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2415690 No.2415690 [Reply] [Original]

I actually hate my mother and it's embarassing to see my father's taste for women. I don't envy their relationship at all. My father is naive, my mother is shallow and selfish, even though they don't have bad intentions.

Wasn't I supposed to want to sex my mother? How come I'm disgusted by her existence? How is that hate for my father going when I can see the innocent boy that he still is?

Checkmate, Freudians.

>> No.2415691

just means you're gay bro. no biggie

>> No.2415692

> that hate for my father
Because you want to fuck your mother.
>How come I'm disgusted by her existence?
You're in denial.

>> No.2415693

>think about refuting Freud
>automatically discuss his Oedipal Complex theory

Proof you want to fuck your mother there, OP. You could have proven your innocence by debating the effectiveness of psychoanalysis, instead.

>> No.2415694


>> No.2415695


Your hate for your mother is a manifestation of your conflicted ego regarding your hidden lust for her. Remember that Id is German for "it". You are not your Id but it informs your behavior.

>> No.2415698


German? =D

>> No.2415702

OP is a faggot. And so is everyone elsee ITT

>> No.2415703

seconding this, right here

Freud was brilliant but too reductive. You need to be critical of Freud/psychoanalysis to get anything out of him, but psychoanalysis doesn't really allow this.

tl;dr Wittgenstein was right

>> No.2415713


das Es is how Freud wrote the concept of id in his original works


>> No.2415751

I don't think he hates his father.

>> No.2415758

It's not so much "love your mother" as the fact that you relate all women in terms of your mother and all men in terms of your father. In Freud's oedipus complex, the son adopts the role of the father because that is the son's perceived way of obtaining the mate (mother).

>> No.2415765

by role of father I meant personality. My apologies. Obviously a kid can't be a head of a household.

>> No.2415776

Wasn't it Freud who thought all emotions were ambivalent? So that basically an emotion of hate is really at its root love. Anyway sage because I don't know enough about him and I'm talking out of my ass. Plus OP's in denial anyway.

>> No.2415778

To further that, I'm willing to bet that OP thinks all women are bitches and all men are tools that simply want to please women because of their desire for sex.

I don't like Freud as a psychologist, but I like him as an analyst (not the right word,but whatevs). I liked that he increased the focus on sexuality in literature and such. Sex is such an important underlying concept I hate it when literature brushes over it or treats it crudely.

>> No.2415784


I have no idea about that particular thing, I only took AP Psyche at my high school and never bothered to take college classes on it because fuck that and I only learned about his sexual theories about gender roles and our morality system. I know nothing about Freudian emotions.

What I can say is that without society and parenting and all that we would be animals that would want to fuck and kill. The Id is us uncensored by morals or social codes, so I doubt that was Freud's view on emotions.

>> No.2415794

Its a phase that only lasts for like 3 weeks while your 5 years old.

>> No.2415810

Dude, are you implying parenting is a society thing and not a natural thing? I even heard theories comparing social relations and the psychology of all mammals to those of the reptiles and that the greatest difference is that reptiles lay their eggs and hope they survive and they are born without any contact with their parents, while mammals take care of their babies, which can't survive all by themselves. That makes a huge impact on us, if anything, just by sucking your momma's tits and living inside your mom, you are already holding notions of mother and father.

>> No.2415818

Problem with Freud: Freud thinks everyone should be psychologically like his screwed-up self.

Fact: Many psychologists have inferiority complexities and wish to undermine others in order to feel superior.

Fact: Some mothers are ugly as hell and not MILFs. In that case, wanting to have sex with more attractive women would be the logical step to evolutionary improvement.

Fact: Fathers can be cool. Only feminist-manipulating bullshit would tell you otherwise (YES, KILL YOUR IDENTITY AND COVET THE WHORE)

>> No.2415830

You were doing really good in that first sentence, even if condescending, but then all your facts were just really misguided shit who hasn't read a thing on the subject. You really really don't have a clue of what you are talking about, so shut up

>evolutionary improvement

>implying oedipus complex has anything to do with good looking moms and bad dads

I dislike Freud's theories and methods, but holy fuck, don't act retarded.

>> No.2415840


Why must everything be hidden? Maybe OP hates his mother because she was a controlling bitch. Or as he says, shallow and selfish. These can be valid, non-negotiable grounds for disliking someone.

You might as well say OP hates his mommy for not sticking a thermometer up his ass, way to go in your effort to "subvert" the face value--you're pretty much saying that his true reasons aren't valid, no no no it has to be bullshit reasons instead.

>> No.2415842


You seem to think I care about anything you say. Mistake!

>> No.2415843
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> yfw Freud had a Shakespeare complex

>> No.2415860

It's not necessarily that you want to fuck your mother, but that your concept of feminine love is shaped in large part by your early life experiences with your mother. Your ambivalence toward your parents is not out of the ordinary. From your perspective you can see many of the flaws in their personalities and relationship. Also the hate for your mother could be, in part, frustrated libidinal energies and reaction formation.

Also, the maturely resolved Oedipal Complex means identifying with your father. You seem to identify with your father, although you seem to pity him also.

>> No.2415876

OP here.

If I'm saying I hate my mother is not because this is an excuse, it was tough to realize it and I had a hard time accepting it.

I want distance from her. She is not patient and there is no hard work, no gratitude and no debate with her. Unhealthy and full of hipocrisy. I pity my father. My father comes to me for advice, our roles kind of flipped in a lot of ways, but I'm close to him. I dislike a lot of things in him, but I know he is harmless. He is responsible and intelligent, I admire him, but I have a feeling he admires me more.

Both have good intentions. Their sin, in my eyes, is that they don't understand themselves very well and they don't see the consequences of their actions.

That's the relationship I have with them.

>I'm willing to bet that OP thinks all women are bitches and all men are tools that simply want to please women because of their desire for sex.
I know that type, but that's not me. The tools are those who think like that in my opinion.
Controlling. Yes, that.
Interesting. Makes me think. But what would be the route to solving this or coming in good terms with it?

>> No.2415939

Angry sex with your mother. You'll feel relieved.

>> No.2416350

The reason Freud wanted to fuck his mother is because he was raised by nannies, including a wet-nurse. Consequently he never bonded non-sexually with his mother in a way an infant is supposed to.

It's called the Westermarck effect, which is a type of mental imprinting that removes sexual desire for anyone in a child's household before the child hits about the age of 6. It was described in the medical literature two decades before Freud popularized his Oedipus complex, and similar imprinting has been observed in other animals.

Nobody talks about it because a boy pining to fuck his mother is so much more dramatic. Drama is much more compelling then reality.

>> No.2416357
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>I actually hate my mother

implying that's not just another way of saying "I really want to hatefuck my mother".

>it's embarassing to see my father's taste for women.

So embarrassing that you want to kill him, perhaps?

No, OP, you're fine. You have no Freudian hangups.