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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.22 MB, 1000x4000, storytelling mediums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2412107 No.2412107 [Reply] [Original]

All hail the /lit/ master race

>> No.2412118

>TV shows
>Top tier
All credibility lost.

>> No.2412122

> prioritising storytelling over expression

>> No.2412119

TV above movies really?

>> No.2412120

reading makes you smart

not even implying

>> No.2412121

no, don't do this, thanks

>> No.2412123

TV shows are like books because they can really flesh out the characters over a long period of time.

Whereas films are only poems, because every stanza kind of rhymes with the last one. They usually don't work.

>> No.2412125

Wow, awesome, a tier thread. Bet we'll have a wicked discussion now.

>> No.2412127

/mu/tant here
you all suck because music rules

>> No.2412143

Where the hell does role playing fall on that scale?

And what about the oral tradition?

>> No.2412145
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>> No.2412148


tier lists

>> No.2412157

Books/comics/serials/short stories

Movies/video games/Music/poetry

cartoons/shitty movies

Serials allow a character to become more detailed, but in some cases it allows them to run amok (Comics are notorious for this because of their nature). Short stories are (to quote Jeffrey Deaver) the story equivalent of a Snap-punch: You have to frame the character quickly and get rid of all extraneous details, and that really shows what they're made of.

Movies and Music/poetry are mid tier because by their nature, they're truncated. Video Games as well, because there isn't much outside the scope of the game where you can flesh out a character.

Cartoons/Shitty movie/chick flicks:
I'm talking kids cartoons... melodrama is great if you're 7, but if you manage to progress past that, they're like one of those valentine's candies with the message printed on them, and about as satisfying.

>> No.2412168
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Decent story telling within music right here.

>> No.2412170

> Mediums

>> No.2412174
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>Short stories in 'God' tier
>Poems are in 'Mid-tier' because they're 'truncated'
>(Disregarding this contradiction, even:) Poems are 'truncated'

>> No.2412175
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No medium is terrible if the story is true, if the prose is clean and honest, and if it affirms courage and grace under pressure.

>> No.2412179

Video games don't even qualify.

>> No.2412182

Hipster trash

>> No.2412183

I agree, but as we all know, storytelling is the most uninteresting part of any of work of art. So, I don't think you have any legitimate reason to demand hails.

>> No.2412189
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Not hailing it as a masterpiece, just saying that, in terms of music telling a story, it does a pretty good job when compared to all the other music out there. If only because it actually tells a story, which very few bands even attempt to do.

Pic also related, generic space-opera, but hearing it expressed in music makes it more interesting.

>> No.2412195
File: 38 KB, 256x318, planescape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Video Games
>Shit Tier
Uh huh.

>> No.2412197

Just looked it up. Comes across as typical "hurr durr ancient evul has awake u r th chosen 1" shlock to me.

>> No.2412203
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i just... what?

>> No.2412205
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Just looked it up. Comes across as typical "hurr durr super rugged military guy kills baddies and gets chick" shlock to me.

>> No.2412212
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>> No.2412222


The story is an inversion of that cliché. In fact, the entire game is nothing but turning fantasy stereotypes on their head.

>> No.2412224

>implying visual novels are videogames

>> No.2412225 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 300x117, Keep Trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked it up. Comes across as typical "hurr durr typical irish faggot getting through the day " shlock to me.

>> No.2412229

But it has gameplay. In fact, I ended up getting into a lot more fights than I wanted to.

>> No.2412230
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Just looked it up. Comes across as typical "hurr durr typical irish faggot getting through the day " shlock to me.

>> No.2412236
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Just looked it up. Comes across as typical "hurr durr faggot frenchman eating cake " shlock to me.

>> No.2412237
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>> No.2412241


>> No.2412244
File: 32 KB, 304x450, hol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked it up. Comes across as typical "hurrrr durrrrr some guy makes a movie about a house" shlock to me.

>> No.2412248

oh look a tier thread devolved into puerile teasing and the inevitable vidya vs. books debate, a timeless classic for the expansion of modern thought, no doubt some new breakthrough in aesthetics will come of it. monitoring this thread.

>> No.2412252

>a tier thread
>able to DEvolve any further than the inevitable pile of shit it already is


>> No.2412253
File: 46 KB, 510x680, Odyssey[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked it up. Comes across as typical "hurrrr durrrrr some guy takes a while coming home" shlock to me.

>> No.2412256
File: 41 KB, 277x507, Plato_Republic_1713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked it up. Comes across as typical "hurrrr durrrrr philosophers should rule the world" shlock to me.

>> No.2412259

The book is actually very good. Truant's parts are faggy, but the book within the book is great. It's a pleasure to read it.

>> No.2412266
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Just looked it up. Comes across as typical "hurrrr durrrrr sailors release a giant killer octopus" shlock to me.

>> No.2412276

Music shouldn't be that low.

>> No.2412281
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I liked Truant's parts better. I think because I could relate to him better than I could to Navidson or Zampano.

>> No.2412322
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>Video Juegos
>not God Tier
Oh, you guys.

>> No.2412335

>video juegos

go back to ñchan

>> No.2412461
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>implying lil b isn't more relevant than any currently active author

>> No.2412483

god tier: book, theater
top tier: movie
low tier: tv show, comic book
not exactly storytelling mediums tier: video games, music

>> No.2412485

A proper serial is superior to a movie in story-telling ability. There is just a lot more time to develop story and characters. Nobody is saying that a movie like 'Godfather' doesn't have novelistic aspects, but compared to 'Pride & Prejudice' (miniseries) or 'The Wire', it's like a novella.

>> No.2412495

A God tier book chosen from a 1000 years of books still create half the immersion a relatively insignificant video game creates.

>> No.2412501

Looks like it has Avatar's cliches.

>> No.2412512
File: 45 KB, 800x600, You_are_standing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video games are just books that require more than a trivial, passive role on the part of the reader.

>> No.2412522

what is the ulysses of interactive fiction?

>> No.2412524

change tv shows for music and the list is legit.

>> No.2412525

Movies and TV shows will NEVER be a legitimate storytelling medium. Citizen Kane is laughably bad, and only kikes propping it up as "Tru lit" have given movies any sort of lasting legitimacy.

>> No.2412533

so, an interactive-fictional counterpart to a book that appears on the favorites list of every pseudointellectual undergraduate?

mass effect 3, maybe?

>> No.2412537

>interactive fiction

>game: You see a red button on a metal panel.
>player: press red button
>game: I don't understand you.
>player: push red button
>game: I don't understand you.

>> No.2412538
File: 99 KB, 802x605, 191839894_b60fd53644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One needs to apply as much imagination when interfacing with the matrix itself.

Generally: TV is shit tier, so is movies and nigh all vidya.

>> No.2412540

* as much as with books, that is.

>> No.2412554

Something thta's heavily allusive, filled with wordplay, something that makes use of a wide variety of literary techniques, even inventing a few. Something big and complex with a deliberate narrative structure. I don't think Mass Effect does any of that. It's more like an interactive mediocre science fiction movie, from what I've seen of it.

>> No.2412558

like i said, non-trivial, active engagement. learn the range of vocabulary and phrasal constructions of the book—the same way as a book doesn't seem very good if you hold it upside-down, or skip fro page to page in random order

>> No.2412577

>start new game
>go down to the first level of the dungeon
>get killed by a skaven on the first step

>> No.2412808

OP has never listened to high-quality music, much less read a score.

>> No.2412814

>shit tier
all my wat.

someones never heard of Tom Waits

>> No.2412817

>That feel when all mediums could be used just as well as literature to tell a story
>That feel when they aren't
>That feel when there are only a few examples of it

Get you shit together, vidya gaems!

>> No.2412827

>oral stores
>not god tier
>not even on list

>> No.2412834

this is the stupidest fucking thing i've seen in a long time

>> No.2413199

No seriously, I want to konw what the Ulysses of interactive fiction is

>> No.2413204

Why is music included as a storytelling medium? Like 0.09% of albums have stories.

>> No.2413214

No idea. Maybe OP is talking about programmatic music or opera