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23985539 No.23985539 [Reply] [Original]

I keep seeing this book outside of /lit/, it seems to be very popular. I've had it on my shelf for a year now, is it worth reading?

>> No.23985547

It’s a glimpse into the future. You could’ve avoided this if you voted for President Harris.

>> No.23985548

Are you a woman with a rape / forced impregnation fantasy perchance?

>> No.23985553

It's an interesting take on what happened in Iran decades ago made palatable to the western audience. But most women who mention it haven't read it or don't understand why what happens in the novels isn't a possibility for us. It doesn't help that Atwood herself is fueling the flames. Also yeah it's for a lot of women a kink a la 50 shades of grey.

>> No.23985631

Popular usually means bad

>> No.23985742

It's fine. Genre slop but very over the top in an entertaining way. Hard to take seriously but a fun read despite the bleak topic

>> No.23985975

I read it as an instruction manual