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24130046 No.24130046 [Reply] [Original]

In mythology and indeed throughout human history, why have females often been portrayed as the harbingers of chaos and bringers of destruction?

>> No.24130051
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Gee, I wonder why...

>> No.24130070

It’s more that women make men act retarded and uncooperative, especially in a group dynamic where a woman casts her affections on only one of the males (which in turn, creates jealousy and resentment).
Hence why you don’t want women on ships, in the army, etc.

So the blame is really on both sides.

>> No.24130083

>are women flawed?
>no actually this is men's faults

>> No.24130124

Exactly what I was gonna say lol

I never said men didn't have fault. ButOP asked for why women specifically are represented as chaos, not both sexes. What better example to show than an ad of a woman trying to use her tits to get money? Women, when left to their own devices, become selfish whores, and selfishness breeds chaos.

>> No.24130144

>>no actually this is men's faults
A woman can do nothing wrong but fall for a guy in the friend group and that all alone will cause jealousy and enmity. You obviously have woman who exacerbate this phenomenon by seeking attention, having men fight for her, etc. but that’s not even a prerequisite.
Her presence alone inherently creates competition (and perceived inequality if she picks someone) because the men will still pine for her, and even if they’re not interested, they’ll still see her as a measure of their worth by who she likes most.

>> No.24130152

>Women, when left to their own devices, become selfish whores, and selfishness breeds chaos.
That’s not unique to women. Most men would be getting rich off of posting their bodies if they could - it’s just they can’t.

Look at gay men, who have as much access to sex as women do, and behave a million times worst. Though women are just lucky in that regard to have a nerfed libido.

>> No.24130154
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look at the politics they push. retarded and short-sighted. not far sighted. like a 2d organism.

>> No.24130173

>man does something bad
"Men are horrible!"
>woman does something bad
>"Men do horrible things too you know!"
Why is it always like this?

>> No.24130185

From her is the race of female women,
The deadly race and population of women,
A great infestation among mortal men,
At home with Wealth but not with Poverty.
It’s the same as with bees in their overhung hives
Feeding the drones, evil conspirators.
The bees work every day until the sun goes down,
Busy all day long making pale honeycombs,
While the drones stay inside, in the hollow hives,
Stuffing their stomachs with the work of others.
That’s just how Zeus, the high lord of thunder,
Made women as a curse for mortal men,
Evil conspirators. And he added another evil
To offset the good. Whoever escapes marriage
And women’s harm, comes to deadly old age
Without any son to support him. He has no lack
While he lives, but when he dies, distant relatives
Divide up his estate. Then again, whoever marries
As fated, and gets a good wife, compatible,
Has a life that is balanced between evil and good,
A constant struggle. But if he marries the abusive kind,
He lives with pain in his heart all down the line,
Pain in spirit and mind, incurable evil.

It's funny how Hesiod stopped talking about god battles and shit to randomly hate on women

>> No.24130194

>That’s not unique to women.
>Men just can't do this though
So it's unique to women and gay men. So the problem is not the vagina, but femininity. Got it.

>> No.24130201

because they have a tendency of not being accountable or taking responsibility, helen of troy never suffered from adultery, eve made sure adam also suffered for her stupidly, etc

>> No.24130213

It's funny how even thousands of years ago this was clear

>> No.24130222

L’étoile a pleuré rose au cœur de tes oreilles,
L’infini roulé blanc de ta nuque à tes reins
La mer a perlé rousse à tes mammes vermeilles
Et l’Homme saigné noir à ton flanc souverain.

The star cried pink within the heart of your ears.
Infinity rolled white from your neck down to your hips.
The sea foamed red upon your vermilion nipples.
And Man bled black by your sovereign side.

What were those 19th century frogs on?

>> No.24130253

Because mythology is true

>> No.24130361

Truly this is why homosexuals are superior.

>> No.24130596

Based and greek pilled

>> No.24130598

Because they OWE me sex and they still keep refusing it

>> No.24130614
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is this really a question anon? literally every war in history was started by women. men would have no need for war without women nagging them about it
>but i want more land!
>but i want more spices!
>but i want more sugar!
>but i want more slaves!
>but i want i want i want i want
literally the inception of every crime against humanity ever committed

>> No.24130652

Don't be so retarded anon. What >>24130070 says is true and he's not just blaming men for what women do. If women had no effect on men's minds, then they wouldn't be a threat at all.

>> No.24130658

>women most affected

>> No.24130809

What's her OF?

>> No.24130896

Because men are narcissistic aspies who experience every "no" traumatically

>> No.24131017

I do this

>> No.24131058


>> No.24131074

women cant even dare to put themselves in a situation where they might be told no
and when they do and are told no... hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

>> No.24131084

Have you met women?!

>> No.24131309

I feel like this is worth bringing up to the conversation:

>in Judaism and Christianity, the story of Genesis blames Eve as the reason for why she and Adam fell from grace
>by being led astray by the snake and consuming the apple with Adam, she either introduces Evil (Good-Evil - literally meaning Everything) to the human psyche, establishes Original Sin which makes it impossible for most humans to return to God barring Christ's sacrifice, or through the act of disobeying God's orders rather than merely just eating the apple (symbolic) she dooms mankind

So it falls in line with the "woman ruins everything" motif found in various myths and legends.


>Jewish Midrash/legends/folktales further elaborate on the story, adding nuance that isn't traditionally expressed
>while Eve is rightly blamed for eating the apple and sharing it with her husband, Adam is depicted as the one who fucked up harder than Eve
>Adam was not only made first before Eve, but he had been around longer than her and knew more than her about how to properly act
>it was Adam's responsibility to teach and prepare Eve for living as a human and he failed her
>on top of that, he made the choice to eat the fruit when offered to him by Eve (Eve was not truly aware of the implications or ramifications of what she was doing or that she wasn't to trust the serpent)
>if Eve was his "sister", then Adam failed as her older "brother" - he was her keeper, and yet he was irresponsible

so, make of that what you will

>> No.24131368

holy crap it's the plot of frankenstein

>> No.24131494

1. because history was mostly written by men
2. because it's absolutely true

>> No.24131501

Adam doesn't even have the excuse of God giving Eve the right to vote or forbidding Adam from beating her.

>> No.24131904

It's not just Hesiod, about half the time that a Roman writer even mentions women it's either to complain that they're all whores, or to assert as a bald fact that it's unbearable to live with a wife and so the Senate has to force citizens to get married the same way it once forced citizens to do military service, since nobody sane would do it voluntarily.

In the story of how Menelaus is absolutely set on killing Helen after the war, but then she bares her breasts to him and he changes his mind and decides to do it "later", and she knows at once that she's safe and ultimately they're back in Greece living amicably, you can hear the narrator's weary sigh right across the millennia.

>> No.24131924

Correct. Women have no autonomy and cannot make decisions, therefore they cannot be held responsible for their actions. You might as well fall off a chair and cast blame on furniture.

>> No.24131945

Women are absolutely deadly when possessed by and fully exploiting the Jezebel spirit.

>> No.24131947

>and indeed throughout human history
I laughed

>> No.24131954

to break a country fighting the men is poinless
so target the women with propaganda and they will destroy the men for you

>> No.24131956

>furniture cannot be badly constructed and collapse under a normal person's weight

>> No.24131961

It can, but then it's the fault of the one who constructed it, as well as the one who sat in it without seeing if it's firm first.

>> No.24132090

>women cant even dare to put themselves in a situation where they might be told no
Women love being told no and routinely get married to men who tell them no all the time

>> No.24132093

Largely because women get to be idiots without the fear of immediate physical retribution that men would immediately get from their society. It warps your entire mindset.

>> No.24132563

>b-but what about the MEN, though?!?
Nigga, I'm engaging with the OP's question. If he had been asking "why are both men and women flawed?" then I'd answer to that. Jesus, no wonder women are so retarded. Nobody holds them accountable.

>> No.24132609

>it's the fault of the one who constructed it
So God? Or natural selection if you're a fedora? You do know women choose who they have babies with, right?

>> No.24132630

>women choose

>> No.24132719

I think it's a deeper sentiment that refers to the ability of women to be a source of weakness for men, ultimately though it's the men who fall for it, men almost project their own ability to fall from grace onto womanhood. That isn't to say that physical womanhood isn't paradigmatic of it, but still, it's not just woman hating for the sake of it.

>> No.24132773

ITT: redpilled incels projecting their bitterness against women under some pseudointellectual gibberish rant

>> No.24132778

He means no as in being overtly rejected by a man. Which is true. Women I have overtly reject have been quite vindictive. If you embarrass a woman she takes it way way more seriously than a man does

>> No.24132819

>a turbothot opening her legs for every Chad, Dick and Harry is not choosing to do so
Retardation comes to you easily, doesn't it?

Also, I'm not saying women shouldn't be told what they should do, because they should be. I'm just saying that I don't buy this "women are automatons" argument at all. They know what they're doing, 100%. You wouldn't be saying the same thing if we were talking about a mother killing her babies, you'd want that mother to face consequences. Same with sluts who have ruined the nuclear family.

>> No.24133380

Because they're whores

>> No.24133664

>If you embarrass a woman she takes it way way more seriously than a man does
Yet they don't go on murderous rampages and adopt religions to cope like men do. Why?

>> No.24133673

They would if they could but luckily they're weak and gay.

>> No.24133683

>another variation of "ackshully it's the man's fault!"
No. Fuck off with this shit forever. Women need to be forced to face their fuckups on their own.

>> No.24133757

They are not. In most cases, what happens is evil deceiving the woman through her innocence (because femininity is associated with symbols of childhood and things that should be protected), which in turn manages to draw men into wrongdoing—not because they want to have sex with her or anything like that, but because men generally tend to overlook women's actions. This isn't due to lust but because a man wants to protect a woman; he feels good protecting the feminine. A woman is chaotic by nature but not destructive. She represents the moon, the night, the unconscious—things that dwell in the shadows and are mysterious—while a man is the complete opposite (the sun, the day, the conscious, etc.). The fact is that when the unconscious starts to influence the conscious, things happen.

>> No.24133764

If you raise a child and fail to teach it anything right is it the child's fault or yours?

>> No.24133766

have you ever interacted with a woman?

I love them, I love their evil sorcerous energy, I mean it, they make this boring grey modern world interesting, they are the last bastion of true life.

>> No.24133771

If they are a grown adult, they need to face the consequences of their own actions.

>> No.24133777

/lit/ is nothing but bitching about muh women and a pinch of far right shut ins

>> No.24133781

Thanks for agreeing that women are just weaker men — and that the answer to the OP's question is: mythology is written by men, who are, just like women, resentful and fearful towards the opposite sex. Women think men are the harbingers of chaos and bringers of destruction; men think the same of women, but also write it down.

>> No.24133797

>Women think men are the harbingers of chaos and bringers of destruction
Nta, but in what instance does this even happen?

>> No.24133810

Most women are anti-war and naturally blame men for all wars, first of all. And they would be right to do so. Women consider men very destructive. Also, statistically, men are healthier than married than women are when married, and this is mostly because women get poorer sleep when sharing a bed, because they are more sensitive to shifts and sounds.

>> No.24133814

men are healthier when married*

>> No.24133820

>and this is mostly because women get poorer sleep when sharing a bed, because they are more sensitive to shifts and sounds.
I didn't know that, but I don't think that adds anything to the discussion.

>Most women are anti-war and naturally blame men for all wars, first of all. And they would be right to do so.
Are you saying this in a macro or micro sense? Because wars don’t happen all the time. Right now, there are wars happening around the world, and they’re not affecting us. I don’t understand how this can be a valid point in this argument. On the other hand, people interact with women daily and have to deal with feminine inconsistencies on a daily basis.

>> No.24133824

>ctrl f emotion
>0 results
it's because women are understood to be more emotional than men, and hot emotions engender chaos

>> No.24133871

But I do this already. Used to make exes of mine pissed off

>> No.24133876

I've never actually rejected a woman before because I'm not attractive or socially adept enough to be allowed to

>> No.24133884

War is great

>> No.24133892


>> No.24133908

>wars don’t happen all the time
But when they do, they typically cause large-scale destruction and affect everyone involved in some way. This is how women see it, at least. Most women will tell you that they consider men the more destructive sex.

Most women hate war.

>> No.24133918

>people interact with women daily

>> No.24133940
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When a fat woman sees an attractive woman, she gets jealous and blames the system.

When a fat man sees an attractive man, he gets motivated to improve.

This is why.

>> No.24134584

Even a child has to face consequences. So either way, women should get spanked.

>> No.24135051

i thought men were mysterious

>> No.24135082


>> No.24135316

Pandora was a punishment for the actions of Prometheus but she was created to be perfectly tempting so that Epimetheus could not resist her.
>`Son of Iapetus, surpassing all in cunning, you are glad that you have outwitted me and stolen fire -- a great plague to you yourself and to men that shall be. But I will give men as the price for fire an evil thing in which they may all be glad of heart while they embrace their own destruction.'

Eve also came second.
>21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Women enabled men to fall. Epimetheus and Adam both accepted forbidden gifts.
>But when he had finished the sheer, hopeless snare, the Father sent glorious Argus-Slayer, the swift messenger of the gods, to take it to Epimetheus as a gift. And Epimetheus did not think on what Prometheus had said to him, bidding him never take a gift of Olympian Zeus, but to send it back for fear it might prove to be something harmful to men. But he took the gift, and afterwards, when the evil thing was already his, he understood.
>6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

And now mankind is cursed to toil and die.
>For now truly is a race of iron, and men never rest from labour and sorrow by day, and from perishing by night; and the gods shall lay sore trouble upon them. But, notwithstanding, even these shall have some good mingled with their evils. And Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men also when they come to have grey hair on the temples at their birth.
>22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” 23 So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

>> No.24135318

Because men need women to bare offspring and women need men to do things for them.

>> No.24136113


>> No.24136594

Curiosity killed the cat

>> No.24136595 [DELETED] 


>> No.24137380

Fatfingers wrote this post.

>> No.24137395

>woman represents moon
>man represents sun
DIE Sonne
DER Mond
Explain this then.

>> No.24137460


In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has. Think what overwrought reverence that shows for the turnip, and what callous disrespect for the girl. See how it looks in print — I translate this from a conversation in one of the best of the German Sunday-school books:

Gretchen: Wilhelm, where is the turnip?
Wilhelm: She has gone to the kitchen.
Gretchen: Where is the accomplished and beautiful English maiden?
Wilhelm: It has gone to the opera.

— Mark Twain, ‘The Awful German Language’ (from ‘A Tramp Abroad’)

>> No.24137564

Faggots aren't necessarily feminine.

>> No.24138031

You are a woman. Post tits

>> No.24139016

Shut up narc

>> No.24139033

I bet a dedicated researcher could prove men and women have equally figured as "harbinger of chaos"
Example: paris

>> No.24140320
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Absolutely garbage comment.
Adam's sin was being a foolish feminist trying to please Eve

>> No.24140437
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Note how re-literate Greek cultures had a variety of gods and goddesses worshiped. But as soon as the literate barbarians conquered they placed a cruel rapist god in charge. If the old goddesses weren't made his wife they were made chaste (It wasn't until the Roman period that Venus became the bimbo harlot of "love" that most remember her for). Asserting male dominance was just what the freshly scrambled brains called for.

>Women invented capitalism, photography, computers and advertising
You're in over your head, Donny.

>> No.24140444

Fucking kek

>> No.24140445

There is darkness in the box, but there was also hope

>> No.24140449

Because men lack accountability and blame their apelike impulses on women.

>> No.24140474

So women are also men that are dumb and can’t write?

>> No.24141993

idle hands make evil work. and there is a lot of idleness in a pregnant womens life. And a lot of idleness in women's natural habitat of gossip cliques.

>> No.24142282

They're mentally ill, even bigger whores than women.

>> No.24142304

/His/cels really believe this kek.

>> No.24142356

As if men ever need justification to go chimp out on one another lel.
>Men do heinous shit on the regular
>B-but muh women!!
>Haha boys be boys
>Woman does something shitty
>Oh my GOD why do we tolerate those vapid whores, they're literally the worst thing in existence, we should genocide them and put the rest into sex camps, abort every female child!!
Works both ways.

>> No.24143019

In what sense? We are pretty straight forward in our thinking, I think anybody here can agree on that. While women, well... I've never had a gf or even kissed a girl, but that doesn't mean I know less about women than the guys who date them. Just ask any lad how did his gf fell for him, or better yet: ask why he thinks that.

>> No.24143052

Both men and women are dumb, make no mistake. The vast majority of our species is cannon fodder. You most likely included.

>> No.24143746

It's authentic

>> No.24144536

>Hence why you don’t want women on ships, in the army, etc.
I've got bad news for you....

Our enemies in this war have managed to coerce or trick policy makers to put women in the army and aboard ships, often in a command role... with predictable subpar or disastrous results.


Women ARE chaos, because chaos is life, and women bear children. Man ARE order, because order is survival, and men support both women & children.

Women must be under the command of men. You don't put people under the command of children, do you?
>inb4 ender's game

>> No.24144731

the point you dumb cunt, is that men hold each other responsible, women don't, that's the entire point of the thread

>> No.24144763

Sorry kid, reddit is the other way around

>> No.24144805

because its the 'Age of Water' (this is when women arent equal to men) with chaos, floods, dogma and women on less than superfluosly said 'equal yet equivalent'
in the Age of Aquarius (water to air), this is where women are 'selected and elevated to perfection' equal to their male counterparts

>> No.24144876 [DELETED] 

Get raped.

>> No.24144878

Women existence rely on sex. This is not an insult, it's a tragedy that's also true. Even insults by women revolve around their pussies or sex.

>> No.24145490

Does this explain why most of their stand up is sex related?

>> No.24145589
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>> No.24146629


>> No.24146854

This works both ways. Women would kill other women to fuck their man, if they could.

>> No.24146968

Tons of men in mythology fit the same role. Trickster gods in Indigenous myths tend to be men, all the Greek Gods are bastards, Loki for the Norse, Set for the Egyptians, Mordred for the English, etc. Women get the brunt of it because these were societies that were often paternalistic towards women because women's place in society has traditionally been subservient -- not making a value judgement on whether that's "good or bad," you can make that judgement yourself, but that's just how it was.

>> No.24147156

In Zoroastrianism, women are associated with chaos, sin and temptation, but there is still order even to chaos, and as such the most evil being is still a man—the one who *knows* chaos.

>> No.24147170

How does this relate to marrying your sister and banishing demons?

>> No.24147622

You're not married.

>> No.24149175


>> No.24150365


>> No.24151183

How can somebody be this much of a cuk? That has never been the reaction of a man. It goes more like:
>Men do heinous shit.
>We know.

That's it. From there men usually discuss what we can do to mitigate those evil men's actions. But when it comes to women, if you even DARE suggest you should do something about women being assholes, it inevitably ends up with:
>what about the men, tho??

Simp bitch emaciated beta s o y C U C K

>> No.24151187

Women can't be a Trickster Figure, they can just be a Nuisance Figure. They lack the imagination and agency for true trickiness.

>> No.24151621

This is why Zoroastrianism is the beginning of Judeo-Christian globohomo. It's incapable of perceiving the other as anything besides an agent of chaos. It's fundamentally homosexual and autistic.

>> No.24152029

>It's fundamentally homosexual and autistic.
It’s actually really, really funny. A goon sesh so terrible it birthed all the evils in the world.

— Zoroastrianism has been said to have a "hatred of male anal intercourse" that is reflected in at least one mythological tale. When Ahriman, the "Spirit of Aridity and Death" and "Lord of Lies", sought to destroy the world, he engaged in self-sodomy. That caused an "explosion of evil power" and resulted in the birth of a host of evil minions.

>> No.24152052

pretty funny inverse of the gnostic sophia as an auto-fertilizing womb. i've always had the feeling humanity was born as a result of a cosmic being's relapse that ended a no nut kalpa. look at all the psychic demons that come out to play when just human beings violate long-standing moral codes, now multiply it by a billion.

>> No.24152479

>I'm not the keeper of my sister
t. adam

>> No.24152952

Fucked image

>> No.24153864
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>> No.24153919

That makes no sense.
If you're raising a child, you're still influencing their development. Whether you're actively attempting to or not. The only way to not is to be completely absent, you fuck-wit.

>> No.24154353

Since the myth of Hercules, women were also seen as poisoners.

>> No.24154478

Because they are.

>> No.24154496

The Greeks thought women had higher sex drives, crazy to think about

>> No.24155094

Yeah that's not true. Women just have no self control is the thing.

>> No.24155097
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how do you not know the answer to this? YOU MUST BE A WOMAN.

>> No.24155155

The actual answer is that women have to give up a lot to maintain a civilization and most women can't so these stories are meant to impose order on society and prevent women from having too much say.

>> No.24156364

>no accountability
>dumb as rocks even when academically intelligent
>have literally never critically thought about their own ideologies and beliefs because they can just get by with their pussies
That's all a recipe for eventual societal collapse.

>> No.24156511
File: 208 KB, 568x618, 1709316505977493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leonid Radvinsky[a] is a United Kingdom-based[2] Ukrainian-American[3] billionaire businessman and computer programmer. He is the founder of the cam site MyFreeCams (through his holding company, MFCXY, Inc.),[4][5] and the majority owner of content subscription service OnlyFans.

>In 2023, according to The Lever's reporting on private financial documents, Radvinsky and his spouse contributed $11 million to AIPAC, a pro-Israel lobbying group.

>> No.24156737

If there is anything more ridiculous than a male feminist it’s a sump tradcucks who blames everything on men

>> No.24156754
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>In mythology and indeed throughout human history, why have females often been portrayed as the harbingers of chaos and bringers of destruction?
because they don't fear the Lord and only fear their fellow men, woman and criminals do whatever they can get away with; it's that simple

>> No.24156757

homosexual and criminal are synonymous, and as such, there little to no difference between the behavior of homosexuals and women (see >>24156754 )

>> No.24156760

women are animals. they don't possess higher reasoning like you do. everything happens on an instinctual level.
You know how you act when you are drunk? that's how a woman is at all times.

>> No.24156765

If you need to fear the lord in order to be a moral person then you are a womanish man. In fact, religion is a thing invented to control womanish people. Women are the most devoutly religious of all, even if they need to be beaten with sticks to remember it.

>> No.24156771

you don't need to, in fact you don't need to fear anything
but if you fear something (and they do, that's why they are also possessed by the opposite of fear: to get away with it), make that the Lord and not man
>schizo talk about religion

>> No.24156774

>Distraction to men
>Contribute very little to society while continuously over exaggerating their importance while complaining about their roles
>Objectively worse at everything a man can do
>Easily manipulated and influenced by shallow ideas/wants
>Unable to plan ahead for anything
>Emotionally driven and quick to overreact to situations

gee I wonder why every civilization in human history put restrictions on women

>> No.24156791
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Remind that women have published whole books on how not to take responsibility

>> No.24156798
File: 3.08 MB, 3330x2439, Guido_Reni_-_Atalanta_and_Hippomenes_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a reason that in many versions of the Argonauts myth Atalanta was not allowed to go on the voyage and be an Argonaut

>> No.24156808

>you should be afraid of the magical sky kike
I don't think I will.

>> No.24156812

>There is a reason that in many versions of the Argonauts myth Atalanta was not allowed to go on the voyage and be an Argonaut
Why wasn't she?

>> No.24156894

do what thou wilt

>> No.24157462

You know men kill themselves for pussy, right?

>> No.24157637
File: 1001 KB, 1054x1533, Gina_Lollobrigida 29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like they kill themselves over pussy
suicide by pussy
many such cases

>> No.24159015

This but actually.

>> No.24159519

Damn this is actually real ancient lore

>> No.24159524

Because they'd all wanna fuck her and it would inevitably end up with the men killing each other over her.

>> No.24159530

So? I still want these whores to face consequences and it would be the best thing for society. Either adapt to being a human or be treated like cattle, which women almost always inevitably end up being treated like throughout history.

>> No.24159534
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They are the harbingers of chaos.
This isn't inherently a bad thing however.
Unless you're a little crybaby.
In this case it's very much a bad thing.
Polarities are what makes life worth living.
Life isn't about having a good time.
It's about struggle and overcoming it.
Mostly just to find yourself in even deeper shit afterwards.
There is a lesson to be learned here.
Only the strong will find enjoyment in this eternal struggle and get valuable insights out of it.
Females are the chaos to the male order.
Without shadow there can be no light.
Without suffering there can be no joy.
A tree that stretches its branches towards the sky also grows its roots deeper into the realm of shadows.
God created the devil for a reason.
Get over it.
Find meaning in it.
Control the chaos.
Ride the tiger.
Perish and fall apart.

>> No.24159543

>>Women invented capitalism, photography, computers and advertising
>school shooters invented guns, inceldom and manifestos
Fucking retard.

>> No.24159585


>> No.24159600
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Because men and women are polar opposites.
That is why they are attracted to each other in the first place.
Would you prefer a world with only men?

>> No.24159632
File: 265 KB, 648x1105, Grail Maiden Artur Rackham 1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look at works (books, but it's way more visible in film) involving questing or adventure in general, you will see that there are not many occasions in which females are part of the team

in my opinion:
the main reason is that the female element is usually the cause or the destination of the quest... including her in the team would just dissolve part of the tension and/or lessen the reward
the female element is regularly linked to a place (e.g. a huntress like Diana/Artemis supplying the townsfolk, or a city protector goddess, or even the Amazons and their island) and as such it doesn't make much sense for her to travel... would a mountain or a lake travel? maybe in the case of a natural disaster lol
as for human females they have to stay at home and raise their children and take care of the household with their wonderful neighbors... such a role could not be replaced by a man, so her role is more essential close to the hearth

there are probably other reasons too, from a more literary or modern perspective... for example the female oftentimes represents the irrational side of nature, while the male the rational side... if you go questing, it's natural that you go into a territory which is foreign and dangerous, thus irrational... so you might as well represent, together with your party, the rational side of nature... if this is the case, and you are surrounded by irrationality, it does not make much sense to also have an explicitly irrational component inside your party (as >>24159524 also remarked)

of course exceptions are always possible, valid, and welcome

>> No.24159651

Interesting. Thanks for posting this.

>> No.24159742
File: 3.37 MB, 1087x2342, Der Kampf ums Weib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women exist so that men can fight over them.
Men love to fight.
Women love to watch men fight over them.
Perfect homeostasis.
Everyone wins.
What's there not to love?

>> No.24159955
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true, appreciating nature is its own reward

>> No.24160026

Because of their power over men, and history is written by the victors.

>> No.24160054

your axewound is bleeding, again

>> No.24160287
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you guys really need to grow a pair

>> No.24160290

This thread reeks

>> No.24160306
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>> No.24160370

What did he mean by this?

>> No.24161371

Of incel

>> No.24163033
File: 133 KB, 1024x1274, snail-love-dart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did he mean by this?
he meant

>> No.24163040

The feminine is associated with the chaotic because the feminine is open, accepting and nurturing
But it is stupid because men unleash chaos too through their simian emotional response