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24130209 No.24130209 [Reply] [Original]

What are some actually good books that will improve my fiction writing?

When people say reading great fiction teaches you to write; is this truthful?

Are there any sort of things I can do to better learn to write while I read?

>> No.24130216

read great novels, it is the truth. find something you like so much you read it three times, five times, etc. something you like so much that you can wear it like a coat. no writing book can teach you anything unless it's working like a critical text, in that it gives you a deep awareness of structure. but nothing is a greater education than being able to put on multiple novels and walk around in them, think in them. in tandem, read texts in literary studies. like Bakhtin.

also, learn at least one other language if you haven't

>> No.24130226

Unironically just read harry potter and take notes on why its so good. The way she writes resonates with almost everyone. It is effortless to follow, its funny, charming, and everyone likes it. She doesn't over describe shit which is probably the easiest trap to fall in as a ficiton author.