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24129819 No.24129819 [Reply] [Original]

I was told this is good philosophy but it's just trite virtue morality without any grounding?

>> No.24129877

>moderns actually use their faggy modern terms like 'virtue morality' to refer to the noble outlook of antiquity

>> No.24129899

>muh noble ethics

>> No.24129909

>disparaging the greeks
>dismissing philosophy of ethics out of hand
Low iq post, either a teenager or redditor.

>> No.24129913

>>disparaging the greeks
I didn't
>>dismissing philosophy of ethics out of hand
I didn't
>Low iq post, either a teenager or redditor.
You're philosophically illiterate and incapable of rreading comprehension.

>> No.24129917

>i didn't do the thing i obviously just did
You are clearly extremely low iq. Stop shitting up /lit/ with babby's first conundrum after tackling a new classic text.

>> No.24129920

The discussion is beyond you brainlet

>> No.24129946

>durr durr plutarch is trite
Yeah some discussion you got there.

>> No.24130451

>I was told this is good philosophy
You got trolled, he's just a historian

>> No.24130452

>good grounding
let me guess, you need Jesus to ground any claim?

>> No.24130459

Imagine not reading plutarch

>> No.24130484

>water carrier for the Roman occcupiers
I hate Plutarch so much.

>> No.24130489

How? He's comparing Romans to Greeks and often arguing Greeks are just as great as Romans if not superoir

>> No.24130770

One of the best historians to have ever written*

>> No.24130774

Who told you it contains philosophy? A retard?

Also best "life" was Pericles

>> No.24130801

>Who told you it contains philosophy?

>Plutarch was a Greek Middle Platonist philosopher, historian, biographer, essayist, and priest at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi.

>> No.24130804

Moralia is philosophy. Lives is pulp-biography.

>> No.24131626

>Moralia is philosophy.
no, it's just rhetoric

>> No.24131628

This, plutarch IS the best historian maybe excepting polybius

>> No.24131632

How is he better than Thucydides, that's crazy talk

>> No.24131633

maybe you should read all these guys instead of arguing about it here

>> No.24131651

But you never did

>> No.24131653

You've obviously not read polybius.

>> No.24131656

>no argument but pretending you do
Kek are you a retard

>> No.24131659

Nobody who has read polybius would argue with me. Moving right along.

>> No.24131666

Get out retard

>> No.24131694

how can he be the best historian if he is from the past? this shit dont make no sense nigguh.

>> No.24131697

because it's HIS story

>> No.24131712

He's not, Hellenisticfags are low IQ, the same people who think stoicism or epicureanism is better than platonism.

What Polybius did though was a large-scale world analysis, but that's also what Thucydides did even if he focused on the Peloponnesian War.

>> No.24131726

Plutarch's moralia are entertaining at best and retarded at times.
The Lives were ambitious but were not considered a particularly great book in their original form. It owes its literary fame to the "translation" (rewriting) by Amyot which became the basis for other European translations until the passion for authenticity made people revert back to an inferior text.

>> No.24131754

Polybius was r/iamverysmart material

>Now the natural laws which regulate the merging of one form of government into another are perhaps discussed with greater accuracy by Plato and some other philosophers. But their treatment, from its intricacy and exhaustiveness, is only within the capacity of a few. I will therefore endeavour to give a summary of the subject, just so far as I suppose it to fall within the scope of a practical history and the intelligence of ordinary people.

>> No.24132424

This but unironically

>> No.24132530

Thucydides' binary micro greek world is pretty good for the late 5th century, but there is no comparison to polybius who was telling the whole history of the roman and hellenistic empires. Thucydides never describes his sources and does no historiographicsl reflection which is polybius' speciality.
People like this aren't historians. Polybius was right.

>> No.24132561

Faggotus was born to an important family. He fucked a hundred boys. He died of diarrhoea on a military expedition.

>> No.24132924
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Shut the fuck up.

>> No.24133026

>unironically trump derangement syndrome

>> No.24133032

>Thucydides never describes his sources
>does no historiographicsl reflection which is polybius' speciality.
Yes, he goes deeper and does philosophical and anthropological reflections because he understands history is a vehicle to understanding the world

>> No.24133069

>there is no comparison to polybius who was telling the whole history of the roman and hellenistic empires.
That's just different topic

>> No.24133138

Unbased post.

>> No.24133141

The very purpose of Plutarch's Lives was moral instruction. It should be called "Parallel Lives," because the biographies were written in pairs, with the express intention of comparing a moral life with an immoral one.

>> No.24133148

>with the express intention of comparing a moral life with an immoral one.
not at all lmao

>> No.24134030

>It should be called "Parallel Lives,"
That's how they're called in most European language translations.