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2413465 No.2413465 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading this, any recommendations for books which are similar? Don't want to sift through garbage fantasy worlds that end up being a poor read.

I really enjoyed these first 2 books of the Kingkiller chronicle, first time a book has had me very sad in a long time (denna and kvothe relationship has me wanting to cry every time I think about it)

>> No.2413470 [DELETED] 

>Don't want to sift through garbage fantasy worlds that end up being a poor read.

So you mean like the book you just read?

>> No.2413478

This is what /lit/ thinks of these books?

>> No.2413493 [DELETED] 

the book was fucking garbage
propaganda promoting free love
the characters were awful
the magic system is beyond atrocious
Too many characters, and it jumps backwards and forward in time for no reason.

>> No.2414618

overrated books

> Don't want to sift through garbage fantasy worlds that end up being a poor read.

you clearly need to read more fantasy

First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie
Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix
Prince of Nothing Trilogy by whatshisface

>> No.2414649
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>recommend books that are similar
>Don't want to sift through garbage fantasy

w...what? a similar piece of garbage that isn't garbage?

>> No.2414654

I got half-way through the first one and decided it was poorly written (cliche after cliche) and I didn't much care for Kvothe as a main character, plus the whole "harry-potter-goes-to-college" feel of the plot was really nauseating...

hurrp hurrpp im super genius and magical at everything I do, now I must prove myself and overcome some obstacles...herp herp

no thanks, please shoot my face instead

>> No.2414662

>First Law
Is a great series, but completely different from The Kingkiller Chronicle.
The closest I can think is the Gentlemen Bastards series, which is like Ocean's Eleven.

>> No.2414666

A Song of Ice and Fire by Geore rr martin is a standard recommendation. Of the series in OP, I've only read Name of the wind and I found ASOIAF is miles better than that.
Also try the Elric saga for traditional fantasy and Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe is also pretty good though not fantasy per se.

>> No.2414677

My favorite fantasy series is Tad Williams' "Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn" trilogy. It doesn't get mentioned much around here, so I thought
I'd throw it out there. Unlike many fantasy writers who create magnificent worlds and complex magic systems yet write like amateur fan
fiction authors (I'm looking at you, Brandon Sanderson), Tad Williams can actually write. His characters and dialogue are top notch.