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/lit/ - Literature

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2390608 No.2390608 [Reply] [Original]

how many books by a female author are on your shelf?

>> No.2390612


>> No.2390615

17 out of around 60

>> No.2390618

6 or 7

>> No.2390619


History has been unkind to women writers.

>> No.2390624
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I am completely serious.

>> No.2390629

Zero. But I am totally thinking of buying Como Agua Para Chocolate and Frankenstein.

>> No.2390632

At least 20. But it's out of more than 600.

>> No.2390635
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8 or 9 out of 200-300 books.

I should rectify this.

>> No.2390636

post shelf

>> No.2390638


>> No.2390641

13 out of 65.

>> No.2390643


I haven't found any of any interest whatsoever.

>> No.2390646

I will post pictures of my shelves some day. But I need to buy/borrow a camera first.

>> No.2390648
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Three. Virginia Woolf was awesome

>> No.2390654

My girlfriend reads Kelley Armstrong and she has an output of about seven books a week of shitty YA vampire fiction, so about 700 or so.

>> No.2390661
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Without going up and checking the paperback shelf, looking from here, sixteen.


>> No.2390657

3 and 1 as co-author plus 6 essay collections that definitely have some by women in them out of 87 (I may have a few more with female contributors that I haven't confirmed).

I'm not proud.

>> No.2390673
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>> No.2390697


>> No.2390701

One and it was for school...

>> No.2390705


>> No.2390707

12 visible to me right now. There might be more but I can't be bothered to look.

>> No.2390711

2, not including the various novels spread throughout anthologies.

>> No.2390716


I think The Fountainhead is on the floor somewhere though.

>> No.2390717

Lots. I have the complete collection of Agatha Christie's works.

>> No.2390720

On the small shelf above my computer alone, 11/36.

>> No.2390741

All of them. And I have a ton. All male authors project their ego through their writing which is bloated by their sex and privilege. Can't stand works written by male authors.

>> No.2390742

that doesn't include books by multiple authors where some are female

>> No.2390752

I have every book Margaret Atwood has ever written.

I'm not trolling.

>> No.2390788

Four of fifteen here at Uni. Two are Plath's poems and journals, one is a collection of Edna St. Vincent Millay, and the last is a Mary Pope Osbourne for the people in the rafters.

Back at home, I'd hazard a guess that maybe five percent of what I have was written by a woman. Honestly, most female authors these days are writing YA romance shit. The ones who aren't are working in television or, like KA Applegate, should be.

>> No.2390823

I know that this is a troll but I'm often gobsmacked by the cleverly-phrased but fundamentally DUMB Grand Statements on Life and Shit by male writers that have made their way into the canon seemingly on pure ballsiness - give me a more humble but less ridiculous and ego-driven domestic drama by one'a them unambitious, small-minded lady authors any day. Of course, you can always pick up a Franzen joint and get the worst of both worlds.

>> No.2390836

>e/lit/ists who say none should be ashamed because Frankenstein

>> No.2390849

the best is when some 15-year-old misogynist comes on /lit/ to make a thread about how no woman has ever written a readable book besides mary shelley and jk rowling. like, even if you're an aspie nerd who attributes his eternal virginity to the irrational, vapid nature of women, lrn2 some ursula leguin

>> No.2390854

The shelf in my dorm has seven books. Three of them are by women: The Bastard of Istanbul by Elif Shafak, An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison, and Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.

>> No.2390863

I have a lot of books by women: they're all Star Trek novels and Sharon Green "bondage barbarian sex slave" sword and sorcery novels though. I do have everything by Lizette Woodworth Reese though. Hell of a Poet

>> No.2390864
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Do short stories count?

>> No.2390873


Shirley Jackson was a great writer.

And for modern writers, Suzanna Clarke is one of the best prose stylists writing today.

>> No.2390877


Tell me more of these "bondage barbarian sex slave" novels of which you speak

>> No.2390886

One. Sylvia Plath's, The Bell Jar.

>> No.2390893

that's a good start

>> No.2390897
File: 50 KB, 284x475, sharon green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the seventies and eighties, a writer named Sharon Green wrote a bnch of "reverse Gor" novels. In pretty much all of them, a well-educated uperclass, fastidius, arrogant, whatever woman-the protagonist-- goes into a primitive male-dominated culture for some civilized reason. In a about a chapter and a half she's naked, bound, led around on a leash, lightly tortured and put through all concievable tyoes os sexual and social degradation, finds out she likes it, despiute of hating herself for liking it, blah blah blah, for the next four hundred pages or so, Very PC, as I'm sure you've guessed.

As this stuff goes, it's remarkably well written. Light-years beyond that Gor shit, I think women just write this kind of thing better than men, for some reason.

She's the Andre Norton of hard core barbarian rape fantasy.

>> No.2390905

It's obvious that women in general are not literally geniuses. Some are. Most are not. Get over it.

>> No.2390906

Hey, speaking of Le Guin, I've been meaning to start the Hainish Cycle, and I was wondering if I should read them chronologically, or the order in which they were published.

>> No.2390916

Same with men, though.

>> No.2390918

Complete Works - Jane Austen
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Mythology - Edith Hamilton
A Visit from the Goon Squad - Jennifer Egan
The Ethics of Ambiguity - Simone de Beauvoir

>> No.2390923


I've read a couple of these!
Weirdly, all her fans are women.
and they ARE pretty well written.

>> No.2390955

The first few Gor books were much better-written than the subsequent ones. Maybe not the first one.

>> No.2390982

There aren't many good movies created by women either. Women just aren't very creative.

>> No.2391003
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0 out 49

the second number will surely increase
the first one? I don't think so

>> No.2391019
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The Second Sex
Ethics of Ambiguity

>having Ayn Rand on your shelf

>> No.2391023

Ayn Rand is on my shelf as a reminder of what NOT to do.

And hey, does anyone here like Toni Morrison?
I really liked Beloved.

>> No.2391027


are there even women directing films? holy shit

>> No.2391033
File: 15 KB, 400x336, leniriefenstahl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Karen Bigelow is pretty awesome, you ignorant dick.

Leni Riefenstahl is considered one of the greatest, most pioneering directors of all time. shame about the nazi stuff

>> No.2391038


Kathryn Bigelow. Don't drink and post kids.

>> No.2391046

4 I think.

I can't stand female authors if i'm to be entirely honest. It's rare to find a female author who has a writing style that I don't find tedious.

>> No.2391055

A Pocket Style Manual~Diana Hacker
Oryx and Crake~Atwood
Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction ~Catherine Belsey

>> No.2391061

122, but that doesn't count the books by female authors I got from the library and read. Also doesn't count anthologies which probably include female authors in them.

The number has been increasing quite a bit lately, since I'm finding so many more female authors I'm interested in.

>> No.2391064

Oh, and that's out of about 700. So it's actually a sadly small percentage.

>> No.2391067
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mfw I know one of the authors on that list.

Cate Belsey is friends with my wife

>> No.2391068

7 of 80.

>> No.2391069
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>shame about the nazi stuff




>> No.2391072

Seems like 10% or so is the average percentage people here have of female authors in their libraries.

Honestly, seems like a decent number considering the huge dearth of female authors until the past couple of centuries.

>> No.2391081

Which sixteen are they?

>> No.2391083


Don;t assume you know anything about me you cunt.

>> No.2391094

Loads actually -

Scarlett Thomas
Val McDiarmid
Helene Cixous
Sara Paretsky
Immodesty Blaize
Sylvia Plath
Carol Anne Duffy
Edna St. Vincent Millais
Anna Akhmatova
Mary Shelley
Elizabeth Browning
George Eliot
Kathy Acker
Natsuo Kirino
Jane Austen
Isabel Allende
Zzzzzzelda Fitzgerald.

There are more, especially critical stuff, but I won't continue with the list. I'm boring myself.

>> No.2391096

I actually have 11. Most of them are fiction.

>> No.2391097

I have a self-help book, a book on writing, a cook-book, and that prize-winning book by Hertha Müller I can't recall the name of.

That's 4 books. I think that's like 0,00?% of my collection.

Sucks to be woman author in this bitch.

>> No.2391100

How many books do you have in total? I'm bad at math/percentages.

>> No.2391117


Actually I am going to continue. It may help me sleep, there are fucking loads of them here. I never realised.

Wendy Cope
PD James
Flannery O'Connor
Carson McCullers
Erica Jong
Julia Kristeva
Victoria Coren
Ursula LeGuin
Anita Brookner (all my hate, all of it)
Arundhati Roy
Iris Murdoch
Helen Zahavi
Christina Rosetti
Alice Walker
Anais Nin (fap fap fap)
is Harper Lee a woman's name?

I confirm myself as the most bitched out c/lit/ on this board, because even this isn't all of them.

>> No.2391126

Just made an estimation. Around 250, so not as many as I thought.

>> No.2391195

not including ebooks: 13.5 (one was a collaboration) out of 143. Nine were non-fiction and not sure if those count.

>> No.2391203
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Shit, four actually.

Pic Related.

>> No.2391248

I moved recently and never took my books out of storage. I've got about 60% of one shelf full now and out of 13 books, four are by women and one's edited by one: I Hotel by Karen Tei Yamashita, Daniel Deronda by George Eliot, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards, The Autograph Man by Zadie Smith, and The Best American Comics 2011 ed. Alison Bechdel.

>> No.2391268

In the spirit of >>2391094 & >>2391117, I'm doing mine too.

Isabel Allende
Sawako Ariyoshi
Ikuko Atsumi
Margaret Atwood
Jane Austen
Lilian Jackson Braun
Charlotte Bronte
Pearl S. Buck
Leonora Carrington
Angela Carter
Kate Chopin
Agatha Christie
Sandra Cisneros
Suzane Collins
Rebecca Copeland
Marguerite Duras
Fumiko Enchi
Elizabeth Gaskell
Shizuko Go
Hannah Green
PD James
Tove Jansson
Diana Wyne Jones
Anna Kava
Susana Kaysen
Natsuo Kirino
Satoko Kizaki
Aya Koda
Madeleine L'Engle
Ursula LeGuin
Clarice Lispector
Lois Lowry
Ooka Makota
Carson McCullers
Jan Morris
Kuniko Mukoda
Shikibu Murasaki
Audrey Niffenegger
Anais Nin

>> No.2391270

Yoko Ogawa
Kanoko Okamoto
Sylvia Plath
Cherie Priest
Anne Rice
comtesse de Ségur
Mary Shelley
Sei Shonagon
Muriel Spark
Wislawa Szymborska
Yukiko Tanaka
Olga Tokarczuk
Sakae Tsuboi
Yuko Tsushima
Chiyo Uno
Liliana Ursu
Edith Wharton
Virginia Woolfe
Hui Wu
Can Xue
Hong Xiao
Akiko Yosano
Banana Yoshimoto
Marguerite Yourcenar
Unica Zurn

and I also have various female author anthologies, mostly for Japanese women.

>> No.2391278

I have bechdel's fun home, and another one about some old lesbian lady who was put into a home and burned it down after being mistreated by a nurse (can't remember the name).

And then I harry plotter

>> No.2391288
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Yo bro, bitchfist.

gynolit 5eva

>> No.2391312

Female authors on my bookshelf as far as I remember:
Hilda Roderick Ellis Davidson
Margaret McMillan
Phyllis Grosskurth
Rozsa Peter
Marjane Satrapi
Betty Friedan
Susan Faludi
Susan Brownmiller
Barbara Ehrenreich
Margaret Mead
Carol Lay
Ursula LeGuin
Dorothy Parker
hmm probably more

>> No.2391314

Beauvoir - A Very Easy Death
Proulx - The Shipping News

And I'm pretty sure that's it. I just packed nearly all of my books into boxes for moving, so I can't really check.

>> No.2391353

fuck way to call me out op
the guns of august
the edible woman
an obscure french comic book

i'm a (i believe rational and kind) misogynist so this doesn't bother me that much but i admit to being a bit surprised

>> No.2391371

i don't have access to my full bookshelf right now. on the bookshelf i have with me - collected stries of lydia davis. second sex. some rosa luxemburg, can't recall what. a maria edgeworth bok. the human condition, hannah arendt. a bunch of other arendt stuff. oh a cathrynn m valente thing as well. i think that's it.

>> No.2391376

Possibly three or four, not counting anthologies. These were purchased as a necessity for my course. I would like to read a decent book by a woman, but I don't know of any that would appeal to me.

>> No.2391381

what appeals to you bud

>> No.2391385
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Eight so far.

I probably have twice that on my want list.

>> No.2391386

For real, tell us some of your favorite male authors or something. We could make this double as a recommendations thread.

>> No.2391392

whatd you think of eichmann

>> No.2391389

Have read:
Hannah Arendt's Eichamnn in Jerusalem
Naomi Klein's No Logo & The Shock Doctrine
Catherine Osborne's A Very Short Introduction to Presocratic Philosophy

Haven't read (but plan to):
The Relentless Revolution - Joyce Appleby
Stiff - Mary Roach
Freethinkers - Susan Jacoby

>> No.2391396

Ayn Rand

>> No.2391397

Man, if we're counting want lists, I have at least another 300 female authors I want to try out. And this thread is only making it worse.

>> No.2391401
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None of you guys claiming to have none have To Kill A Mockingbird? Nobody?

>> No.2391405

don't know what happened to my copy, it's been 9 or 10 years since i read it

>> No.2391408

0 womyn can't read for shit

>> No.2391411

it's in my parents' house somewhere

>> No.2391429
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Regarding Arendt: Was a I trolled by a RonPauler, is she some kind of half libertarian? I read something in this one collection book of mine where it says she was against integration of the public school system.

>> No.2391446

I have [like many others, I suspect] a copy of that with my old school library stickers and stamps all over it and shitty contact paper as a cover. It has to be the most stolen book from schools.

>> No.2391467
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About 75.

>> No.2391468


that was complicated. she was talking about civil rights and the fact that there should still be a right for ethnic groups like jews and blacks to have places just for them. but she took it back later.

>> No.2391469


Good, worth reading. It's more historical take on things then character study & analysis of fascist thinking then i would have liked.

>> No.2391476

She's not at all a libertarian, nor was she a racist, but she was opposed to the integration of the school system for... deeply idiosyncratic reasons that probably seemed justified at the time. It certainly wasn't because she was a racist or for the reasons that Southerners were opposed to school integration. It has more to do with questions about assimiliation and cultural identity, questions which were closer to her as a Jew. If you want something about her views on race, I think one of the essays in Crises Of The Republic touches on the subject. Or you could just read her piece on integration, "reflections on little rock".

Arendt isn't easy to pin down as a thinker, but she's definitely not a libertarian.

>> No.2391485

haha, i wasn't asking for a recommendation, i'm a total arendt nerd and was wondering what your thoughts were. i think there are elements of character study there, fascinating elements of what arendt felt was important about eichmann's character, at least. if you really want an analysis of fascist thought, then Origins Of Totalitarianism will probably provide you with more than you actually wanted. great book, though.

>> No.2391491
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I see now.
Really looking forward to reading it. Thanks.

>> No.2391506

oops, that's how this thing works ^ haha

Thanks for the recommendation "Origins Of Totalitarianism" I will check it out.

>> No.2391515 [DELETED] 

>"reflections on little rock".
Have it. And thanks to you too. I knew she must have been smarter than that, but I just had to ask.

...Must resist starting on ANOTHER book! Arrg

>> No.2391520
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>"reflections on little rock".
Have it. And thanks to you too. I knew she must have been smarter than that, but I just had to ask.

....Must resist starting on ANOTHER book! Arrg

>> No.2391528

Be aware it's really, really long, and a lot of it seems like it has... uhh... almost no relevance to the question at hand - about 2/3 of the book is taken up with examinations of the historical structure and ideological basis of anti-Semitism and Imperialism. It turns out that Arendt thinks these things were absolutely essential for the formation of totalitarian fascist ideologies, but she is fairly exhaustive in her discussion of them.

>> No.2391533

Which is probably the kind of thing that got her to oppose school integration in the first place. heh

>> No.2391635

cba counting them

>> No.2391650

i counted 24, but it's almost all genre shit. the fuck is wrong with you dude

>> No.2391658
File: 1.14 MB, 260x146, whatthehell-e61-c90.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Changeover: A Supernatural Romance
Mahy, Margaret
5 of 5 stars

>> No.2391663

>genre shit
Care to explain?
Also, that list is fast from complete, only books I own a copy of and the ten-odd I was able to remember.

>> No.2391669

Have you read it? Despite the title, it's a very good young adult short novel.

>> No.2391689

ITT: Sheeple

>> No.2391703

How? Because everyone is answering the question, or what?

>> No.2391708


>> No.2391710

He unironically called people "sheeple", i think you can safely ignore anything he says

>> No.2391728

I think they posted in the wrong thread.

>> No.2391732

One Maya Angelou book and Simone De Bouvoir's autobiography, neither of which I've gotten around to reading. So about .5% of my books were written by female authors.

>> No.2392751


>> No.2392763

One. Lisa Randall.

Out of 70.

>> No.2392768

harper lee
jk rowling
virginia woolf

thats it

>> No.2392786


>> No.2392795

Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird
Virginia Woolf - To the Lighthouse
Virginia Woolf - Mrs. Dalloway
Mary Shelley - Frankenstein

umm... that's it. I've read more than that -- some stuff by Toni Morrison, Emily Dickinson, Margaret Atwood, Ursula K Le Guin, Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, George Eliot, etc. -- but I hated most of it.

>> No.2392796

A hundred and fifty or so.

>> No.2392797


It was a gift from my brother.
He is now sleeping six feet under.

>> No.2392802

Oh, and I like Patty Highsmith, but don't own any of her books.

>> No.2392803

>reading stuff you hate just to be able to say you read it

i seriously hope you guys aren't this pretentious

>> No.2392807

I didn't start reading with the expectation/intention that I was going to hate them.

>> No.2392819

I'm going to by the fountainhead. does that count?

>> No.2392821

but you kept reading them even though you hated it

>> No.2392823

that was written by a man so no.

>> No.2392888

just one, Anne fucking rice

>> No.2392966
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Exactly three:

The Dispossessed
A Wizard of Earthsea

The rest are by white men.