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/lit/ - Literature

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2404709 No.2404709 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, why aren't you a pagan yet?

>> No.2404711

because I'm not a hipster faggot
and because I'm not feeling enough teen angst to rebel against my parent's christianity.


>> No.2404713

I think I will stick with atheism, though I like some of Benoists other writings.

>> No.2404716

Actually it's mostly because of that book cover.

>> No.2404718

Recently bought this book, it was out stock for a long time, so I'm glad I have it now.

>> No.2404725

Eh, because Thelema is better.

>> No.2404730

because i'm not retarded.

>> No.2404734

Just started reading that book. I'm hoping it will convert me to paganism so I can go out and burn some churches. If it doesn't I will anyway.

>> No.2404736

Because most of bad smelling hippie wicca fucktards have ruined the modern paganism.

>> No.2404737
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>> No.2404740
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according to any christian religion i am. and that is all 'pagan' applies to.

>> No.2404741

Because if you can't start your own, religion just isn't worth it.

>> No.2404745



>> No.2404761


Any tips for starting your own?

>> No.2404766

someone has to die

>> No.2404769


Okay, done. What next?

>> No.2404772

Now, if you could bring them back to "life" or something approximating it, that's good.

OR see if they can send you messages in your mind. Dance while doing this.

>> No.2404776


Okay, I will try the latter. Bringing them back to life again seems to messy.

>> No.2404793

Right, and that puts all the pressure on you, anyway. So, once you get those voices in your head (they don't need to make sense, probably better if they don't), then you could do something like...oh, let's see.....stand on the corner eating roaches (modern day locusts), or....how about getting a job as a telemarketer and tell people about your religion until you get fired or convert your boss....oh wait wait! gotta have some message or theme or mascot....

>> No.2404801


How about "Peace is shit, war is shit, everything is shit"? Too radical?

>> No.2404803

And long-skirted middle-aged jumper-wearing pottery-class-taking earth mothers with too many cats and scented candles.

>> No.2404811


Pretty much the same thing

>> No.2404838

You're aware that Thelema is a fiction sect, right?

>> No.2404852

No, no I think that's good.


I find myself rethinking my life now that I know everything is shit.

>> No.2404853

Yes, that is why I enjoy it so much. Also, fiction as opposed to what exactly?

>> No.2404855

My waifu refers to them as "zaftig quilters".

>> No.2404871


If you meant your wife, she's not your waifu.

>> No.2404872


But wife is pronounced waifu in wapanese

>> No.2404873

Because Christianity slew paganism, and now it is just a shadow of its former self, not able to get past the revolution in morality and self–concept brought by the new religion.

>> No.2404875

Fiction as opposed to something people actually believe constituting an existent religion/system belief/mythology (and not fictional characters). Religion is like language: it has no sense if it's a private one. But I get your point... Guess you can also believe in Ilúvatar or Ewoks too...

>> No.2404877


Are you familiar with 4chan?

>> No.2404882
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OK, yes I meant my wife. Then what is a waifu? Why can't she be both? Nevermind I already somehow know that's impossibru.

>> No.2404902

Paganism is as absurd as any religion, except far more so as it ascribes "gods' to every natural action for which there is already a scientific explanation.

>> No.2404906


Maybe you should read the book. It's not about the belief in itself, it's about the way of thinking and living.