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2402393 No.2402393 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite dysotopian book?

>> No.2402399
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Царь Голод.

>> No.2402404
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Take your pick,

Althogh I prefere Make room Make room

>> No.2402409

Tsar Golod? Never heard of such a book.

>> No.2402411

After further googling it is nothing more than a socialist-realist piece of propaganda.

>> No.2402412

I guess I'll go with Brave New World.

All I've read besides that, though are hmm, 1984, Never Let Me Go, Anthem, Harrison Bergeron (short stories count, right?). Currently reading Player Piano. Planning on reading We soon.

>> No.2402414

Harrison Bergeron

Yes they do and I loved it

>> No.2402416

"The Machine Stops", a short story by Forster, is undoubtedly my favourite.

If you can't acquire a real copy, you can read it online here


Highly recommended.

>> No.2402419

Harrison Bergeron is also fantastic.

The classic BNW and 1984 always deserve a mention too.

>> No.2402420


>> No.2402422

A Maze Of Death

>> No.2402427

No dystopian book. They are boring as shit.

>> No.2402466

Have been enjoying Riddley Walker, halfway through.

>> No.2402471

this and darkness at noon, foundation pit is also cool.

>> No.2402491


Is Make room Make room a good read?

>> No.2402514

I personally thought Brave New World was on the dull side, but that comic strip was . . . absolutely amazing.

I'll cast my vote for This Perfect Day.

>> No.2402560


Thanks for sharing this, man. Just finished reading, and it really is a great piece of literature; I wouldn't say it is a masterpiece by any means (the prose was nothing special and the narrative could be more engaging), but I really liked reading it. For something written in 1909, this has some impressive ideas.

>> No.2402581



>> No.2402623

You have some bad googling skills Leonid Andreyev was no socialist realist propaganda. Book is about downfall of tsar by peasants who then eat one another it is a novel that predicted the Russian Civil War and the famines. It really is anti revolution and anti anarchy.

>> No.2402630


>> No.2402650


Why? I thought people liked it.

>> No.2402657
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Goodluck Jonathan likes it and we cant let him win.

>> No.2402678


>> No.2402699

Brave New World is utopian, not dystopian kiddos.

Iron Heel by Jack London.

>> No.2402703
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>Brave New World

Oh god my sides

>> No.2402709

if your argument doesn't consist of comparisons to the island, its probably a dumb one.

>> No.2402730


No, it's dystopian. Some of them just don't realize it.

>> No.2402734

mfw you can't google

>> No.2402746

My argument is that the supersession of truth by the desire for instant gratification (encouraged and maintained by the government) is an inherently dystopian quality, because it is simply a means to control the populace, albeit a passive one.

But that's dumb simply because I've never read The Island.

>> No.2402748

Yes, If you've watched soylent green then maybe not. The movie addaptation does things different and focuses on different themes than the book. But yes, it's really easy to get into and has a interesting story plot and characters. (Stuff most dystopians lack)

>> No.2402774

what kind of truth is superceded? i said probably ok

>> No.2402787

Shakespeare is banned, although in a de facto manner, because there is no one who would want to read it. Those who attempt to practice "real" science are, as Mustapha Mond says, shipped off to the ass-end of nowhere.The only ones who are allowed truth, the men like Mond, are the ones who keep it supressed. Who, after all, in a society where wanting to be alone is almost tantamount to leprosy, would want to read Shakespeare?

The Epsilons and lower castes are concerned with the day-to-day mundane operations, and the Alphas and Betas are concerned with managerial duties. No scientific or cultural progress is made, because the search for truth has ceased.

Brave New World is pretty fucking dystopian, bro.

>> No.2402797

The Making of Modern Australia by G. A. Henty

>> No.2402857

we've been living in a dystopia since the commies won ww2

>> No.2403015

1984 by Orwell, definitely

>> No.2403694

Anthem by Ayn Rand

>> No.2403711
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Does "Ass Goblins from Auschwitz" count?

>> No.2403832

"Feed" by M.T. Anderson