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24100073 No.24100073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I'll never let my kids read this utter goysludge, I'll read to them the classics, the good stuff
>Have I ever had sex? I'm working on myself so eventually I will

>> No.24100076
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>wojak thread

>> No.24100081

I look like this and say things like this.

>> No.24100098

only sexxmaxxers are allowed to post on this thread

>> No.24100099

fornication is a ruinous sin

>> No.24100114

I look like that except I have a massive penis
and I say that except the not having sex part, as I use my giant penis to rape niggers

>> No.24100164

This but unironically. It will be so glorious when I finally make it, God willing.

>> No.24100178

You WILL make it, fren.

>> No.24100209

Thanks fren. I hope we all make it (except OP, who is fag).

>> No.24100281

*sigh* fuck you

>> No.24100877

what the... I want more!

>> No.24100880

Are you also going to teach your hypothetical children the art of virtue signalling? You seem quite accomplished at it.

>> No.24100888
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this might be a recurring challenge with the classic stories, the existence of mortal evil and seriousness of classics is too demanding for child's lack of awareness
when I was a kid biblical demons scared me to the bone. inevitable disaster of devil's schemes seemed too frightening than belief in God could help. same with "belief in tradition/values/yourself", all is undermined if it's too serious too early

>> No.24100892

I'll be reading my children the same cute picture books my mom read to me and my sister. Fortunately she kept them all.

>> No.24100896

Ah OP you’re a man of culture, I see you quoted this extract straight from My Diary Desu

>> No.24100900
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I'll raise them on German and Scandinavian fairy tales and stories.

>> No.24100912
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>I'll never let my kids read the classics, I'll read them genderfluid queerslop
>Did I say my kids? I meant your kids

>> No.24100924

>start reading queer theory
>self-confidence soars
>empathy expands
>fulfillment found

>> No.24100927

Imagine how disappointing it would be to find out that you're child is a brainrot chantard?
I feel bad for my parents. I've let them down

>> No.24101013

>I need books written in the last five years to explain a theory made up in the last ten years so I can cope with my loneliness and porn addiction
>Also let me have access to your kids

>> No.24101027

there is nothing you can do unless you have time ,money and knowledge to homeschool your kids. The tranny teachers will spend more time with your kids than you.

>> No.24101837

>books are used to explain theory
Is this really a novel concept for you?

>> No.24103176

Kids are off-limits. Is this really a novel concept for you?

>> No.24103283

I have 2 boys


>> No.24103311

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.24103363

Your son is going to have a hard time picking up women when they ask what his favourite book is, and says Critique of Pure Reason. Nothing dries a woman up faster than Kant.

>> No.24103396

>picking up women with books

>> No.24103407

Women love reading, anon. I understand if you don't know that because you don't speak to women, but some of us do.

>> No.24103411
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>Your son is going to have a hard time picking up women when they ask what his favourite book is, and says Critique of Pure Reason. Nothing dries a woman up faster than Kant.
The son exceeds the father as Hegel exceeds Kant. Pulling using Hegel will be fucking easy. You implicate her dialectical position in a total system that leaves her with one option: Kristevan abjection.

I mean, once your kid starts using Hegel behidn your back he is going to read Marx, and Lacan. That which you implicitly forbid by forcing Kant, will reassert that negation in aufheben.

>> No.24103412

Good ones don't read

>> No.24103415

>Women love reading
Schlick fiction and true crime only.

>> No.24103422

It‘s funny how apparent it is when one who has been an overwhelming failure with women his entire life gains the slightest pretense to having arcane knowledge which mentally elevates himself above the other nerds

>> No.24103423

>Nothing dries a woman up faster than Kant.
That's why women shouldn't be allowed to read

>> No.24103430

>Women love reading
Never said they didn't.
You're still not going to pick women up with books.
You pick women up by looking good.

>> No.24103431

Reading is one of those things a woman might brag about you doing to her friends, but only after she's been fucking you for a while. Reading has no inherent pussy moistening powers whatsoever.