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File: 106 KB, 810x551, Lytras_nikiforos_antigone_polynices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24130370 No.24130370 [Reply] [Original]

How come everyone is all about Oedipus when Antigone is more interesting?

>> No.24130432

Freud. Antigone is the banger

>> No.24130436

Better sex.

>> No.24130438

Aristophanes is the best fight me

>> No.24130458

Oedipus at Colonus > Oedipus Rex

>> No.24130511
File: 23 KB, 265x374, Ore_no_imouto_novel_v1_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong that's like half of my assessment, this is a more interesting kind of sexual predicament

>> No.24130529

Antigone gets produced here far more

>> No.24130533

What exactly caused the western degeneration into feeling repulsed at even the slightest mention of incest in fiction?

>> No.24130599

Care to elaborate?

>> No.24130616

Based take. Most people are too low iq to understand.

>> No.24130627

>incest porn
>the male still has to be swarthy
why do weebs have this obsession with cuckoldry, pedophilia and degeneracy at all times?

>> No.24130899

Are we supposed to know where "here" is, schizo retard?

>> No.24131559

Freud retardation

>> No.24131612

Apparently a different place to where OP is at, but I highly suspect nowhere plays Antigone more than Oedipus, touring being what it is.

>> No.24131637

You are a daring rascal and I like it.

>> No.24132114

OP here, talking about social sciences and literature circles, not necessarily plays. Though in my country, Antigone is school curriculum reading while Oedipus of anything else really isn't. I've re-read it because the first time I did, I was 15 and it was a Catcher in the Rye kind of reading where I didn't think much of it.