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2400315 No.2400315 [Reply] [Original]

I hate libraries. More accurately, I hate the fucking nerds who want to go to libraries, and more accurately than that, I hate the fucking nerds who want to go to libraries not because there's something there to see or purchase or get, but because it's libraries and libraries awesome and where's my rare books and microfiche and why can't I visit the library of cooooongreeeesss that would be awesome because I've always wanted to see a huge structure that is constantly on the verge of burning and killing everyone invooooollllved

That guy yesterday talking about "public service" is a perfect fucking example of the kind of person I'm talking about. "Public service"? Maybe public service is to fucking build roads. Maybe public service is to fund police. As a nation we're in chains and starving, and fuck it, let's buy some paperbacks.

>> No.2400320

Have you talked to libraries to see how they feel about it?

>> No.2400319

>a woobly woobly woo

>> No.2400322

It's bullshit romanticism, which would only be annoying, but it's bullshit romanticism that wants to spend billions and billions of dollars on itself and damned be to the reality of it, which is that printed word technology is ludicrously primitive and monstrously expensive, and there's no particular reason to believe that any time soon it's going to be otherwise. Books are the domain of governments and the obscenely wealthy. Nobody reading this thread is going to read a book. Nobody reading this thread will set foot in a library. Even though you have every privilege of the first world, you are not going to the library, because it's fucking expensive and there's no money in it and there's no compelling reason for you to be there.

Really what I hate is romanticism. And what I really, really hate is pissing away billions of dollars on pointless dreams.

>> No.2400321

Libraries are a public service, they give people the ability to educate themselves irregardless of the institutions that they have available to them.

>> No.2400328


And nerds- the anger you feel when you read that? It's the same way those dumbasses who are against flag burning get pissed off when somebody burns a flag. It's the same rage at the disrespect for a stupid dream. You've come to identify books and reading and public libraries and all that with progress and the future and shit, and you need to understand that if our future does lie in libraries, it doesn't lie in libraries within our lifetimes, or our children's. I'm not saying that we probably won't keep sending funding and library science degrees up, but libraries the way nerds think of them is a fantasy, and always was, and most likely always will be.

>> No.2400329

Your complaints are a fiction.

My library is comfortable as fuck. U mad?

>> No.2400332
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>> No.2400339


Uh, you are a nerd, blah blah money, blah blah I'm frustrated, hate anything that is cool, am short, and I have a v. small penis.

>> No.2400370
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>> No.2400398

OP sounds smart. lets remove all the public libraries and see what happens. looks like all the kids in compton gotta buy kindles. tough shit.

>> No.2400400
File: 16 KB, 300x292, americans-fatter-than-canadians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in chains and starving
Assuming you're American because you're talking about the library of congress, you have to be retarded if you think your suffering is anything significant.

What damn chains do you have? What starvation? Can't afford food? Go get an EBT card.

>> No.2400405

Personally I didn't get that angry. I see what you're saying.

But I get books from the library and would be disappointed if it were gone.

>> No.2400411


>implying kids in compton can read

>> No.2400427

Libraries are of great use, but I dislike being in them. Just like supermarkets. Therefore I have perfected my guerrilla tactics and walk in great, quick, purposeful steps towards the section I already know contains my book, take it, check out and walk away.

>> No.2400428

get rid of the libraries and where would the homeless bums hang out/perform their modicum of hygiene?

>> No.2400526

it's only shitskins going to the library here

such is the death of civilization under mass immigration

>> No.2400540
File: 88 KB, 640x356, meh.ro563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's like the first time on all human History that mass immigration happens.

>> No.2400570

Goddamn beaners and niggers educating themselves all the time and shit instead of staying at home watching TV like decent white folk.

>> No.2400576

Worked out really well for the NA's right?

why don't we ask the neanderthals how much they liked it too?

Maybe the australian abbo's?

I don't really understand how leftists turn forfeiting our country to foreigners, and being ethnically cleansed is a good thing. Maybe they think it won't personally effect them?

>> No.2400585

more like taking over the things we paid for with our taxes so they can look at pornography and make it unusable for anyone else.

But good of you to turn it into an anti-white rant.
Shows how the leftist mind really works.

>> No.2400611

Stay classy /stormfront/.
>Maybe they think it won't personally effect them?
I personally couldn't care less.

>> No.2400620

Proving me right, yet again.

>> No.2400638

Proving what exactly?
>inb4 implying implications I didn't even imply

>> No.2400653

You think it won't affect you.
You think things will just carry on as they do with sheer inertia or something. As if everyone else in the world adopts such apathetic and hedonist liberal world view as you do.

>> No.2400659

I don't understand. You're mad because I buy books in libraries, or because your country wastefully spends money on them? If the latter, why do they do it?

>> No.2400678

haha nope.

>> No.2400694

I hate OP. More accurately, I hate frustrated virgin OP's who get upset over fucking nonsense.

>> No.2400707

Being upset is so fucking easy (and it's free).

>> No.2400748

People go to the libraries, people like libraries. Especially if you don't own a computer. Free books, free movies, sometimes even video games. Why are you against this? Its actually really fucking nice seeing our tax dollars spent on something other than shitloads of tanks.
Why don't you complain about something thats actually a problem?

>> No.2400752

>Its actually really fucking nice seeing our tax dollars spent on something other than shitloads of tanks.

So 85% of our tax money is spent on worthless harmful bureaucracy and socialism which is funneled to lazy incompetents and non-workers.

But you object to the 15% spent on the utterly necessary task of defense of our country?

>> No.2400759

libraries are a free, warm, quiet place to write and research. You are an idiot for not utilizing it.

>> No.2400817
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>utterly necessary task of defense of our country?

Did this motherfucker really just say this? Really?

>> No.2400845

lol okay, you sure trolled me until now

>> No.2400846
File: 281 KB, 600x600, haters-gonna-hate-fat-american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2400848

Epic FUPA. It's not even symmetrical. Jesus.