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/lit/ - Literature

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2398966 No.2398966 [Reply] [Original]

Card has publicly declared his disapproval of homosexuality and of marriage rights for gay men and women. In 1990, Card called for laws that ban homosexual behavior to "remain on the books... to be used when necessary to send a clear message that those who flagrantly violate society's regulation of sexual behavior cannot be permitted to remain as acceptable, equal citizens within that society", although he no longer advocates this, and argues that the 1990 stance must be seen in the context of the times (such laws were still deemed constitutional at the time) and the conservative Mormon audience to whom his essay was addressed.[25] In 2009, Card became a member of the board of directors of the National Organization for Marriage, a group that seeks to prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage.[26]

>> No.2398968

Card has voiced his opinion that paraphilia and homosexuality are sometimes linked. In a 2004 essay entitled "Homosexual 'Marriage' and Civilization", Card wrote:

The dark secret of homosexual society -- the one that dares not speak its name -- is how many homosexuals first entered into that world through a disturbing seduction or rape or molestation or abuse, and how many of them yearn to get out of the homosexual community and live normally.[27]

>> No.2398973

It's funny because Ender's Game was one homoerotic/pedophilia set piece after another.

>> No.2398977



>> No.2398980

Additionally, in Card's novella Hamlet's Father, which re-imagines the backstory of Shakespeare's play Hamlet, some claim that Card depicts the main character's problems as being the result of his father's activities as a gay pedophile. The novella prompted public outcry and its publishers were inundated with complaints.[12] The trade journal Publisher's Weekly criticized Card's "flimsy novella" and stated that the main purpose of it was to attempt to link homosexuality to pedophilia.[28] Orson Scott Card has responded to the claims that Hamlet's Father links homosexuality with pedophilia, Card wrote:

...[T]here is no link whatsoever between homosexuality and pedophilia in this book. Hamlet's father, in the book, is a pedophile, period. I don't show him being even slightly attracted to adults of either sex. It is the reviewer, not me, who has asserted this link, which I would not and did not make.[29]

>> No.2398995

>that feel when Card is in the closet

>> No.2399001

>That feel when you completely disagree with Card's views but know how to be mature about it and not let it mar your enjoyment of his books

>> No.2399002
File: 21 KB, 290x400, Jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Fallen heroes thread?
Douglas TenNapel was one of mine when I was growing up.
Loved everything Earthworm Jim, his comics and The Neverhood.
Then came the bleak day I went to his website and found out that he's a right wing christian nutter with homosexual issues that would make Card blush.

>> No.2399010

Always funny when liberals rhetorically put "Human rights" on a pedestal when it comes to faggots, ignoring the obvious outcomes of such behaviors and encouragements.

Yet when it comes to whites, they want to take away all our human rights and freedoms, for the good of society.

How does it feel to practice such cognitive dissonance? idnno.

>> No.2399014


How does anybody want to take away white freedoms?

What the hell are you talking about? Are you high?

>> No.2399016

Please don't respond to him.
He's shitting up all the other threads, too.

>> No.2399020

The real problem is that whites give these rights away and so this kind of proves they aren't exactly worthy of them.

>> No.2399021

I just recently finished Ender's Game and while reading it, I was certain Alai wanted Ender's dick.

>> No.2399023


Ah, got it.

>> No.2399028

Our freedom of speech, our freedom of association, our property rights, etc.

Have you been fucking sleeping for the last 60 years?

>> No.2400200


>> No.2400250

>Writes a book about an 8 year old boy who's naked in about 1/5th of it.
>Speaks out against homosexuality and equates it with pedophilia.

Dont get me wrong, enders game is a great book... but from what i understand, the rest of the series(or atleast after the 2end book. have not read it yet) is shit and pretty blatantly mormon propaganda.
Also, LMFAO @
>and argues that the 1990 stance must be seen in the context of the times

SERIOUSLY? Thats like saying:
>Sure I lynched a few niggers, but it was the 50's. Everyone was doing it!
You know when that *kinda* gets a sympahtetic ear from me? When you go to the extreme opposite and start arguing on behalf of gays for their rights. Sen byrd was in the KKK. He was a real shit head back than. Then, he became one of the most staunch civil rights legislators in the senate. South Africa used to be one of the most racist countries in the world. Apartheid had blacks(legally) treated like 2end class citizens up until the early 90's. Now, South Africa has some of the most liberal, equality laws in the world. It was the 3rd country to allow same sex marriage(After Sweden and Canada)

OSC is just a fucking asshole. He takes what is considered the most hardline, but still marginally socially accepted position on gay rights. If it was the 50's, he would probably be for the outright murder of them.

>> No.2400258

why do all the sci-fi awards on the cover come in a jew star? you' think film festival awards would def. have a jew star but like a book should have like something less gay

>> No.2400544

>South Africa used to be one of the most racist countries in the world. Apartheid had blacks(legally) treated like 2end class citizens up until the early 90's.

holy fuck you are ignorant as shit

niggers were the same as whites, they simply couldn't vote.
Segregation works both ways, do you oppose country borders? because thats the same thing as segregation.
Now WHITES are the second class citizens, of course a leftist see's no problem with their own kind being genocided and ethnically cleansed.

Just like they don't give two shits about the genocide of the khoisan by the bantu. After all, if blacks were genociding each other, how can you turn that into an anti-white rant and crusade?

>now, South Africa has some of the most liberal, equality laws in the world.
What a blatant fucking lie. Now south africa is one of the worst countries in the world
It's under a genocide risk watch, the whites are being looted and robbed, they live in gated fucking communities with 15 foot high walls with barbed wire and armed guards.

Crime is some of the highest in the world.
Why do liberals seem to be live in a dream world of their own? How can you go day to day and be so fucking out of touch with reality?

>and start arguing on behalf of gays for their rights.

What "rights" do faggots not have? The right to fuck strangers and parade in the street half naked? oh wait they have that.
The right to marry another faggot in a church? I don't remember that in the constitution.

>If it was the 50's, he would probably be for the outright murder of them.

"if if if he probably"

fucking liberals jesus...

>> No.2400558

>Sen byrd was in the KKK

The KKK was never a "racist" organization, any more then the NAACP is a "racist" organization.

If the NAACP is fine, and la raza is fine, then you must agree that a pro white organization like the KKK is also fine.

>> No.2400577


Dude, your so fucking retarded. Whites have the same goddamn rights as everybody else. Why don't you bitch about a problem that's real?

>> No.2400608

You are incorrect, whites do not have the same rights.

>> No.2400636
File: 53 KB, 600x400, kurt_vonnegut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my heart sunk when I discovered that Kurt Vonnegut was a liberal.

"There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind."

First off, there are TEN rules. Jesus wrote them and he didn't have to draw a picture of butthole to make them interesting.

Second of all, "be kind" to who? EVERYONE? That's socialism. Kindness should be at the mercy of the free market.

>> No.2401305
File: 29 KB, 600x600, tie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys first time on the /lit/ board.
Came to this thread because it had a pic of one of my favorite books. Read the OP, ok, sure, I definitely think Card lost his mind a little after Children of the Mind.
Do most /lit/ threads get trolled this much though? I thought this was one of the boards where people were civil and argued in good faith.

>> No.2401312
File: 114 KB, 600x528, welles_orson_gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I thought this was one of the boards where people were civil and argued in good faith.