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File: 46 KB, 667x1000, KantianHolyBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23972194 No.23972194 [Reply] [Original]

>intellektuelle Anschauung

>> No.23972216

Kant would despise you

>> No.23972236

We are good friends. We discuss metaphysics while my physical body sleeps.

>> No.23972243

That's not Kant. That's a lunar vampire using your psychic energy to power their army of subterranean golems.

>> No.23972246

If you're one of the regular Kant posters then you already know I'm not good at explaining Kant. If you are esoteric Kantian poster then the sort of hypothetical noumena knowing apparatus is likely something Kant derived from an Epicurean brain scrape. For all other Kant posters the convergence of states is always inevitable, this is method for creating more sophisticated judgements.

>> No.23972247

Maybe. But it seems like him to me.

>> No.23972252
File: 50 KB, 606x639, IMG_2042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sort of hypothetical noumena knowing apparatus is likely something Kant derived from an Epicurean brain scrape.

>> No.23972269
File: 18 KB, 636x348, derrida eats chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work related expenses. Like Kant's one pipe a day growing in size.

>> No.23972270

I'm struggling to remember our last conversation on it. You have sensibilists and the other camp, intellectualists or something like that, for Kant purposes most everyone finds their way into one group or another. Every so often everyone has to agree that sheer trial and error produces a result that neither can adequately account for. Something analogous to accidental rationality advocates for Hume.

>> No.23972271
File: 29 KB, 235x310, IntellekuellerAnschauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you are esoteric Kantian poster
you guys actually remember me? i haven't posted in months. i tried X for while but it's nowhere near as fun as here. maybe i'll start posting again idk. been going through one of my major depressive episodes so havn't been doin much reading or thinking. we'll see. maybe i'll switch to manic mode and start getting delusions of grandeur again and get insights and stuff.

>> No.23972272

God I wish smoking was normalized again. I just want to be able to smoke anywhere anytime.

>> No.23972274

i don't remember either. actually it's crazy how fast you start to forget stuff if you aren't constantly reading and discussing it. honestly i've been to tired to care lately. i just want know my immortal soul. that's it. everything else is secondary.

>> No.23972280

Well for what it's worth I would imagine X is awful, Twitter was always a shithole, maybe Elon made it better but I'm not going back. If this place burned you out that is understandable, perhaps just check in periodically and take the temperature. Thought speed can be maintained despite mood, energy required can vary. Neither necessarily produces better results.

>> No.23972292

Some thoughts remain the same with age as they do with immediacy, some thoughts progress, others regress. Never be afraid to test yourself, and always be fearless.

>> No.23972321

>157 cm

>> No.23972356

Height doesn't matter in metaphysics. Irrelevant and pleb-brained.

>> No.23973256

so it is with us americans, it is so crazy how after the 90s smoking did an about face in the face of society

>> No.23973749

what America are you living in? lol. smoking indoors is banned practically everywhere except your house if you own your own home.

>> No.23973755 [DELETED] 

the nyt just published an article about how seed oils are ummm aktually maybe good for you to own rfk jr so if rfk jr says smoking is bad they will probably say smoking is good to own the chuds.