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File: 213 KB, 1024x1024, bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24161615 No.24161615 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>wake up
>jerk off
>jerk off
>go to sleep
This is why there is no zoomer literature, especially from men. How can you turn that life experience into something interesting or insightful?
Pic rel is for the oldfags.

>> No.24161618

>This is why there is no zoomer literature, especially from men. How can you turn that life experience into something interesting or insightful?
the adventure is out there, but zoomoids won't do it because adventure is hard and it hurts

>> No.24161619

Who took the photo? Why is she settling in, with coffee, on the floor, when that store definitely has chairs?

>> No.24161630

Write it as a Sisyphean struggle from the perspective of your cock getting manhandled raw each day

>> No.24161633

men did all of that for millenia except they fapped less and their
was working and perishing in wars while our
is scrolling 4chan/tiktok and wasting time on meaningless but highly addictive bullshit when you are not in the wagie cagie
also I think it would be very hard to write zoomer literature, earlier zoomers (aka being out of high school before covid and remembering how phones were before the iphone) and later zoomer are very different, who are you trying to appeal to exactly?
and some topics just don't need more books written about them, just read the classics

>> No.24161634

cooming is reduced only once you are good at meditation. in the mean time the only solution is pragmatism. you fap between 15min/day and 15min/week and move on with your day not being infatuated with girls, and then do something.

>> No.24161652

Stop jerking off and you'll start getting ideas you can use your creative energy on instead.

>> No.24161655 [DELETED] 

I don't even masturbate. I'm too depressed. People who are addicted to it...I don't understand it. I think you're just stupid.
There just isn't anything to do. Nobody goes out. Everything is so online and confusing.
weird you guys think it changes anything

>> No.24161657

If I was in this store, I would walk way too fast and not look down and I'd kick over her coffee and it would spill on the carpet and she'd be mad at me and the employees would be mad at me for having to clean it up and I would be sad and cry and then go home without even buying any books.

>> No.24161662

I guess you never read Portnoy's Complaint.
Also, literature has a lot less to do with the content and plot than it does with how the content and plot are conveyed.

>> No.24161664

>I don't even masturbate. I'm too depressed. People who are addicted to it...I don't understand it. I think you're just stupid.
Maybe they're just not depressed.

>> No.24161665

>the adventure is out there
Where? The entire planet has been colonized and industrialized. Even third-world countries have television and cellphones now.

>> No.24161674

Write historical fiction and base it all on books and research showing what life was like in the time period, as substitute for your own boring life experience. This is what I'm trying to do

>> No.24161692

Imagine being a nerdy black teenager looking for YA anime fiction and you stumble upon this white whore exposing her thighs and calves in the bookstore. That pale coating of skin so smooth and intoxicating, you feel a twitch in your sweatpants. It's none other than Mr. BBC himself, ready to come out and play. You whip out that thing and you begin slapping it against the palm of your other hand to get her attention. Before she can process what meatpole is bestowed upon her, creating such a potent and vascular slapping sound, you're already leaking hunk nectar all over the floor. The Caucasian harlot chokes on her own breath when a singular kegel twitch sways your entire black meat upwards and the continuous drip of slippery precum splits into two. Her cheekbones protrude in a smile, and before you know it she's kneeling before you. Tongue out full-time, hands cupped to catch every droplet of the natural lubricant of a virile black male in heat. Her thighs look extra wide when bent in the kneeling position. Bless your momma's heart, but you're stroking that shit. She goes crosseyed: her green irises are closer than your fat testicles bouncing over her round face. As you bust the fattest, nastiest, creamiest, thickest, most viscous sequence of nuts all over her face, you eyes roll all the way back and you go blind for the duration of the nuttage. You slap Junior over her glazed face, spreading your fertile cum all across. Funny thing, too, your sperm is darker than her skin.

>> No.24161696

>weird you guys think it changes anything
No offense but you said yourself you're depressed, you wouldn't know.

>> No.24161760

Meanwhile, women are living extremely exciting lives. Partying, living, having life experiences, travelling, etc. This is exactly why the future of literature is female.

>> No.24161771

> If I was in this store, I would walk way too fast and not look down and I'd kick over her coffee and it would spill on the carpet and she'd be mad at me and the employees would be mad at me for having to clean it up
> and I would be sad and cry and then go home without even buying any books.
Oh shit, nevermind, cringe. I thought you were saying you’d do that on purpose and be happy about it.

>> No.24161789

Please stop talking like this man I beg you

>> No.24161855

I agree we use plonked now.

>> No.24161907
File: 719 KB, 467x350, 1581990463765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this.

>> No.24161917

White men don't get published anymore. There is zoomer literature written by men, though I don't know if "literature" is the right word. It's all web novels, isekai, literary RPGS, and or goonslop.

>> No.24161929

>*blocks you're path*

>> No.24161950

BBC is a myth that only hurts black men with small or average sized dongs. Please be more considerate and BLM!

>> No.24161952

Is she reading skyrim?