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24130134 No.24130134 [Reply] [Original]

Any good recommendations of essays, memoirs, etc. Regarding watches, watchmaking or historical time-measuring?

>> No.24130143

Nigga that sounds boring af

>> No.24130400

there are 2 watch threads on /fa/, regular and nonavatarfag, and there are a couple of anons that lurk there that have posted what you're asking for before. if you don't find them, it's definitely in the archives somewhere

>> No.24130433

A very popular book about time keeping devices is Longitude by Dava Sobel, you should be able to get a used copy for a reasonable price, it was very popular in the 1990s. The book is about chronometers, which were used to calculate Longitude, which are very very accurate watches.

>> No.24130769
