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/lit/ - Literature

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2407629 No.2407629 [Reply] [Original]

HEY /lit/



>Never has a game had better writing than Katawa Shoujo. It has some of the best, IF NOT, best writing anywhere...including classic literature.


>> No.2407634


>> No.2407631

Leave the obese manchildren alone. It's rude to bully autists.

>> No.2407635


>> No.2407636

>implying it's not a troll
>implying you're not a troll
>implying you won't fap over your own thread

>> No.2407637

>implying it's not a troll
>implying you're not a troll
>implying you won't fap over your own thread

>> No.2407638
File: 27 KB, 340x314, man_with_leaking_tear_ducts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2407639

>/lit/ caring about stories in games.

Have fun with your entertainment and stories designed for neck beards and children.

>> No.2407641

>That feel when KS ruined all possible good vn threads because it's against the rules on /a/ and /jp/ only loves moonspeak edition VNs

>> No.2407648
File: 22 KB, 310x336, Press X to Jason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying /lit/ isn't pretentious as fuck
>Implying any of the so-called "writers" on /lit/ will ever make it on a professional level
>Implying you kiddies aren't butthurt no-one cares about you're dying medium and the fact a bunch of weeaboos from /a/ can shit a more popular story than you losers ever could

>> No.2407650

KS is not video games
This thread is not literature
Both OPs are faggots
Reported, etc

>> No.2407652

But seriously, thanks for linking them here in >>>/v/129729441.
Now we have /v/leak.

And nobody cares.

>> No.2407655

average /v/irgin here. With any luck we can push that shit into /b/ where it belongs. /v/ is long due for some chemo.

>> No.2407656

>Implying that one post represents all of us.
>Implying there aren't people who browse /v/ and /lit/.

>> No.2407664

The reason nobody cares is because everybody in this thread is form /v/

>> No.2407668

Well-written, but a bit obvious

>> No.2407670

I'm from le reddit tho

>> No.2407671

My bad
/v/ or worse

>> No.2407673
File: 64 KB, 394x594, SoKo+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, most classic lit is terrible.

That said
maybe you should go back there.

>> No.2407680

/v/irgin here. Sorry about the leak. We're sending our best men to fix it, but they keep saying that tools are for casuals and yelling at each other, so it may be awhile.

>> No.2407682

Very true. /lit/ is a slow, low population board. Also elitist and can't write for shit. A diamond dozen board if i have ever seen one.

>> No.2407686
File: 30 KB, 321x357, walter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, /v/irgins

your kind aren't welcome here

>> No.2407688


Still salty about Quentin brah?

>> No.2407691

wait... there are trips on /lit/?
I was just about to leave this thread and see if it could actually be fun to browse...

>> No.2407702

Well, the game does have happy endings for romance. That doesn't happen in any classical literature.

>> No.2407703

>To be fair, most classic lit is terrible.

No, it's just 2deep4u.

>> No.2407717
File: 63 KB, 450x300, soko6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Concour po-mo masterpieces like Gravity's Rainbow
>thinks shit like Bronte sisters is too deep.

>> No.2407727
File: 33 KB, 416x300, 1256872815657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's not hard to out do "classic literature"

>> No.2407747
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>> No.2407754
File: 379 KB, 500x600, donnie_darko_suppressing_laughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're reprehensible animals. they ruined that poor boy's life.

pls go