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2409728 No.2409728 [Reply] [Original]

Which one?

Is TWOT even close to being so awsome as ASOIAF?

>> No.2409734

Would like to know /lit/'s verdict on this too.

>> No.2409754
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>> No.2409773


why would anyone put so much effort into a pointless troll?

>> No.2409776


>> No.2409789

don't read any of that shit

>> No.2409793

he doesn't even know how to articulate why the writing is bad so he complains about cuss words, lol

>> No.2409800

ASOIAF is much better, but TWOT is by no means bad, and if you're a fan of fantasy I would recommend both.
If you have limited time, though, ASOIAF should be your choice.
Specifically, TWOT has a lovely universe and some interesting characters and ideas, as well as a fairly solid plot. But it runs on a bit too long, and while the world is wonderfully realized it lacks the really awesome plotting and intrigue that helps make ASOIAF radcore.

>> No.2410087
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ASOIAF has gritty everything

Wheel of Time is grey, the main characters could die or do horrible shit, good characters did die

ASOIAF wins in the pacing department but wheel of time is much longer

If I had to pick a favourite right now it would probably be wheel of time, but to read ASOIAF would definitely be better - or maybe it's just because its fresh

people say that The Great Hunt is one of the best books in the wheel of time, it has its own arch and it's not slowed down like the middle books

this is not an easy question
I always hated the 3 women to one guy ideea but since he is who he is in that universe I guess I'm just jelly

all true

Wheel of Time could do with some editing maybe rewriting by sanderson

at this point I don't give a shit about what happens in ASOIAF, I know the characters in wheel of time much better

I trust sanderson will do a great job of the final books, wheel of time is something unique, with good and bad elements to it, and people either hate it or love it

It's what got me into reading and fantasy.

If you liked Wheel of Time go read Sanderson's stuff like The Way of Kings in particular
If you liked ASOIAF go read Martin's other stuff or Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy -better than asoiaf and I think these two would be easier to compare

>> No.2410104

Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.2410106

TWOT, Jordan was much better writer than Martin will ever be

>> No.2411304

How about sanderson's miistborn trilogy? and that elantris one?
those any good?

>> No.2411514

I've read everything from sanderson and I think you should to.

If you like fantasy you can't really go wrong, he has decent plots, characters, pacing, most of all great and original magic systems
elantris is his first book, I read it after finishing what wheel of time book(s) he had written at the time; it's a long read and I'd recommend you try listening to the Graphic Audio audiobook because it has voice acting and music and gets you really into that world, even if his writing isn't the best

the thing with him is he seems to be improving with every book, and overall I like Way of Kings because of the writing and characters, and Warbreaker's magic system

mistborn's magic systems (there are 3) are very cool, but they're focused on fighting and thus you get a lot of action, still it's a great epic fantasy trilogy
definitely read mistborn

>> No.2411629

Martin is nothing to Fitzgerald but the reasoning in that image is ridiculous.

What, are you going to shit on Mark Twain for writing 'nigger'?

>> No.2411631
