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24129808 No.24129808 [Reply] [Original]

What are some must read scifis?
Should I start with picrel?

>> No.24129813

None. There is not a single book anyone MUST read in their life. Eisenhorn is pretty cool though ngl

>> No.24129867

It depends on your preferences. Science fiction isn't as cool and fun as it seems on the surface, though. Socially inept, emotionless autists make for the majority of the authors. A must read is probably Book of the New Sun. And yes PKD is a good start.

>> No.24130159

Canticle for Leibowitz, Lem's Cyberiad, most of Capek, some of Bulgakov can be considered sci-fi (see Fatal Eggs), Ted Chiang's two collections, lots of good stuff out there

>> No.24130259

Law books are excellent

>> No.24130353

A Voyage to Acturus by David Lindsay.
>Ted Chiang
I remember really enjoying his first collection. Story of Your Life is a really great short story and much better than the movie it spawned. I never got round to his second collection.

>> No.24130356

three body probelem (especially death's end)and roadside picnic is ludokino.

>> No.24130376

If there's a must read sci-fi that'd be Brave New World. Not my favorite, not the best but pretty important.

>> No.24130396

If you enjoy space theme, then I'd personally recommend Solaris by Stanislav Lem

>> No.24130410

Jules Verne moggs science fiction so hard it isn't close. The only excuse is to makes previous arguments about him not being science fiction precisely because it's too literary.

>> No.24130424

>A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay.
Can you describe the type of person who might fully appreciate this book? I've now met a number of people who have referred to it as the most fascinating book they've ever read, but it felt out of date to me. I lost interest after Joiwind's arc, and I just put it down. Surtur was the only thing that captured my curiosity, but it wasn’t enough to push me forward.

>> No.24130464

Definitely read picrel. It's very strange and memorable, and a good introduction to one of sci-fi's best writers.

>> No.24130472

A person who enjoys surreal literature; is interested in matters of the spirit and occult; as well as someone interested in retro sci-fi, where world building takes a step back in favour of the landscape and themes.