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2416657 No.2416657 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2416658

It's like you're trying to make me puke.

>> No.2416668
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>> No.2416669


>> No.2416671
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>> No.2416674

Oh lawdy, I love that gif. Post it at every opportunity.

>> No.2416723

I feel he doesn't do its status as an Epic justice.

>> No.2416727

how is this a debate
everyone that lacks an interest in fellating javelins thinks the odyssey is better

>> No.2416735

The Illiad
>The struggle of thousands of warriors and the tragedy of Hector's fight
The Odyssey
>Odysseus fucks and/or maims everything in sight

>> No.2416757

But he's sad all the time so it's okay.

>> No.2416788

I know I'm in the minority, but The Iliad. Every time I explain how beautiful the warfare and maiming and so on is people look at me like I'm crazy. Also, I have a lit-crush on Diomedes.

>> No.2416794

Seconded. I actually love the unique prose used "Menelaus master of war-cry runs toward the area where the fighting is thickest. He spots the legendary Hector Son of Priam he misses but his shot is not wasted a it hits this farmer from fuckin nigger-indicake." pwety kewl

>> No.2416797

Are there comics of these yet?

>> No.2416803

People who prefer historical fiction and war drama will probably pick the Iliad. People who prefer Sinbad's tales will probably pick the Odyssey.

It'd make more sense to debate whether the Odyssey or the Aenied was a better adventure tale.

>> No.2416807


The Aeneid by a mile.

>> No.2416813

I've only read the Illiad but I was bored to death by it.

>> No.2416815

Here's my new ultra-abridged translation of Homer for modern consumption

>The struggle of thousands of warriors
>the tragedy of Hector's fight
>Odysseus fucks and/or maims everything in sight
>the end

>> No.2416829

Wait... there's someone who actually likes the Aeneid? All dat Augustan propaganda in it ruins it for me.

>> No.2416834

Not that guy, but I find that no worse than all the repeated formulae and epithets in Homer.

>> No.2416837



>> No.2416841

It really just comes down to what your values and opinions are, I believe.

One one hand, you have the Iliad, an epic that clearly preaches stoic ethics. It has strong themes of patriotism, loyalty, and piety.

Then you have the Odyssey, an epic that preaches epicurean ethics. It stresses humanism, while demonstrating disloyalty and irreverence.

>> No.2416844

I liked the Iliad for contrasting flawed and tragic but meaningful human struggles with the struggles of the perfect immortal gods, which seem like juvenile/immature trifles

>> No.2416997
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The Illiad
>A sissyboy "immortal" star quarterback who dies, leaving Odysseus to save the day with brain power.
The Odyssey
>Odysseus defies a god and a ton of monsters just to get back to his wife and son.
You know Athena wanted him.

>> No.2417104

Well, you have to remember that it started as an oral poem, so he had to use the formulae to stall for time while he remembered the next lines.

>> No.2417186

I loved "The Iliad" and genuinely found "The Odyssey" boring (both Fagles' translations).

Everyone I tell this to thinks I'm crazy.

>> No.2417197

No, that's pretty legit, the Iliad is a lot more interesting (imo)

>> No.2417563

You are one or more of the following
>Vidya players
Aren't you?

>> No.2417850

>Implying Odysseus is a hero and not a bumbling idiot and a terrible leader.

>> No.2417869

I also like the Iliad better than the Odyssey.

>> No.2417882

The Aenied -_-

>> No.2417895



Before I actually got around to reading them, I always assumed that Odysseus was the well-rounded character and Achilles was the ZOMG INVINCIBLE Gary Stu, but it's actually the other way around.

Achilles is interesting because even though he's invincible, he still almost loses the war for the Greeks because of his bad character. The psychological drama in the Iliad comes from the fact that all the other Greeks have to deal with the fact that their biggest badass is also a whiny crybaby who refuses to fight when he can't get his way.

Meanwhile, Odysseus solves all his problems easily because he's always the coolest guy in the room and everyone loves him. He washes up naked on the shore of an island? He's handsome and charming that the natives just have to throw him a feast and give him lots of gifts. Circe turns his men into pigs? The gods love him so much that they make him immune, and then he's such a pimp that he can easily seduce her into curing his men.

For all the talk about "clever Odysseus," you never actually see him solve a problem with his wits. Everything comes easily to him because he's a handsome badass with the favor of the gods.

>> No.2417914

Right, I know I'm a pedant, but it never states anywhere in the Iliad that Achilleus is invincible. There are stories about Thetis bathing him in the Styx etc, but they came later on. He is a dick, but not without good reason. He's perfectly within his heroic rights by refusing to fight until his honour is restored. Refusing the embassy sent to him and defiling Hektor's body are about the worst things he does which actually transgress Ancient Greek heroic etiquette. Agamemnon is the biggest douche on that battlefield.

I don't know how I feel about Odysseus. He's more a devious liar than charming and he makes some truly disastrous mistakes as a leader. He is pretty much single handedly responsible for the destruction of the 12 (?) ships he took to Troy. I have to wonder how far he'd get without Athene. Plus, why the hell does he do that to Laertes at the end. It's just cruel. I like him, but at the same time, I don't.

>> No.2417921

>For all the talk about "clever Odysseus," you never actually see him solve a problem with his wits. Everything comes easily to him because he's a handsome badass with the favor of the gods.
what about the cyclops

>> No.2417922

Nope, none of those things. "The Odyssey" seriously underwhelmed me. The odyssey itself seemed to have been skimmed over in favour of lengthy descriptions of Odysseus crying, eating, and receiving presents. And the unending build-up before he slaughters the suitors . . . painful.

>> No.2417931


Odysseus did nothing. It was Noman who blinded the cyclops. :3

>> No.2417942
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>> No.2417945


Fair enough, that's the exception. But even there it's just a trick to distract the cyclops long enough to let him be an action hero and heave a spike through his eye.

>> No.2417961

>before revealing his name and dooming his crew