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24162012 No.24162012 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he call himself a neuroscientist and tout it? He didn't do anything approaching noteworthy in the field according to those in the know

>> No.24162082

It's a big word that adds the sound of credibility. There's "neuro"-everything's these days. Probably neuro-economics at this point. Actually, let's google that. Yup:
>Neuroeconomics studies the neurobiological and computational basis of value-based decision-making. Its goal is to provide a biologically-based account of human behavior that can be applied in both the natural and the social sciences.

The "neuro" affix basically means "Trust me. I'm smart."

>> No.24162094

I'm a neuroastrologist.

>> No.24162100

Because he's a neuroscientist.

>He didn't do anything approaching noteworthy in the field according to those in the know
If he called himself "a leading neuroscientist" or "a neuroscientist known for his trailblazing research," this would be a fair point.

>> No.24162106


>> No.24162112

He's an author, public intellectual, and arguable philosopher. May as well call him a kindergardener, if we're giving titles based on something he did for a little while at some point.

>> No.24162133

His parents paid a lot for that credential you bet he's going to tout it.

>> No.24162134

only read by children and mongoloids impressed by titles they won't look into

>> No.24162156

The way he makes such a wide variety of people seethe with Luigi Mangione style politics and a strong vocabulary is amazing. Newsflash OP, nobody gets famous through scientific achievement anymore. That's not what society values.

>> No.24162163

Sam "I don't care if Hunter Biden rapes children" Harris

>> No.24162208

>silver spoon fake philosopher
pretty much says it all

>> No.24162256

I don't care about that either. But that's because I understood the context was the entirely separate choice of who to vote for between completely different people. I can see why what Hunter Biden does could affect a retard's choice between Coke and Pepsi.