this world of garage sales, ebay and such...?

>> No.2416991


>mfw I still love it after 14 years

Also, the Polish first edition came with 'The Guns of Avalon' in the same volume, for whatever reason. The cover art was... well, think Luis Royo for gay males and impressionism. Yeah. But when I read it in the original years later, I found that the translation was really good - if somewhat on the purple side, of which Zelazny was, in my opinion, never guilty.

>> No.2417003

He is pretty spare, mostly. I also loved "And Call me Conrad" and "A Night in the Lonesome October." I wonder why Zelazny gets so little love from fantasy readers and hollywood? My Name is Legion should film well, I would think...

>> No.2417049
File: 219 KB, 672x900, Ford__Web_of_Angels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read "Web of Angels" in High School. Thought about what it would be like if there really were such things as laptop computers that could interface with a "web" made up of other computers, and you could create "virtual personalities" and have "avatars" and create different identities and communicate instantly with people.. over a "net" .
MFW: get to college a and the computers still use punch card readers and the University computer center has an enormous hard disk that can hold up to TWO MEGABYTES!!!

>> No.2417130
File: 196 KB, 700x527, 1326750114720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I can tell most of you really are poseurs who started reading to seem smart.

I started with Corduroy, Winnie the Pooh, Love You Forever. (Thank you Grandma)

Once school started, things get fuzzier because I had access to a library and small books only took me 4 or 5 minutes to read. I know I read all of the Berenstain Bears books, Strega Nona, Clifford...skip ahead a little bit and I was enjoying Choose Your Own Adventure books, Goosebumps, Wayside School...
The summer after 2nd Grade I was involved in the library program at school and discovered Harry Potter. I read the first (and only at the time) 3, and they gave me such a confidence for reading, but grade school libraries aren't brimming with "great prose", so I finished out the 6th grade with very few memorable books...(Robinson Crusoe, Hatchet, The Ear The Eye, and The Arm, Artemis Fowl, Freak The Mighty, The Abhorsen Trilogy(Except Abhorsen itself wasn't released) a bunch of the Indian in The Cubbard novels, this one book with the exact same plot as The Village)
Oh! Fucking Animorphs! 54 of those mother fuckers, plus the "chronicles", plus the Alternamorphs. If you've never read the Ellimist Chronicles, I still recommend that book.
In the 7th grade, I was busy getting beaten up, but I read K. A. Applegate's other series Everworld, and started the Remnants, but my library didn't have any but the first 2. (It was going to be bleh anyway)

8th Grade had me find the gold that is Cirque Du Freak, setting me up for a vampire fetish that haunts me to this day.

I could go on for quite some time, but I doubt it's very interesting. It must suck to see someone with a genuine love of reading though. Again, thank you Grandma, and an honorable mention to my mother who loved showing me off to her friends.

>> No.2417133

John Bellairs u fuckers. Also, Susan Cooper's Dark Is Rising series. I loved Lloyd Alexander, but not the Pyrdain stuff so much as the Westmark stuff. The Westing Game was a favorite. Many others as well of course - certainly The Hobbit and LotR have to be on the list, although I certainly didn't understand LotR until much later - but that'll do.

damn dude how old are you

>> No.2417206
File: 33 KB, 420x670, 50-short-scifi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, and idolized Richard Matheson and Ray Bradbury. Used to enjoy reading Star Wars fiction stuff, and ended up with like 20-30 of those tiny paperbacks.


This was my lifeblood and my greatest love through middle school (pic).

>> No.2417233
File: 67 KB, 259x400, the-girl-who-owned-a-city-9780822596707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this book and would read and reread it until the covers fell off.

>mfw I reread it as an adult and realized it was actually hardcore Objectivist propaganda... somehow despite all those readings it didn't take

>> No.2417241

>tfw your mother saved every book you owned as a child.


>> No.2417249

Artemis Fowl
Edge Chronicles

>> No.2417334


Far older than I look, I hope. Closing in on sixty..

>> No.2417356

Anyone else read those Paul Jennings Books?
Shit was so cash.
Dem stories.

>> No.2417384
File: 22 KB, 200x288, 200px-TheWitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything and everything by Roald Dahl.
The Famous Five, Barney Mysteries and Secrets series' by Enid Blyton.
Captain Pugwash and Tintin comics.
Some of the Edge Chronicles series (more early teens though)

>> No.2417389


Roses, candle, massage lotion, kids books, skull, legos. newspaper from the sixties.

charming, or creepy?

>> No.2417392

Harry Potter
A Series of Unfortunate Events, I got up to 12 before they ran out
Alex Rider
Deltora Quest

Pretty much just read book series.

>> No.2417403

Alice in Wonderland
The Hobbit
Harry Potter
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Adventures of the Baron Munchausen
His Dark Materials
I still love all of these. Childrens fantasy is amazing.

>> No.2417407

Oh, and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Those kept my depressed 10 year old self entertained for quite some time.