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24162148 No.24162148 [Reply] [Original]

I Made a thread about this book already, but I finally finished it and I’m more confused than ever.

>3jane has her ninja with her, who cripples Molly and the Rastafarian, but she immediately has them patched up and treated, and Hideo doesn’t even try to kill the guy with a fucking gun
>riviera attacks 3J’s ninja for no reason at all, suddenly turns into cyclops and shoots lasers that blind the ninja
>the Rasta then gets 3J at gunpoint(good thing he wasn’t killed, right?) and the team leaves with her captive, even though the ninja is still in the room with them and literally trains in darkness, so being blind means nothing. Also they ride down the elevator and 3J still doesn’t give a shit about her situation, even planning to meet her brother(?) after when he arrives at their compound
>she never once tried to stop their infiltration, making mollys incarceration completely pointless and their entire stealth mission/hack pointless SINCE SHE KNEW EVERYTHING THEY WERE DOING
>case meets neuromancer and thinks he’s been braindead by the ice, but neuromancer releases him and he keeps going?
>not once do we or case ever figure out the keyword for the head, just that wintermute left a key for…????? in the back of a drawer
>case goes to cyberspace and falls into a fucking black void, meaning neuromancer is there fucking waiting for him, but it tells him he’s already won
>so literally the entire fucking mission was pointless
>he flies around in his little boat…somehow… and has no idea what he’s looking for. Crashes it through a random pillar after honing his anger
>woah, I’m just like that ninja, dancing
>wakes up in a hotel room, wintermute can appear on the TV screen and he’s just like “Sup.”” He’s now THE matrix and has done fuckall besides talk to some voice from space
>case can travel to neuromancer’s beach…somehow

>> No.24162261

i gotta reread it but i enjoyed it

>> No.24163119

>suddenly turns into cyclops and shoots lasers that blind the ninja
Riviera is a living laser projector, remember when he seduces 3Jane in the club?
3Jane is *enjoying* fucking her family: victory to Mute. 3Jane wouldn't enjoy it if Molly asked permission, 3Jane wants to be raped.

>I forgot why the French were in space
You forgot why the French were in space. It is a conspiracy to get AIs to fuck each other, set up by an Australio-Franco conspiracy of clones who enjoy being raped.

>> No.24163126

There's two more tedious books in the Neuromancer series (the series itself has some stupid name). Read on if it interests you, at least it will be light and quick.

>> No.24163164

>>I forgot why the French were in space

>> No.24163216

The book is about fundamentally crippled traumatised aliens self-enhancing.

>> No.24163220

Absolutely dogshit book

>> No.24163263

>Riviera is a living laser projector, remember when he seduces 3Jane in the club?
so why does he attack the ninja?

>> No.24163272

Riviera has realised he has lost 3Jane's sexual attention, and that Molly has gained it as a wounded puppy that 3Jane can torture to death. Riviera's West Berlin instincts kick in: he is the weakest link sexually and will be raped to death and then eaten.

You should really be criticising the Istanbul sequence for being incoherent as it is told from Case's perspective while Case is high.

>> No.24163310

>Riviera has realised he has lost 3Jane's sexual attention,
when did he ever give a shit about that?
>3Jane can torture to death.
by...healing all her wounds and making her sit in the corner with her hands bound? 3J doesnt do shit to her
>You should really be criticising the Istanbul sequence for being incoherent as it is
very true. I read it two or 3 times and I still dont know what they even did other than jumb some Thing-lookalike in an alley with a spotlight on him

>> No.24163336

>when did he ever give a shit about that?
Reread the Berlin sequence in his laser show, and his attack on Molly. Riviera is a sexual work of performance art.

>by...healing all her wounds and making her sit in the corner with her hands bound? 3J doesnt do shit to her
You've never tortured an 8 month old kitten to death, have you?

>> No.24163355
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>two more tedious books
three if you count ‘Sprawl #0’ (Burning Chrome)…. besmirch the name of MONA LISA OVERDRIVE again, I fucking dare you.

>> No.24165321

I feel like the BBC Radio Adaptation of the book is much more cohesive has a better flow than the actual book. Minus Julie Dean and Linda Lee of course

Count Zero is much better though. And I've heard a good things about the "Bridge" trilogy (Virtual Light, Idoru, and All Tomorrow's Parties)