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24015076 No.24015076 [Reply] [Original]

>What shall I call my analytical approach which rests entirely upon unfalsifiable assumptions about intangible concepts?
>How about "Historical Materialism"?

>> No.24015137
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You should dilate and then kill urself faggot pseud.

>> No.24015141

There's nothing intangible about ''modes of production'' and ''socio-economic classes'', you are just a dilettante

>> No.24015151

Start with Hegel

>> No.24015154

It's unfalsifiable because it's the truth BTW

>> No.24015162

Based Marx defender

>> No.24015166

"[Labor] is the everlasting Nature-imposed condition of human existence, and therefore independent of every social phase of that existence, or rather, is common to every such phase."
I am the reincarnation of Marx (<- unfalsifiable because it's the truth BTW) and I was wrong about everything in my previous life, and you are wrong.

>> No.24015178

See also his claims about what most crucially distinguishes man from animal (concious, social life activity) which is the foundation of this approach.

>> No.24015179

I assume under his definition of labor, there hunting is included too? Climbing a tree to grab a fruit would too? Does it depend on the habit of it, like needing to climb a tree or go after an animal every time one feels hungry, and thus these activities would be defined as labor by Marx? Seems a too general and loose definition.

>> No.24015187

>Seems a too general and loose definition.
Yes, that's my point here.

>> No.24015189


>Economically illiterate moron posts another marxisim thread
it's all so tiresome

>> No.24015191

indeed it is

>> No.24015194

>"[Labor] is the everlasting Nature-imposed condition of human existence, and therefore independent of every social phase of that existence, or rather, is common to every such phase
This is the simple statement that no matter the mode of production, production itself(of the means of subsistence-, the food, the shelter, the hunting instruments etc) requires human activity. A nigga gotta do what a nigga gotta do

>> No.24015197

maybe if you're an entropic bug. lakotas weren't labor locusts. euros are the most pathologically solipistic demons this planet has ever bred

>> No.24015202

As a formerly undecided onlooker, your exasperation and lack of arguments have convinced me of the intellectual rigor and objective moral righteousness of communism. Thanks!

>> No.24015207

Oh really? Show me a single society that didn't have to produce the means of subsistence. Did the Lakotas just think about corn and suddenly there was food on the table? I know you hate big bad Marx but cmon

>> No.24015211

lakotas weren't dialectical materialists

>> No.24015223

Profit shoudn't exist, where does profit come from? it comes from the exploitation of surplus labor, aka unpaid work, why should it exist? there's absolutely no reason for profit to exist except to make some human reptiles grotesquely rich while the rest of humanity remains stuck in want and destitution

Profit even violates the first law of thermodynamics: ''the amount of energy gained from something cannot exceed the amount put in.''

>> No.24015228

planets are energy granaries where the laws of thermodynamics are temporarily defied. capitalism is this process

>> No.24015231

You don't have to subscribe to Marx's philosophy to recognize the truth of a single proposition the man formulated

>> No.24015233

How do you exactly pay for exact amount of work done?

>> No.24015240

putting food on the table or in your winter tipi doesn't commit you to dialectical materialism as a metaphysics. don't smuggle your materialism in with the food